Tenacity's Pictures (View and Post Opinions)


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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What exercises does your friend do?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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I was just doing some more reading up on this, and it could very WELL be the fact that losing the significant amount of weight that I did created problems with my gall bladder. Another thing that the Internet Fitness Community NEVER talks about.

So here you go, doing the right thing with your life by eating right and exercising. You stick to the damn program and you take the weight off. But in the process, it fvcks up your gallbladder and creates gallstones.

Fvcking unbelievable. And the fact is you don't see this talked about anywhere, not on here, not on BB.com, anywhere.
Very easy fix for that. I've done this several times. The amount of stones and crap that gets flushed out was astonishing...filled the toilet bowl the first time. Basically gallbladder removal is completely unnecessary in the vast majority of cases. You can simply do this every few weeks until it's back to normal.



Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Flys are a bad exercise.

- They put the biceps and shoulder joint under tremendous strain which is bad in itself and directly connects to the next point
- They aren't really a chest exercise because that's not where the most tension is, and that's the reason why you can't load up as much on flyes as presses in the first place. The hardest work is on the biceps, anterior deltoid and a small muscle called the coracobrachialis. This makes them bad both because they are not really a chest exercise and because the chest will be stimulated even less due to the lesser weight
- Guys don't rotate their shoulder internally when doing flyes which is one of the functions of the chest and puts it in a better position to work

Check this clip out. You can also search his channel for diet stuff.
I hate flys...it destroys my one shoulder. I definitely have some type of physiological issue going on with my right shoulder because things bother that one that don't bother my left...either way flys don't do a lot anyway...I much prefer weighted dips


Jun 23, 2014
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Wanted to update this thread.

So it's now July 18th, 2016 and I've been going strong on my eating plan/exercise plan since April of 2015. This is over 14 months of a good consistent eating and exercise plan, the most consistent I've ever been with this in my life. As you guys know from watching this thread, my 6 pack came in during July 2015. I went "bald" in October of 2015 which looks way better, I'm looking at adding tattoos.

But I wanted to talk to some guys on here ask some questions about going forward.

- I'm thinking of doing something like a week or so where I just take a break off the exercise plan and eating plan, and just eat whatever I want during those 7 days.

- I wanted to ask you guys a question on perhaps supplements I can take to add more tonality and size? Tonality is first, I have to remain toned, I don't want to be "buff" and lose tonality in the process. I don't know if creatine would work with this, I tried creatine one time in the pass and I felt that it made me "buff" without the tonality. It was almost like I was getting FAT. But maybe I did something wrong?


Jun 23, 2014
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Guys I wanted to update this thread.

So I'm currently going though some reinvention processes with my Career side and also starting the same on my personal side, which includes fitness related aspects.

I achieved my goal here which was to finally see my 6 pack and be able to take shirtless pics, send them out to women/put them on social media, and women talk about how "hot" I look. It's been great since about a year ago in July 2015, when my "6 pack" officially came in.

But now I need to do some reinvention and redirection going forward. I'm going to be taking the rest of the month off from working out as well as my eating plan. I won't be "pigging out" but I will mainly be eating whatever I want until the end of the month.

As I reboot, I'm going to be looking at the following:

- How to solve my stomach issues which are coming DIRECTLY from my eating plan. I don't think it's the meat because I would take that same meat and "fry it" on a cheat day, and have no issues with it. It's either the protein shake, or something going on with my oven that's causing it. I have to figure out what this is.

- I will look to keep the same "toned" look but I want to be BIGGER with it. I got very small to get to the look I have/had, but going forward I want to get bigger with it while maintaining the same toned look. I would love any ideas on how to achieve this.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Curious Tenacity,

Do you ever drink Soda?

I know it's about time I go on a diet regimen like you. I've always been skinny but never had the 6 pack.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Guys I wanted to update this thread.

So I'm currently going though some reinvention processes with my Career side and also starting the same on my personal side, which includes fitness related aspects.

I achieved my goal here which was to finally see my 6 pack and be able to take shirtless pics, send them out to women/put them on social media, and women talk about how "hot" I look. It's been great since about a year ago in July 2015, when my "6 pack" officially came in.

But now I need to do some reinvention and redirection going forward. I'm going to be taking the rest of the month off from working out as well as my eating plan. I won't be "pigging out" but I will mainly be eating whatever I want until the end of the month.

As I reboot, I'm going to be looking at the following:

- How to solve my stomach issues which are coming DIRECTLY from my eating plan. I don't think it's the meat because I would take that same meat and "fry it" on a cheat day, and have no issues with it. It's either the protein shake, or something going on with my oven that's causing it. I have to figure out what this is.

- I will look to keep the same "toned" look but I want to be BIGGER with it. I got very small to get to the look I have/had, but going forward I want to get bigger with it while maintaining the same toned look. I would love any ideas on how to achieve this.
Shakes cause bloat on some of us. I simply replace it with quality protein sources such as chicken or fish. Also you can be getting more sodium than you think you are.


Jun 23, 2014
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Shakes cause bloat on some of us. I simply replace it with quality protein sources such as chicken or fish. Also you can be getting more sodium than you think you are.
I've been experimenting and after my analysis....it seems like it's coming from my oven. I have a GE XL 44 oven in my apartment, it's a gas oven, anybody know how this is causing it?

I have come down to the oven due to the following:

- There's no medical condition going on that's causing it

- When I FRY the same pack of meat there's no issues. So it's can't be the meat.

- I've been on the same protein shake for a couple of years now, even before I started "eating right" by cooking at home. I've never had these issues. I've even now gone as far to eliminate the protein shake entirely for a couple of days and...........

Would only eat from the baked meat from the oven. And what do you know....stomach is going crazy.

Either I'm not cooking the meat right or the oven is causing the issue. I'm not sure how I could NOT be cooking the meat right, it comes out well-done, sometimes even too well-done. So it's not like it's uncooked. It looks like there's something going on within the oven that I'm unaware of, during the cooking/baking process, that's causing these issues?

What I'm going to try now is bringing in something like a George Foreman Grill to cook the meat in. If the problem continues after THAT, then I'm just going to go back to buying baked chicken meals from restaurants like Boston Market like I was doing before. Fvck it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I've been experimenting and after my analysis....it seems like it's coming from my oven. I have a GE XL 44 oven in my apartment, it's a gas oven, anybody know how this is causing it?

I have come down to the oven due to the following:

- There's no medical condition going on that's causing it

- When I FRY the same pack of meat there's no issues. So it's can't be the meat.

- I've been on the same protein shake for a couple of years now, even before I started "eating right" by cooking at home. I've never had these issues. I've even now gone as far to eliminate the protein shake entirely for a couple of days and...........

Would only eat from the baked meat from the oven. And what do you know....stomach is going crazy.

Either I'm not cooking the meat right or the oven is causing the issue. I'm not sure how I could NOT be cooking the meat right, it comes out well-done, sometimes even too well-done. So it's not like it's uncooked. It looks like there's something going on within the oven that I'm unaware of, during the cooking/baking process, that's causing these issues?

What I'm going to try now is bringing in something like a George Foreman Grill to cook the meat in. If the problem continues after THAT, then I'm just going to go back to buying baked chicken meals from restaurants like Boston Market like I was doing before. Fvck it.
Might be the meat itself. I personally don't even drink shakes anymore. If I want a good protein source I use chicken breast and if I want a super good protein source I use salmon or trout.

Perhaps your chicken is processed in china or something.


Jun 23, 2014
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Hey guys, wanted to bump this thread. So this first part of the year has been VERY STRESSFUL and it's caused me to fall off of my exercising program and my healthy eating schedule.

- I just added another full time position in Commercial Finance, if at plan I will hit $150k a year from this position alone. But on the side of this, I'm still doing my prior position which averages about 20 - 30 hours a week. So we are talking a solid 60 hours per week of STRESS right now.

- I'm still managing my investment portfolio, moving more heavily into Index Funds right now.

- Women (if you guys have been following my other threads) have been stressing me the hell out lol. I bought in the year of 2017 with a plate that was on GREAT behavior leading up to NYE, then on NYE, the chick starts acting an a.ss which means I bring in this year in STRESS.

So as a result of all of this, since late December until now, I haven't been on my exercise schedule like I used to and I've been eating more bad food, causing me to be off that schedule.

I'm looking to get back on the path here. I'm not FAT or anything and my 6 pack is more like a 4 pack now lol, but I can get it back. Just wanted to update this because we all FALL OFF sometime.


Jun 23, 2014
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I wanted to bump this thread and continue my discussion here for all my fitness related goals.

So I have been thinking about going a different route. I've been maintaining my lean/mean frame and I got down to about 167lbs (without clothes) with the 6 pack showing and a good toned frame as most of you know.

But I was wondering if I should change it up a bit? I was looking to maybe get up to no bigger than 175 - 180 but have a bigger, more muscular, frame. But I have no idea how to get there.

Do some of you guys like Espi, Marmel, Legend, etc., know how I can get there? I've seen some guys who are like 230 - 240 lbs, ripped and toned with bulk, but they are eating all sorts of garbage literally all of the time (burgers, pizza, etc.). I don't understand how they are able to do that while still being ripped? I asked them if they are "juicing" and of course they said NO, but who knows?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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I've seen some guys who are like 230 - 240 lbs, ripped and toned with bulk, but they are eating all sorts of garbage literally all of the time (burgers, pizza, etc.). I don't understand how they are able to do that while still being ripped? I asked them if they are "juicing" and of course they said NO, but who knows?
They're juicing dude.

Peoples' sense of how big you "should" or can be gets inflated by amateur and professional juicers with big egos who don't want to admit to juicing, let alone the extent of the effect it has.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
My opinion is, "You cannot out-train a bad diet."

Even on steroids, diet, consistency, and hard work are required. You don't simply inject the needle and eat McDonald's/dogshiat and expect extraordinary bulk and leanness.

My experience being on steroids and TRT: Educated, commonsensical, and moderate use of steroids, coupled with clean diet and intense training, will lead to extraordinary physical and emotional results.

250 mg./8 weeks on testosterone cypionate, injected 1x per week, yielded great results for me, but I still had to work hard and eat clean.
Ever thought about GH injections?


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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My opinion is, "You cannot out-train a bad diet."

Even on steroids, diet, consistency, and hard work are required. You don't simply inject the needle and eat McDonald's/dogshiat and expect extraordinary bulk and leanness.

My experience being on steroids and TRT: Educated, commonsensical, and moderate use of steroids, coupled with clean diet and intense training, will lead to extraordinary physical and emotional results.

250 mg./8 weeks on testosterone cypionate, injected 1x per week, yielded great results for me, but I still had to work hard and eat clean.
Hodgetwins disagree.

They are eating crap 365 and are big and lean AF


Jun 23, 2014
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My opinion is, "You cannot out-train a bad diet."

Even on steroids, diet, consistency, and hard work are required. You don't simply inject the needle and eat McDonald's/dogshiat and expect extraordinary bulk and leanness.

My experience being on steroids and TRT: Educated, commonsensical, and moderate use of steroids, coupled with clean diet and intense training, will lead to extraordinary physical and emotional results.

250 mg./8 weeks on testosterone cypionate, injected 1x per week, yielded great results for me, but I still had to work hard and eat clean.
Espi, yes, these guys I know are eating horribly, I mean they are eating the processed garbage of pizza, fried chicken, etc., like every day and seemingly a TON of it.

And they are big, bulky, and toned up. I swear, I can post their Facebook pages to you in a PM so they don't come up in Search Engines. They claim they aren't juicing but they have to be doing something because that makes no damn sense.

Maybe the opposite of what we've been taught is true? Maybe you CAN eat fvcked up while looking like MR. OLYMPIA at the same time?

Hodgetwins disagree.

They are eating crap 365 and are big and lean AF
Yes, they are another example!

The dudes I'm referencing are just as big, bulky, and cut like these guys are. Look how horrible they eat Espi. Processed garbage, all day long.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Most mma fighters I knew ate garbage, just because they were young and stupid, but they were usually ripped from the fight training. You can out-cardio a bad diet if you do enough high-intensity training, but we didn't bulk up doing it. Fighters are mostly skinny. If you are going for bulk, I don't think you can out-power lift a bad diet, but that is just a guess and not my area of expertise.