POF women are flakes

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Do you have evidence of this? If you do, bring it forward? I tell you what. Let's trade pics via PM, and let us see which of us is the lonely, pot-belly sitting in an apartment alleging to be whoever. I am calling you out. Are you game princess?
#1 How would I have evidence that you are not who you say you are? You are asking me to prove a negative. What a stupid thing to say.

#2 You missed the plot again. I'm not the one "alleging to be whoever." Show me where I claimed some sort of authority on women or OLD? I simply called YOU out because I smell another rat in you and I'm not alone in that. That's why I'm not going to get into a **** measuring pic war with you in a PM, because I'm not making any claims about myself that should be proven. But @Tenacity has indeed seen pictures of me, if you really want to you can ask him what I'm doing with my life.

#3 Princess? That's clever. Does anyone else notice how the chest beaters utterly fly off the wall when they get called on their bs? I was embroiled in a 3 month long feud with a guy who beats women and got fired over his ex because I called bs when he claimed he was dating 15 girls per week. Another resident chest beater just engaged in a character assassination with a 17 year old last week. Let's clarify something here, nobody doing as well as you claim to be is this thin-skinned. You people cling to your SoSuave cred to an unhealthy level.


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
#1 How would I have evidence that you are not who you say you are? You are asking me to prove a negative. What a stupid thing to say.

#2 You missed the plot again. I'm not the one "alleging to be whoever." Show me where I claimed some sort of authority on women or OLD? I simply called YOU out because I smell another rat in you and I'm not alone in that. That's why I'm not going to get into a **** measuring pic war with you in a PM, because I'm not making any claims about myself that should be proven. But @Tenacity has indeed seen pictures of me, if you really want to you can ask him what I'm doing with my life.

#3 Princess? That's clever. Does anyone else notice how the chest beaters utterly fly off the wall when they get called on their bs? I was embroiled in a 3 month long feud with a guy who beats women and got fired over his ex because I called bs when he claimed he was dating 15 girls per week. Another resident chest beater just engaged in a character assassination with a 17 year old last week. Let's clarify something here, nobody doing as well as you claim to be is this thin-skinned. You people cling to your SoSuave cred to an unhealthy level.
That's what I thought princess. When you are ready to trade pics and know who you are speaking with instead of making baseless claims, come see me. Until then, stfu.


That's what I thought princess. When you are ready to trade pics and know who you are speaking with instead of making baseless claims, come see me. Until then, stfu.
Is princess what they called you when you went away to the slammer for committing a Ponzi scheme? It's nice to know you sat on pins and needles and were able to reply within seconds after I disappeared from the thread for 6 hours.

You're a joke and no we're impressed by con artists. Anybody can rob a bank at gunpoint and then claim to be a millionaire :lol::rofl:


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
I called you out and you ran from my challenge.

Keyboard jockeying will not help your predicament. Neither will hiding behind a screen. I'm here whenever you have the balls to step up, show who you are, and be a man.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
If you want a true gauge of your own SMV, look at your last three plates, and take the average. This is your SMV.
Exactly. Your value is ONLY what you can get on the market. Not what you think it is based on some arbitrary standards.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
Exactly. Your value is ONLY what you can get on the market. Not what you think it is based on some arbitrary standards.
This only really applies to OLD, and which is why most guys are really behind the eight ball there. The women screed through an endless supply of males, and oh how they love to shop. I've seen woman at supermarkets before spending half an hour deciding what brand of toothpaste to go with.

Now compare this to the cold/ warm approach. First, you decide whether to bother, then you dazzle them with your sparkling personality and wit to get a date later if not there and then. In this day and age, I reckon it essential for men to learn these skills. Authentic masculine energy can cut through a lot.


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
Legend then why is the woman still single? Why isn't she married and committed to one of them?
Non-sequitur. Just because a girl has 1000+ options does not translate to her being taken.

If you really cannot comprehend why, I'll help:

1) She wants to have fun and date, not looking for a serious relation;

2) She is a headcase, so anyone she chooses uses her as a "toy," like me :D; or

3) She is picky, and is looking for a specific type of guy. Some high-value or compatible men will not like her, and others she will not like. I've noticed with some hot women, it could take 2-3 years of consistent dating, before they find one man who is interested enough in her and who she is interested in. That could translate into hundreds of dates before exclusivity ... kind of like you (but without the exclusivity)!

Tenacity said:
So she will PLAY GAMES, like I have been saying, you have just identified a DIFFERENT game they play other than the manipulation game I was pointing out. The bytches play all sorts of games, not just one.

But Legend it seems as though you are endorsing her playing games? You are telling guys to try to become her TOP 2 guys not the BOTTOM 2 guys? Why in the hell would a guy want to "IMPROVE" as you say....just to be a part of this WARPED universe and WARPED game that this bytch has going on?

Explain that......

No, they don't play games with me, they just (according to you) put me as one of their TOP 2 guys while they rotate their bottom 2 guys on the side. Yep....sure sounds like a HIGH QUALITY woman to me! Sure sounds like a chick I would want to "IMPROVE" myself to cater to.
You've been on this site for 2.5 years, and you still don't understand women?

ALL beautiful women ("Women") will maintain primary, secondary, and sometimes tertiary options. The less attractive don't have such scales, as their pool of interested men is limited. This sexual strategy (SS) among Women, albeit unconscious, does not make high or low quality, it makes them human. The SS is not conscious game, as "game" is a conscious process; rather SS is an unconscious, biological mechanism designed for women to select their best mate from whom to procreate with. If her top guy fails, she has immediately available back-up options vying for her attention and commitment. Hence, where "spinning plates" originated. Woman are natural plate-spinners. We, men, need to be taught to spin plates.

When you say that women are flakey, those specific women are flakey to you. But to a higher-value or more compatible male, she will neither flake nor play games. You are obfuscating bad behavior with IL. Where IL is high, she will be a trooper. Where the IL is low, she will give you some attention, but will never follow through in any communications or plans. Understand this distinction, and operate accordingly.

Further, in some cases, value has little to do with her attraction for you. Women have different types, just as we do. So although you could even be better looking than a specific girl or a millionaire, if you are not her type, she will not play ball. No man is attractive to every woman.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

Stay right there....because we are going to continue to break this down.....

Non-sequitur. Just because a girl has 1000+ options does not translate to her being taken.
No, listen to me Legend. If the woman is a high quality woman, in my opinion (based on traditional definitions of quality) the woman would seek out GOOD MEN and once she finds one, she would commit to him. That's based on the traditional definitions of high quality women, which I base MY definition of high quality on.

In this "new" market of feminist/gynocentric women, they don't commit to GOOD MEN, they instead play games, manipulate, and use them for various aspects such as free entertainment, free dyck, free laughs, free social proofs, or (insert other stuff here that only benefits her).

1) She wants to have fun and date, not looking for a serious relation;

Then she's not high quality and thus, you shouldn't be trying to tell guys to IMPROVE to fit into the warped universe and games that this LOW QUALITY chick is playing.

2) She is a headcase, so anyone she chooses uses her as a "toy," like me :D; or
Then she's not high quality and thus, you shouldn't be trying to tell guys to IMPROVE to fit into the warped universe and games that this LOW QUALITY chick is playing.

3) She is picky, and is looking for a specific type of guy.
So 2,000 guys in her inbox a month and not ONE of those guys fit her criteria Legend? Not one??

I've noticed with some hot women, it could take 2-3 years of consistent dating, before they find one man who is interested enough in her and who she is interested in.
And that's extreme Legend. The chick is out of her mind. 2 - 3 years is insane and extreme, WHY are you telling guys to "improve" to try to fit into this insanity Legend??

ALL beautiful women ("Women") will maintain primary, secondary, and sometimes tertiary options.
NO, this NEW MARKET of feminist/gynocentric women will do this insane, stupid, warped shyt. This is NOT what women were doing 50 years ago.

You act as if this INSANITY that we are dealing with today is some biological nature of women, it's not! It's a result of extreme feminist/gynocentric bullshyt that's destroying relations and turning MEN into sub-ordinate pvssy-whipped "males" who are playing into HER frame, playing in HER field, and playing by HER rules.

Women were not operating with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th options 50 years ago! The chick got out of high school and got MARRIED and gave her LIFE to 1 SOLID GUY. ONE guy, NOT 4!

When you say that women are flakey, those specific women are flakey to you. But to a higher-value or more compatible male, she will neither flake nor play games.
You have completely LOST all of your soul Legend as a MAN. You are completely and utterly OPERATING in this new feminist/gynocentric bytch's FRAME and playing according to HER RULES.

Tenacity doesn't do that! Her rules, her frame, her games, are bullshyt! I'm not participating in it. I'm not supporting it. I'm going against it and if a bytch doesn't want to FVCK me because of it....then FVCK her.

THIS is why we have lost our country to these feminist/gynocentric bytches! We don't fight back! We just TAKE whatever stupid, extreme, insane bullshyt these bytches throw out and we try to FIT, mode, and integrate into the shyt instead of saying NOOOOOO.....it's not GOING that way!


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
No, listen to me Legend. If the woman is a high quality woman, in my opinion (based on traditional definitions of quality) the woman would seek out GOOD MEN and once she finds one, she would commit to him. That's based on the traditional definitions of high quality women, which I base MY definition of high quality on.
Then you are truly seeking a mythical unicorn. Women will explore all options until they settle. They are not seeking "Good men." They are seeking men to whom they are most attracted, which often are men with higher (or equal ) SMV. If you seek otherwise, you will continue receiving disappointment.

Why can't you just accept that such a quality woman as you define does not exist, and understand/appreciate women for who they are. You really need to surrender this Disney ideal.

Tenacity said:
In this "new" market of feminist/gynocentric women, they don't commit to GOOD MEN, they instead play games, manipulate, and use them for various aspects such as free entertainment, free dyck, free laughs, free social proofs, or (insert other stuff here that only benefits her).
It's true that some women intentionally, overtly, and shamelessly use men. Just stay away from those women.

When I meet women, I don't pull out my occupation card for at least a few dates, although when a girl sees my pad/car, I am well aware that she may still see the "Golden Goose." But am I not doing the same thing diametrically? Would I date her if she didn't turn heads everywhere she went? She is being used as much as I am being used. It's a value for value exchange. Notice, that this value exchange is not conscious. I don't consciously think "I'm going to use this girl for her looks." I just think, "She is beautiful and I want her!"

Tenacity said:
Then she's not high quality and thus, you shouldn't be trying to tell guys to IMPROVE to fit into the warped universe and games that this LOW QUALITY chick is playing.
We already discussed the mythical unicorn above. Adjust your expectations. Your defined quality women does not exist.
Tenacity said:
So 2,000 guys in her inbox a month and not ONE of those guys fit her criteria Legend? Not one??
In one of the OLD sites, last month, I got a little under 100 unsolicited emails. Out of 100 emails:
  • One 8
  • One 6.5
  • 98 with looks below par

I could only reasonably date the 8, which is 1% of the incoming.

Now let's take this to a hot woman's inbox:
  • 2000 e-mails;
  • 20 datable prospects
Out of 20 datable prospect between the email exchange, or potential successive text exchange, we can infer that maybe 50% may translate into dates, or 10 dates.

So she could date 10 men this month--or date one or two men, and leave the eight as backup options.

Tenacity said:
And that's extreme Legend. The chick is out of her mind. 2 - 3 years is insane and extreme, WHY are you telling guys to "improve" to try to fit into this insanity Legend??
Dating for 2-3 years without exclusivity is a bad thing? Have you not being dating for 6 years with no exclusivity? Does this mean you are insane, not "quality," and should not be taken seriously--or--does it mean you are very selective and choose not to become exclusive with just any girl. I'd venture to guess the former :D

Tenacity said:
NO, this NEW MARKET of feminist/gynocentric women will do this insane, stupid, warped shyt. This is NOT what women were doing 50 years ago.
Stop the whining. Transcend, adapt.

Tenacity said:
You act as if this INSANITY that we are dealing with today is some biological nature of women, it's not! It's a result of extreme feminist/gynocentric bullshyt that's destroying relations and turning MEN into sub-ordinate pvssy-whipped "males" who are playing into HER frame, playing in HER field, and playing by HER rules.
You only play into her frame, if you allow yourself to. YOU are in control of whose frame you enter.

Tenacity said:
Women were not operating with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th options 50 years ago! The chick got out of high school and got MARRIED and gave her LIFE to 1 SOLID GUY. ONE guy, NOT 4!
Seems like you are looking for comfort, refuge, and the Disney "happily ever after." Get over it. Understand the market, adapt, and evolve. To sit here for 2.5 years complaining about the same thing is insanity. You are insane.

Tenacity said:
You have completely LOST all of your soul Legend as a MAN. You are completely and utterly OPERATING in this new feminist/gynocentric bytch's FRAME and playing according to HER RULES.
You operate within HER rules, as YOU are the one sneering and affected. I freely operate unencumbered by rules, not blindsided by a unicorn ideal which does not exist. You are the chump that can easily be manipulated once a girl contrives herself to be the "quality" unicorn. While you get hypnotized by her machination, I laugh. Who's truly susceptible to her frame and machination?

Tenacity said:
Tenacity doesn't do that! Her rules, her frame, her games, are bullshyt! I'm not participating in it. I'm not supporting it. I'm going against it and if a bytch doesn't want to FVCK me because of it....then FVCK her.

THIS is why we have lost our country to these feminist/gynocentric bytches! We don't fight back! We just TAKE whatever stupid, extreme, insane bullshyt these bytches throw out and we try to FIT, mode, and integrate into the shyt instead of saying NOOOOOO.....it's not GOING that way!
Go postal and just get it over with already.
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Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Then you are truly seeking a mythical unicorn. Women will explore all options until they settle. They are not seeking "Good men." They are seeking men to whom they are most attracted, which often are men with higher (or equal ) SMV. If you seek otherwise, you will continue receiving disappointment.

Why can't you just accept that such a quality woman as you define does not exist, and understand/appreciate women for who they are. You really need to surrender this Disney ideal..
If women are exploring the best options and pick the best option for them then they are picking the best option for them. Not "settling".

It's true that some women intentionally, overtly, and shamelessly use men. Just stay away from those women.

When I meet women, I don't pull out my occupation card for at least a few dates, although when a girl sees my pad/car, I am well aware that she may still see the "Golden Goose." But am I not doing the same thing diametrically? Would I date her if she didn't turn heads everywhere she went? She is being used as much as I am being used. It's a value for value exchange. Notice, that this value exchange is not conscious. I don't consciously think "I'm going to use this girl for her looks." I just think, "She is beautiful and I want her!"..
You tell Tenacity to stay away from women who would use you then excuse yourself when the same women you use for their looks may be using you as their "golden goose". Might as well have told him if a woman is going to use you for your value, use them for their looks. Just because some dude may have tons of cash doesn't mean he's automatically going to get the tops in looks out of women when those same women looking for tops in earning could get a dude with the same or even more money who's better looking, has more in common with them etc. Or she is extremely insecure and needs to "date down" to the level she feels she is inside no matter her looks.

We already discussed the mythical unicorn above. Adjust your expectations. Your defined quality women does not exist.

In one of the OLD sites, last month, I got a little under 100 unsolicited emails. Out of 100 emails:
  • One 8
  • One 6.5
  • 98 with looks below par

I could only reasonably date the 8, which is 1% of the incoming.

Now let's take this to a hot woman's inbox:
  • 2000 e-mails;
  • 20 datable prospects
Out of 20 datable prospect between the email exchange, or potential successive text exchange, we can infer that maybe 50% may translate into dates, or 10 dates.

So she could date 10 men this month--or date one or two men, and leave the eight as backup options.
So as far as "value" you got 98 who aren't attractive. One meh. And one 8. An 8 who needs to use OLD. To which you "screened" based off her being an "8". 1% "success" with an 8 who needs to use OLD no less.

Dating for 2-3 years without exclusivity is a bad thing? Have you not being dating for 6 years with no exclusivity? Does this mean you are insane, not "quality," and should not be taken seriously--or--does it mean you are very selective and choose not to become exclusive with just any girl. I'd venture to guess the former :D

Stop the whining. Transcend, adapt.

You only play into her frame, if you allow yourself to. YOU are in control of whose frame you enter.

Seems like you are looking for comfort, refuge, and the Disney "happily ever after." Get over it. Understand the market, adapt, and evolve. To sit here for 2.5 years complaining about the same thing is insanity. You are insane.

You operate within HER rules, as YOU are the one sneering and affected. I freely operate unencumbered by rules, not blindsided by a unicorn ideal which does not exist. You are the chump that can easily be manipulated once a girl contrives herself to be the "quality" unicorn. While you get hypnotized by her machination, I laugh. Who's truly susceptible to her frame and machination?

Go postal and just get it over with already.
Transcend and adapt to have a 1% "success" rate based simply off a chick being an 8 who uses OLD no less?

Tenacity. Become rich, tops in looks, physique, social status etc. And while you're at it become a white male, make sure you have your legs lengthened so you become over 6ft so you too can have a 1% "success" rate with an 8 who uses OLD like Guru.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
It's going to get worse as we continue along this Gynocentric market path.

You are going to see the rise of more OLD sites like POF and OKC, due to the popularity of more and more women going into these websites for participation.

The bulk of these women will play the Manipulation game as I pointed out (or as you referenced, have you play into her frame) and you will end up spinning wheels and NEVER truly finding anything serious.

The issue gets even bigger because let's say you meet a chick at Wendy's, she might have an Online profile somewhere (like POF or even a Tinder) and treat you at Wendy's in the same rotational fashion that she treats the guys who on are in her Inbox.

The market is getting worse by the day. The online fast food dating environment has turned the already feminist/gynocentric world we operate in, into an even MORE fvcked up universe.

Again, you don't have to take my word on this. Test out the manipulation game theory I stated above and then go out and just study more relationship dynamics. It's getting WORSE not better.

You guys can listen to people like Legend all you want to, talking about "improve to the Top 1% male" and everything falls in line. Or you can do this research for YOURSELF and come to the SAME conclusions I've come to. I don't back up my commentary just through my "opinions", these are FACTS based on actual, real, market analysis.
This is why all men should not use OLD. or if they do all men should never contact any women

Force them to contact you. Force them to change. Force them to face rejection. It will force women to change


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
If women are exploring the best options and pick the best option for them then they are picking the best option for them. Not "settling".
Could not a best option be a settle? For example in your situation, you have mostly 5 and a few 6s that vie for your attention, so your best option is a 6. Although you want a 7, you have to settle for a 6. They don't teach capitalization and logic in elementary school?

IlliterateVolt said:
You tell Tenacity to stay away from women who would use you then excuse yourself when the same women you use for their looks may be using you as their "golden goose". Might as well have told him if a woman is going to use you for your value, use them for their looks. Just because some dude may have tons of cash doesn't mean he's automatically going to get the tops in looks out of women when those same women looking for tops in earning could get a dude with the same or even more money who's better looking, has more in common with them etc. Or she is extremely insecure and needs to "date down" to the level she feels she is inside no matter her looks.
Another comprehension problem. Stay away from intentional users. Followed by explanation that unintentionally, people are "using" each other irrespectively.

IlliterateVolt said:
So as far as "value" you got 98 who aren't attractive. One meh. And one 8. An 8 who needs to use OLD. To which you "screened" based off her being an "8". 1% "success" with an 8 who needs to use OLD no less. Transcend and adapt to have a 1% "success" rate based simply off a chick being an 8 who uses OLD no less?
Another comprehension problem. One out of 100 women who opened me was datable. What about those who I opened?

Now stop chasing me, go back to school, learn how to read, and then we can continue real dialogue.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Could not a best option be a settle? For example in your situation, you have mostly 5 and a few 6s that vie for your attention, so your best option is a 6. Although you want a 7, you have to settle for a 6. They don't teach capitalization and logic in elementary school?.
Only taking the best isn't "settling" son. It's like saying: I'm only going to "settle" for a C.E.O. of a fortune 500 company.

Another comprehension problem. Stay away from intentional users. Followed by explanation that unintentionally, please are "using" each other irrespectively.
And this is coming from the same dude who uses women based off looks online no less. And these same women aren't using OLD or the men on it for what they can get out of the deal. nah. They're "unintentionally" "possibly" using those same men. LOL just LOL.

Another comprehension problem. One girl out of 100 who was datable out of 100 who opened me. What about those who I opened?

Now stop chasing me, go back to school, learn how to read, and then we can continue real dialogue.
You seem to have forgotten to mention those you contacted in the post I replied to so it wasn't a reading problem. Let me guess. The ones you contacted were all "quality" 9+ who reside on OLD. You determine these chicks who you contact on OLD are "quality". LOL

Dude I've talked with TONS of those chicks. All kinds. Every friggin one had serious issues no matter how good they may've looked. But if you ignore coke heads, alcoholics, chicks who are pregnant, chicks with criminal court cases, broke AF chicks, bi, strippers, bar rats, STD's, chicks who live on OLD, multiple OLD profiles, divorced a few times, multiple kids, tats galore, mental issues, gold diggers, serial dinner daters etc. then your definition of "quality" is completely off.

I have heard it all from these chicks on the phone. Gotten the n00dz (rooms look like pig sty) etc.


Oct 13, 2015
Reaction score
Why do you even waste my time? You can't even form a cogent argument. Let's point out some logical fallacies for you to work on.

]Only taking the best isn't "settling" son. It's like saying: I'm only going to "settle" for a C.E.O. of a fortune 500 company.
"Best" <> "Best Option"

Illiterate Volt said:
You seem to have forgotten to mention those you contacted in the post I replied to so it wasn't a reading problem.
Solicited <> Unsolicited
Sent <> Received

Illiterate Volt said:
Dude I've talked with TONS of those chicks. All kinds. Every friggin one had serious issues no matter how good they may've looked. But if you ignore coke heads, alcoholics, chicks who are pregnant, chicks with criminal court cases, broke AF chicks, bi, strippers, bar rats, STD's, chicks who live on OLD, multiple OLD profiles, divorced a few times, multiple kids, tats galore, mental issues, gold diggers, serial dinner daters etc. then your definition of "quality" is completely off.
You "talked" with nobody. You write and think like an 8-year old child. I can't even take you seriously, nor could a worthwhile contender I'm sure.

This will be my last response to you unless you bring cogency.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
This is why all men should not use OLD. or if they do all men should never contact any women

Force them to contact you. Force them to change. Force them to face rejection. It will force women to change
Here's the thing. If they aren't interested in the dudes emailing them ignoring them is going to do nothing but have them (if they haven't already) gone to the next or multiple other attention seeking apps. If a chick or chicks don't find you attractive ignoring them isn't doing anything as they don't care let alone even know as you aren't on their radar to begin with.

The ONLY thing all dudes ignoring them will do is have them go elsewhere online for attention. And they'll be looking for the same tops in looks while mass deleting the dudes they don't find attractive.

If a chick gets 100 emails a week. She isn't reading every email. She's going to look at the little thumbnail pics. Pick out the best looking few. And reply to them. And do that over and over while deleting all the other "undesireables" based off how unattractive they are in their photos no matter how much value those dudes may actually possess but just don't make the looks cut.

She could delete all the black, Asian, Latin dudes based off not wanting to even talk because she likes white dudes. Then delete all the less attractive white dudes, shorter ones and simply keep the best looking white dudes. What are the other dudes going to do? Turn white?

Same for a black chick. She may only like black dudes and delete everyone else but the top looking black dudes who are taller than her highest pair of heels (so she doesn't feel "big" compared to them if they meet up. No matter how much value the other dudes may possess. What are the other dudes going to do turn black and a top 1% to get some chick who lives on OLD to find her "prince"?


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Why do you even waste my time? You can't even form a cogent argument. Let's point out some logical fallacies for you to work on.

"Best" <> "Best Option"

Solicited <> Unsolicited
Sent <> Received

You "talked" with nobody. You write and think like an 8-year old child. I can't even take you seriously, nor could a worthwhile contender I'm sure.

This will be my last response to you unless you bring cogency.
You said "settle". Nice try dancing around it.

Look at you getting emotional. You sure I never talked with anybody when I used OLD? You couldn't be more wrong son.

Difference is you are desperate for a "rep" on SS. I am not. I speak facts. Don't like it? Too bad.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Here's the thing. If they aren't interested in the dudes emailing them ignoring them is going to do nothing but have them (if they haven't already) gone to the next or multiple other attention seeking apps. If a chick or chicks don't find you attractive ignoring them isn't doing anything as they don't care let alone even know as you aren't on their radar to begin with.

The ONLY thing all dudes ignoring them will do is have them go elsewhere online for attention. And they'll be looking for the same tops in looks while mass deleting the dudes they don't find attractive.

If a chick gets 100 emails a week. She isn't reading every email. She's going to look at the little thumbnail pics. Pick out the best looking few. And reply to them. And do that over and over while deleting all the other "undesireables" based off how unattractive they are in their photos no matter how much value those dudes may actually possess but just don't make the looks cut.

She could delete all the black, Asian, Latin dudes based off not wanting to even talk because she likes white dudes. Then delete all the less attractive white dudes, shorter ones and simply keep the best looking white dudes. What are the other dudes going to do? Turn white?

Same for a black chick. She may only like black dudes and delete everyone else but the top looking black dudes who are taller than her highest pair of heels (so she doesn't feel "big" compared to them if they meet up. No matter how much value the other dudes may possess. What are the other dudes going to do turn black and a top 1% to get some chick who lives on OLD to find her "prince"?
Not just that, you may be all that she wants on paper or at least not far off. But if you meet up and your game is anywhere below making her feel like you're out of a semi-erotic novel with a ready-made script, guess what? she has no need to put any effort into the interaction herself, and what you made her feel was below her fantasy expectation, so it was a no-go. 5 minutes after you're gone, she'll be back to swiping through her OLD and have forgotten you. And the way to get reliably good at making women feel like they want to have sex with you quickly is to do exactly what they in their ignorance complain about, which is 1) see them as beneath you and don't spare a fvck in your mind for them, and 2) go through as many as possible so you learn what makes them tick.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Not just that, you may be all that she wants on paper or at least not far off. But if you meet up and your game is anywhere below making her feel like you're out of a semi-erotic novel with a ready-made script, guess what? she has no need to put any effort into the interaction herself, and what you made her feel was below her fantasy expectation, so it was a no-go. 5 minutes after you're gone, she'll be back to swiping through her OLD and have forgotten you. And the way to get reliably good at making women feel like they want to have sex with you quickly is to do exactly what they in their ignorance complain about, which is 1) see them as beneath you and don't spare a fvck in your mind for them, and 2) go through as many as possible so you learn what makes them tick.
I know many chicks IRL. Many know me through friends, work etc. I don't need to try to run through them to know how humans can operate. Any one of the true quality and or hot normal ones have never needed to use OLD. They always had a boyfriend or dudes IRL after them.

Here's how the majority of chicks filter for "quality" using OLD.

White dude, Photogenic, physique (athletic) and actually IS in his pics, a few inches taller than their tallest pair of heels (should they meet so she doesn't feel "bigger" than the guy but still more petite) which is why the vast majority of them want 6ft or taller even if they're 5ft themselves (they'll take shorter if the guy looks really good and has a great physique), looks like he's got cash or is a tatted up "bad boy". The rest of the white dudes who don't fit those descriptions have a much if not next to impossible task to get anything especially if the same chicks are hit up by a parade of dudes who look like they could be a Chippendale's model and wind up in the mass delete pile without their email ever even being read (she may click on the picture but if your other pics don't look as good as your main or you are in a group and are shorter than the other dudes she automatically assumes you actually look like your worst pic IRL and are shorter than you say in your profile). It's also a fact that black, Asian, and Indian dudes will get less attention using OLD. They cannot turn white.

Though white dudes aren't getting anymore success unless you count meeting nutcases, chicks with STD's, chicks that been ran through, chicks looking to use you for dinners etc., chicks with financial and other issues looking to grab the best dude by using sex as a lure to wife her up and "fix" her problems etc.

In the end no one wins. The best looking get to stick their d1ck in crazy and or basura if that counts as a "win".

A chick who uses OLD is on there for a reason. And it's not a good one. Too many I spoke with I never even bothered to meet. Not only were some too far to bother but MANY and I mean MANY of these chicks were bottom of the barrel chock full of issues. Little to nothing in "quality" even IF the chick looked good. And if she's great looking it's even worse that she needed to resort to finding her "prince" using OLD as she'd easily have met him in her social circle/ area.


I know many chicks IRL. Many know me through friends, work etc. I don't need to try to run through them to know how humans can operate. Any one of the true quality and or hot normal ones have never needed to use OLD. They always had a boyfriend or dudes IRL after them.

Here's how the majority of chicks filter for "quality" using OLD.

White dude, Photogenic, physique (athletic) and actually IS in his pics, a few inches taller than their tallest pair of heels (should they meet so she doesn't feel "bigger" than the guy but still more petite) which is why the vast majority of them want 6ft or taller even if they're 5ft themselves (they'll take shorter if the guy looks really good and has a great physique), looks like he's got cash or is a tatted up "bad boy". The rest of the white dudes who don't fit those descriptions have a much if not next to impossible task to get anything especially if the same chicks are hit up by a parade of dudes who look like they could be a Chippendale's model and wind up in the mass delete pile without their email ever even being read (she may click on the picture but if your other pics don't look as good as your main or you are in a group and are shorter than the other dudes she automatically assumes you actually look like your worst pic IRL and are shorter than you say in your profile). It's also a fact that black, Asian, and Indian dudes will get less attention using OLD. They cannot turn white.

Though white dudes aren't getting anymore success unless you count meeting nutcases, chicks with STD's, chicks that been ran through, chicks looking to use you for dinners etc., chicks with financial and other issues looking to grab the best dude by using sex as a lure to wife her up and "fix" her problems etc.

In the end no one wins. The best looking get to stick their d1ck in crazy and or basura if that counts as a "win".

A chick who uses OLD is on there for a reason. And it's not a good one. Too many I spoke with I never even bothered to meet. Not only were some too far to bother but MANY and I mean MANY of these chicks were bottom of the barrel chock full of issues. Little to nothing in "quality" even IF the chick looked good. And if she's great looking it's even worse that she needed to resort to finding her "prince" using OLD as she'd easily have met him in her social circle/ area.
I've set up OLD profiles and left every time, sometimes within a day or 2, but usually gravitate back there 6 months later to see if the market has improved. I often see the same girls on there months and years later. And these are single moms with 2 kids, 30 lbs overweight, tattoos, a bad attitude, and a 4/10 in the looks department.

As @Tenacity said, why haven't those girls found a man and moved on? The girls I described above should have locked down THE FIRST MAN to message them and immediately deleted their profile. They were lucky a man would spit at them. Instead, while the hot girl gets 400 messages a week, she gets 20 messages a week - but that is still more than 97% of the men on there so imagine the rush a worthless POS woman like that gets from still getting a couple of messages a day - that despite ALL her bad choices in life that has rendered her garbage, some guys will still validate her.

I've had women say "I don't feel comfortable giving out my number so soon" after 3 messages. The actors here would have you believe I didn't DHV, maximize my photos, or have a great "opener". No, the merchandise is just broken. That's why it remains on the shelf (or dating website) forever


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
This only really applies to OLD, and which is why most guys are really behind the eight ball there. The women screed through an endless supply of males, and oh how they love to shop. I've seen woman at supermarkets before spending half an hour deciding what brand of toothpaste to go with.

Now compare this to the cold/ warm approach. First, you decide whether to bother, then you dazzle them with your sparkling personality and wit to get a date later if not there and then. In this day and age, I reckon it essential for men to learn these skills. Authentic masculine energy can cut through a lot.
Exactly what I call it. OLD is FREE online shopping for chicks. They get to sit there. No cash needed. Just put up pics, a few provocative and the dudes willing to spend on THEM or the "top brands" IE best looking are FREE for them to pick. OLD completely caters to chicks. It's no secret. The dating sites cater to them because the women are the bait. They let them get away with a LOT more because the site uses them to boost their sub count and thus get more advertising money.

Think about it. Men are merely sub count filler and booster. How?

You sign up. That's one new user. You send out too many emails off the bat and get blocked by the system never knowing that the system isn't even sending your emails at that point to other users. You "give up" then come back with another profile. Two users, You get kicked off because some chick just doesn't "like" your pic or whatever. You sign up again. Three users. You try to see if by creating a fake profile with the hottest dude you can find works to see about replies. Four users. You try to sign up again and get deleted and you try to sign up again but since the system has your email, pics, and IP you get deleted again. Five users.

Now picture that with as many dudes who sign up multiple times due to being deleted or giving up and trying again. Every "one" of them "counts" as a "new user" so that POF or sites like it can continue to boost their fraudulent sub base and rake in the bucks from their advertisers. It actually pays off for them to keep deleting dudes. They keep coming back and creating an even more larger sub base for the site.

And of course it's all the "mens fault" as if the site isn't letting their bait (women) get away with exposing themselves as well as posting up their less than "relationship" minded adverts like: Younger women want older men, cougars for younger men, Russian hotties want to meet you, etc.

Sites like POF etc. are thinly disguised as "dating sites" but are simply money making schemes that use dudes to make them money just like they use the women as bait.
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