Ok, so now that we have a 9 page overstatement about the fact that online women are more picky and heavy attention seekers and game players, what is the solution?
We as men still need to improve, and take f**king initiatives. This bickering needs to stop. Enough mental masturbation.
If the time arguing was spent doing something better, like
messaging chicks online, there would be a better and more productive conversation i.e. where did I f**k up?
Fact is, you often don't know if it's you that f**ked up or if it's some circumstance that is blocking you. If sh*t is going nowhere, erase and replace. Block her if you need to.
Learn indifference.
I'm shutting down this decent debate turned pointless-pissing-party. Too much ad hominem flying ad nauseum.
Thread closed. Clear this god damn courtroom and have a beer.