1) MLK was an activist and you are not. If you really had a deep passion with this, what actions have you taken outside of this forum to effect your stance?
I've donated my time and money to various Men's Rights Organizations. So in that regard, I am an activist.
2) Black men were truly not free 50 years ago. Women are free unfettered by social constructs to act on their hypergamous impulses as they desire. The former group, blacks, were not free. The latter group, women, are free. These two examples (blacks & women), are too disparate for comparison.
I'm not advocating that women be enslaved, I'm advocating that MEN not be enslaved to the bullshyt games, systems, rules, and feminist/gynocentric shyt that they continue to establish.
We are losing MEN and we have destroyed masculinity. Women establish the frame, establish the values, establish the god damn RULES....and we sit up here like fools trying to fit into THEIR frame, THEIR values, and play according to THEIR rules, in order to get a piece of run down, used, beat up pvssy.
3) Even if we made this allowance, in arguendo, to make blacks in the 50s and women today comparable, what are the chances of effecting change in the current market? One in a million? Are you truly a martyr now where you are going sacrifice your sanity and happiness for a one in the million crap shoot? Doesn't seem like a provident gamble to me.
It's THIS line of thinking that have allowed the women to take over. Notice how women stick together and fight for each other. Notice that.
In other words, we do not have universal conformity in the belief that woman should being ruled by an iron fist and being subjugated to man is better for society (although we believe that here), but we do have 100% conformity in the belief that innovative technology can improve the world and improve everyone's lives.
What? There are people out there that STILL to this DAY don't think mobile phones and social media (innovative technology) plays a positive role in society.
And when it comes to women, you tell me Legend? Were families stronger 50 years ago or are they stronger today? Was marriage stronger 50 years ago or is it stronger today? Were women more CLASSY and LADY-LIKE 50 years ago than they are today? Were MEN more MASCULINE 50 years ago than they are today?
You tell me..........if the answer to all is YES, then we should agree that Patriarchy is better than the bullshyt pseudo Matriarchial environment that we have right now.
I'd say let the women who like gay men be with gay men, and stick with the women who appreciate your sexuality.
You aren't getting it Legend. 50 years ago women were NOT bisexual/lesbian like they are today and thugs, criminals, and losers were not WORSHIPPED. The more and more we sit back and allow women to just run wild....
the worse and worse the shyt gets to the POINT where it's difficult or damn near impossible to FIND quality.
You requested an honest discussion, right? How many women have you lost as a result of your episodes?
Why do you keep talking about these episodes man? For the record, when I would go off on a chick, the vast majority of the time I already LOST HER, or she was already acting a god damn fool and it was annoying to me.
You keep bringing up the episodes in an attempt to .........once again......put the focus back on blaming the MAN for everything rather than looking at any of the bullshyt that women are doing. Why do you keep doing this?
Everything is about balance. I don't blame the women for everything and I don't blame the men for everything. BOTH men and women have a part to do with the fvcked up environment we are operating in and we can't begin to solve the problem until we are all HONEST in having this discussion.