No, listen to me Legend. If the woman is a high quality woman, in my opinion (based on traditional definitions of quality) the woman would seek out GOOD MEN and once she finds one, she would commit to him. That's based on the traditional definitions of high quality women, which I base MY definition of high quality on.
Then you are truly seeking a mythical unicorn. Women will explore all options until they settle. They are not seeking "Good men." They are seeking men to whom they are most attracted, which often are men with higher (or equal ) SMV. If you seek otherwise, you will continue receiving disappointment.
Why can't you just accept that such a quality woman as you define does not exist, and understand/appreciate women for who they are. You really need to surrender this Disney ideal.
Tenacity said:
In this "new" market of feminist/gynocentric women, they don't commit to GOOD MEN, they instead play games, manipulate, and use them for various aspects such as free entertainment, free dyck, free laughs, free social proofs, or (insert other stuff here that only benefits her).
It's true that some women intentionally, overtly, and shamelessly use men. Just stay away from those women.
When I meet women, I don't pull out my occupation card for at least a few dates, although when a girl sees my pad/car, I am well aware that she may still see the "Golden Goose." But am I not doing the same thing diametrically? Would I date her if she didn't turn heads everywhere she went? She is being used as much as I am being used. It's a value for value exchange. Notice, that this value exchange is not conscious. I don't consciously think "I'm going to use this girl for her looks." I just think, "She is beautiful and I want her!"
Tenacity said:
Then she's not high quality and thus, you shouldn't be trying to tell guys to IMPROVE to fit into the warped universe and games that this LOW QUALITY chick is playing.
We already discussed the mythical unicorn above.
Adjust your expectations. Your defined quality women does not exist.
Tenacity said:
So 2,000 guys in her inbox a month and not ONE of those guys fit her criteria Legend? Not one??
In one of the OLD sites, last month, I got a little under 100 unsolicited emails. Out of 100 emails:
- One 8
- One 6.5
- 98 with looks below par
I could only reasonably date the 8, which is 1% of the incoming.
Now let's take this to a hot woman's inbox:
- 2000 e-mails;
- 20 datable prospects
Out of 20 datable prospect between the email exchange, or potential successive
text exchange, we can infer that maybe 50% may translate into dates, or 10 dates.
So she could date 10 men this month--or date one or two men, and leave the eight as backup options.
Tenacity said:
And that's extreme Legend. The chick is out of her mind. 2 - 3 years is insane and extreme, WHY are you telling guys to "improve" to try to fit into this insanity Legend??
Dating for 2-3 years without exclusivity is a bad thing? Have you not being dating for 6 years with no exclusivity? Does this mean you are insane, not "quality," and should not be taken seriously--or--does it mean you are very selective and choose not to become exclusive with just any girl. I'd venture to guess the former
Tenacity said:
NO, this NEW MARKET of feminist/gynocentric women will do this insane, stupid, warped shyt. This is NOT what women were doing 50 years ago.
Stop the whining. Transcend, adapt.
Tenacity said:
You act as if this INSANITY that we are dealing with today is some biological nature of women, it's not! It's a result of extreme feminist/gynocentric bullshyt that's destroying relations and turning MEN into sub-ordinate pvssy-whipped "males" who are playing into HER frame, playing in HER field, and playing by HER rules.
You only play into her frame, if you allow yourself to. YOU are in control of whose frame you enter.
Tenacity said:
Women were not operating with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th options 50 years ago! The chick got out of high school and got MARRIED and gave her LIFE to 1 SOLID GUY. ONE guy, NOT 4!
Seems like you are looking for comfort, refuge, and the Disney "happily ever after." Get over it. Understand the market, adapt, and evolve. To sit here for 2.5 years complaining about the same thing is insanity.
You are insane.
Tenacity said:
You have completely LOST all of your soul Legend as a MAN. You are completely and utterly OPERATING in this new feminist/gynocentric bytch's FRAME and playing according to HER RULES.
You operate within HER rules, as YOU are the one sneering and affected. I freely operate unencumbered by rules, not blindsided by a unicorn ideal which does not exist. You are the chump that can easily be manipulated once a girl contrives herself to be the "quality" unicorn. While you get hypnotized by her machination, I laugh. Who's truly susceptible to her frame and machination?
Tenacity said:
Tenacity doesn't do that! Her rules, her frame, her games, are bullshyt! I'm not participating in it. I'm not supporting it. I'm going against it and if a bytch doesn't want to FVCK me because of it....then FVCK her.
THIS is why we have lost our country to these feminist/gynocentric bytches! We don't fight back! We just TAKE whatever stupid, extreme, insane bullshyt these bytches throw out and we try to FIT, mode, and integrate into the shyt instead of saying NOOOOOO.....it's not GOING that way!
Go postal and just get it over with already.