Why "The Dating Market" Sucks


Oct 20, 2006
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whats your advice for getting rid of the gut neil?
My physical trainer has me work out my abs every other day. Crunches, side crunches, spinning with the bar, etc. I took 1-2 inches off already (the most important inches). Several girls I know could notice I was more toned after 3 workouts.

Also, avoid bread and try fasting and a raw diet. Fresh squeezed Grapefruit in the morning on an empty stomach.


Oct 13, 2015
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And yet with all your wealth, power and good looks you haven't managed to lock down such a woman...
Who thought like BE? Only once. She was my ex-wife, who met and married me after I had lost everything. No prenup required, because I owned nada. She was 12 years my junior, attractive, educated, intelligent enough, traditional values, and from a great family (something I never had). She helped build me up and my businesses. She pushed me out of my comfort zone, and ignited l_e_g_e_n_d.

After I built wealth, I got extremely ****y and arrogant. I wanted to experience more women and was not enjoying the married life (truth is I had a tendency to self-sabotage like @Tenacity). So I divorced her. Despite her needing money (as she did not want to lean on her family), she wanted nothing out of the divorce. I had to pressure her to take some of the marital assets (Sound backwards?) Following the divorce, she got snatched up and married within nine months.

@Tenacity, maybe it's a blessing you haven't met a great girl. If you did, you could self-sabotage as I did. You are not ready ... yet.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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I don't cheat because it would make me feel like ****.

I pride myself on being a good guy.
I believe in karma and putting out good energy and vibes.
I believe in having a positive aura around me for myself.
It is fulfilling to have pride and dignity within yourself.
Ive banged enough randoms dont yearn for it if i have a steady girl.
Im also good enough in bed that the sexual connection improves over time and it just gets better as the girl improves in all ways.
This is some hilarious Mickey Mouse sh!t.

Tell me why f*cking other women would makes you "feel bad"? Do you NOT understand that unless you are married.. you are single?

If you have not signed a legal contract.. YET you are letting some b!tch (or society) control your sexual options through guilt.. that's kind of pathetic.

Can ANYONE give me some arguments that are not weak, punk ass, insecure, people pleasing, fear based, Disney sh!t? I'm disappointed with this discussion. I was hoping for a real challenge to my opinions.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
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Nowhere in my writing have I even hinted that I think money is evil. If you go back and read what I've written you will see that is true.

What I have hinted at and will now plainly state is this: Money has nothing to do with class and personal integrity.

Wearing an Italian suit and dating a woman whose parents are wealthy says absolutely nothing (pro or con) about a man's character, class, and integrity. However, when a man boasts of such things as if it was an achievement and implies that it is an indication that he is "refined, cultured, sophisticated...", methinks he dost protest too much.

Moreover, I have no interest in dating a woman because of potential family wealth or connections that she might possess.


Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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You have a 3rd choice. Find raw material you can work with and develop it. Mayweather wasn't that good on day one. Mad talent, yes, but refined through discipline and training and focus.

Remember from a while back you & I had a discussion about where these women are. They partly develop over time into what you want through personal growth just as we all do. It should be obvious that the better the raw material the better/faster you get the result you want from the development, but you can influence development through your leadership (training/guidance).

Next logical question is OK. How to do that? Keep doing what you are doing to improve yourself and conduct yourself in a way that is true to yourself; repair your own issues you have identified (and as you progress you'll get better at reading intrinsic characteristics in other people).

In short lead and do what is best first and foremost for @Tenacity . I don't have any quarrel with @Poon King or any other poster when he advocates for leadership, autonomy and self development/empowerment. I simply have a divergent perspective as far as definition from some.

Let's say you find a chick who meets most of your criteria but her finances are a hot mess

Aside: (this was me many years ago by the way - my Dad helped me once and then I got right back in the mess. He never helped me again. He let me struggle. I did and I am a financial success as a result of his REFUSAL to further assist me).

You can lead through your actions to model better financial habits and you may improve her through your example (and by NOT giving handouts - handouts dis-empower people). Teach her to fish instead of giving her a fish you caught.

You have to be the judge about how best to invest your time for time is the most valuable asset you possess. Should you seek raw material and try to develop it or should you look for these characteristics after they manifest? Or should you be open to either and thus increase your odds (winner winner!) and then decide about each woman in real time. Only you can determine what is best in your environs.
I have a challenge for you babe..

Can you list five ways men benefit from being in an exclusive LTR that you can't get with plates or open relationships?

Its about what is SMART for men. Tell me why LTR's are a smart choice for men. Tell me how they elevate a man's life in ways not possible spinning plates or being in an open relationship.

Remember.. anything you list has to be something that cannot be gained with plates or open relationships. Again.. something that cannot be gained with plates or open relationships. One more time: something that cannot be gained with plates or open relationships.

It has to be a benefit you can only get by being 100% exclusive. One more time: 100% EXCLUSIVE. One sexual partner forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Tell me why this is SMART. Not why it "feels good" or "looks cool". I want to know why this is SMART.

Keep in mind.. I am trying to help you LTR trumpeters prove YOUR point, because clearly I'm giving all the wrong advice here.


Oct 13, 2015
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Moreover, I have no interest in dating a woman because of potential family wealth or connections that she might possess.
As stated, implicit in this quote, is "money is just not that important."

Well you are incorrect and contribute to part of the disease we call feminism. One of the contributions I would like to instill in this forum is that "Money is extremely important." And as long you as are not breaking any laws or hurting one in the process, I would strongly encourage all men to embrace wealth-building and use every faculty in your repertoire to secure appreciating assets.

Sorry to burst you stagnating bubble but if want to crush feminism, you make men powerful.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
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As stated, implicit in this quote, is "money is just not that important."

Well you are incorrect and contribute to part of the disease we call feminism. One of the contributions I would like to instill in this forum is that "Money is extremely important." And as long you as are not breaking any laws or hurting one in the process, I would strongly encourage all men to embrace wealth-building and use every faculty in your repertoire to secure appreciating assets.

Sorry to burst you stagnating bubble but if want to crush feminism, you make men powerful.
Again, I've never said nor implied what you are stating. You are attempting to put words in my mouth. I don't believe your "charisma" is powerful enough to do that.

I would suggest that instead of buying another expensive Italian suit (that by the way, does not automatically imbue you with class), take the money and invest in remedial reading comprehension courses.



Oct 13, 2015
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Again, I've never said nor implied what you are stating. You are attempting to put words in my mouth. I don't believe your "charisma" is powerful enough to do that.

I would suggest that instead of buying another expensive Italian suit (that by the way, does not automatically imbue you with class), take the money and invest in remedial reading comprehension courses.

Among your initial knee-jerk reaction to BE, your flippant parroting of my words to Tenacity, and aversion to capitalizing on wealth-building networks with new dates, it is clear that you hold significant aversion toward wealth-building, disguised as virtue.

Let me take a wild guess:
Divorced, and taken to the cleaners? Still trying to figure out what went wrong in the marriage despite your "character, integrity and class"? Let's not sugarcoat your chosen failing(s) (and I'm not referring to the divorce, but rather lack of ambition) under the umbrella of nobility. Get better instead.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
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Just to help you out a little because this "reading" thing is really hard or perhaps you're busy hitting on some woman whose parents have money that you hope to somehow benefit from, my post in this thread at 4:05 am: "Yes, money is important. It's a tool to be used".

Sorry if I intruded on your self proclaimed awesomeness.



Oct 13, 2015
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Seems like your analytical skills are lacking. Let me help:

Augustus said:
You have to make enough money to pay your bills and put food on the table. But for me, someone's wealth or power mean nothing.
You look at money as a means to an end ... to pay your bills.

The subject matter is: Men should use every utility at their disposal to capitalize on building extreme wealth and power.

Recognize the distinction in the argument yet?



Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
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This is some hilarious Mickey Mouse sh!t.

Tell me why f*cking other women would makes you "feel bad"? Do you NOT understand that unless you are married.. you are single?

If you have not signed a legal contract.. YET you are letting some b!tch (or society) control your sexual options through guilt.. that's kind of pathetic.

Can ANYONE give me some arguments that are not weak, punk ass, insecure, people pleasing, fear based, Disney sh!t? I'm disappointed with this discussion. I was hoping for a real challenge to my opinions.
Ha. I dig your perspective and all u add to the forum, but i am not controlled thro guilt or societal pressure, i dont follow trends and social bull**** like most sheep.

That's a choice to become exclusive.
I banged randoms for years and years. Finally got to a place where I'd like to have the same companion to enjoy activities and sex with. Being able to build a connection is more enjoyable.

Didnt say i would get married.
Did that once, cant count on these **** girls.

I see ur point.

I will never be married again for financial concerns, not losing all my money to see betraying woman. So my choice would be exclusivity in a ltr.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
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Among your initial knee-jerk reaction to BE, your flippant parroting of my words to Tenacity, and aversion to capitalizing on wealth-building networks with new dates, it is clear that you hold significant aversion toward wealth-building, disguised as virtue.

Let me take a wild guess:
Divorced, and taken to the cleaners? Still trying to figure out what went wrong in the marriage despite your "character, integrity and class"? Let's not sugarcoat your chosen failing(s) (and I'm not referring to the divorce, but rather lack of ambition) under the umbrella of nobility. Get better instead.
By your own words you've just shown what your true caliber is.

And if that's getting "better", no thanks.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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if want to crush feminism, you make men powerful.
Good point. A lot of red pillers' response to feminism is to just lay back out of society, while the females are earning college degrees. They think "Ha, I won't become a cog in their provider machine". But all they're really doing is handing the world and their power over to women.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 15, 2016
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Good point. A lot of red pillers' response to feminism is to just lay back out of society, while the females are earning college degrees. They think "Ha, I won't become a cog in their provider machine". But all they're really doing is handing the world and their power over to women.
Yeah because getting a college degree guarantees any kind of success.


Oct 13, 2015
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Relating back to OP's question:

: Name a valid reason why a man would willingly forgo all his options and agree to exclusivity.

Another Valid Answer: If exclusivity to the one woman opened up--or was a necessary step antecedent to opening up--networks and possibilities to secure extreme wealth and power.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 15, 2016
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Relating back to OP's question:

: Name a valid reason why a man would willingly forgo all his options and agree to exclusivity.

Another Valid Answer: If exclusivity to the one woman opened up networks and possibilities to secure extreme wealth and power.
But when does that ever happen?

Most women DO NOT have anything to offer a man as most women date UP not DOWN.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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But when does that ever happen?

Most women DO NOT have anything to offer a man as most women date UP not DOWN.
Legend thinks he's Frank Underwood. Watch House of Cards for the exact dynamic legend is referring to. The main character is only able to pursue a career in politicals because his father-in-law bankrolls his first campaign(s). This belongs in the realm of fiction for a reason.

Very rarely does exclusivity and marriage result in a man of "low birth" but high ambition securing a path to wealth and power that he could not have achieved alone.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 15, 2016
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Legend thinks he's Frank Underwood. Watch House of Cards for the exact dynamic legend is referring to. The main character is only able to pursue a career in politicals because his father-in-law bankrolls his first campaign(s). This belongs in the realm of fiction for a reason.

Very rarely does exclusivity and marriage result in a man of "low birth" but high ambition securing a path to wealth and power that he could not have achieved alone.
Ah, makes sense. While House of Cards is a great show, like you said this belongs in the realm of fiction for a reason.

Even in Hollywood, there are very few examples of guys marrying up in terms of status. Looks? For sure. But usually the guy is the more successful of the two. Even with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, his net worth is bigger.