The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)



Day 50

So today, I was sitting around with my class mates having a beer when I got a phone call, Now I answered cos I thought it could be my counseling assessment or something (I self referred for some counseling\ therapy)
It was her (I didn't know it was her cos I don't have her number saved)
She starts saying why have you been talking to my family and met my brother.
I told her how it was, they contacted me first and he wanted to meet me.
She didn't buy it, no surprise. And said delete all their contacts they want f*ck all to do with you, and don't piss me off anymore then I already am.
I said what are you going to do, she said don't worry I'll see you soon
I said no you're not.
And hung up.

I've been feeling like crap for the last 49days cos of this shizz, but after today I'm fed up and starting not to give a damn about her or this whole thing.
If she comes to my home or anything like that I'll just get a restraining order on her or something. As for her family members part of things. If they want to talk to me then cool, If they don't then cool. Im not gonna reach out to them though and I have never done so.

That's it for now. Let you guys know what happens, also does this mean I'm back on day 1 again?

Yes, and the fact that you laid out a manuscript for us and then had to ask that question at the end means you made very little progress, which you should have in 50 days. When you heard it was her, why didn't you hang up immediately?

And why is someone still counting at 131 days??? I mean I understand "remembering" the general number of months or whatever...but come on, you're still counting by the day?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2016
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Day 5

9 texts and 4 calls since NC. I love her, think about all day, but NC.


New Member
Oct 27, 2016
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Day 3

After 5 months of doing everything for her, we broke it off 3 days ago. I am supposed to the best guy she has ever met and yet she broke it off without looking back. She wrote me on the day after telling me how hard it was for her not to write to me etc crap... I did not reply. I have deleted all contact with her.

I am feeling weak though. Regrets and feeling of inadequacy plagues me now... I have to stay strong. NC. Thanks for being here.


New Member
Oct 27, 2016
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She wrote to me again. Stupid whatsapp shows status and she wrote to me when I was online. However, I did not read it or answer it... Wondering if I should answer back curtly and tell her I need space or just keep on ignoring her?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2016
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She wrote to me again. Stupid whatsapp shows status and she wrote to me when I was online. However, I did not read it or answer it... Wondering if I should answer back curtly and tell her I need space or just keep on ignoring her?
Don't respond!

If you want her back or don't want her back your best bet is NC.


New Member
Oct 27, 2016
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Day 4

Thanks for the suggestion guys. I did not reply since yesterday and went to sleep instead. Read the messages and it was that she was to talk again and she misses me.. blah blah blah. I felt really bad about the whole thing but NC stays. She saw me online this morning and sent me another message asking me to respond to her. Its a mood killer these messages and I think I am going to take Allin's advice and write the short "give me space" message.


Senior Don Juan
May 25, 2016
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The University of Life
Yes you can reply that you need space and that she needs to stop contacting you. You can even add "text me only if you ever change your mind about us" if you feel like you really need to add that part.

But that has to be the ONLY message you send AND not longer than that.

Good luck man. You are doing great
Depends on the circumstances of the breakup and how long ago. If she dumped you recently (i.e. in the last month or so) and is trying to circulate around you again then ignore her. Certainly ignore her for a few months and let her miss you. It will be months and months before she gives up and moves on, indeed this will make her want you MORE. She must be made to understand you are not a toy that she can throw down as and when it suits her. If this is the second or more times this has happened ignore her and move on. If she is contacting you again after a year or so, no harm in seeing what she wants and playing it very, very cool - assuming you still like her and want to of course.


New Member
Oct 27, 2016
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Depends on the circumstances of the breakup and how long ago. If she dumped you recently (i.e. in the last month or so) and is trying to circulate around you again then ignore her. Certainly ignore her for a few months and let her miss you. It will be months and months before she gives up and moves on, indeed this will make her want you MORE. She must be made to understand you are not a toy that she can throw down as and when it suits her. If this is the second or more times this has happened ignore her and move on. If she is contacting you again after a year or so, no harm in seeing what she wants and playing it very, very cool - assuming you still like her and want to of course.
We parted on 4 days ago. I have been on NC since the first day... I think she is going through a rough time but she has a history of becoming Dr. Jekyll when she is around her friends (specifically guy friends). Since today is the start of the weekend, I can imagine she is going to change her tune come this evening. Hence my hesitation of replying as well. At the same time, her messages kills my frame.


Senior Don Juan
May 25, 2016
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The University of Life
We parted on 4 days ago. I have been on NC since the first day... I think she is going through a rough time but she has a history of becoming Dr. Jekyll when she is around her friends (specifically guy friends). Since today is the start of the weekend, I can imagine she is going to change her tune come this evening. Hence my hesitation of replying as well. At the same time, her messages kills my frame.
Dude, you need to let go of your oneitis man. Ignore her messages or block her if her messages do that to your frame. If this is only four days ago and she dumped you there is NO WAY you as a self-respecting man should be entertaining the thought of messaging her or replying to her. Grow a pair and respect yourself. You can do better than this and deserve better than this from a woman. Half the population of this planet are women. Think that when you have a weak moment.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2016
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Day 2.

I joined in March so its been almost 8 months of failed NC. We've had 2 or 3 recycles since then.

Banged a new one last night but these BPD women are hard to remove from your mind.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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Just thought I'd pop in the NC thread. You're all champions. Keep fighting the good fight.

Had a very sad but positive realisation tonight while buzzed on wine and vodka. In fact I'm typing this from my phone at my house party. Surrounded by boos and women. I can't remember what it was like to be in a relationship with my ex. I can't remember my identity as a "guy in a relationship". The idea of being with my ex seems foreign and unsettling. 3 months ago I couldn't have imagined being where I am.

I'm also living with my best mate and one of the most natural red pill guys I know. Can't stress enough how important it is to find a good friend who you can just level with and pour out your thoughts to with no expectations of judgement.

Keep it up lads. There's light at the end of the tunnel.
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Don Juan
Feb 22, 2014
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Day whatever the f*ck it is

Tonight me and one of my boys went out for Halloween, we were killing it! Getting loads of attention from everyone for our costumes.

Half way through the night we bump into my ex and her new man, she immediately looked at me in a kind of shock and said that's my ex to her new guy and threw my drink out of my hand and tried to start a fight in the smokers area with her new boyfriend, I was down throw a few swings to this prick, I'm sick and tired of being taken as a mug\fool all the time.
My boy jumped in and told the guy to forget about it before he breaks his legs and so did her guy mates, we then partied on and hit a few more clubs and then went to one last one where we couldn't get in and she was walking out. I avoided her and she started crap again and so did her man so I went up to him and said what's your problem let's go right now, again my boy jumped in and so did her mates and talked it out, although Her and her new bf walked off lol.
We then started walking to McDonald's and her man and her tried started to provoke a fight again and he grabbed her for a kiss, I just turned my back and carried on walking. I don't have time for that bs in my life anymore.
Honestly guys I was really angey and had to control my sh*t before anyone got hurt. But let's just say her friends where taken slightly back with the things I said, I handled it like a man.
I don't want anything to do with that piece of sh*t anymore, she lost out on something special, a Don Juan.
Her new man from what I've heard just smokes weed all the time, also since I've hit the gym for 2 months straight I've put on quite a lot of muscle mass and I can see my frame now, that guy compared to me looked tiny, like how I was before gym. And a cheap Rip off me haha, she can have him.
The fact she caused all this crap twice shows that somethings still there for me after like 3\4 months since we last saw each other. F*ck her. I'm on to better things. Even if it means I'm by my self. I now need to learn again what my true value is and what it is to be a proper man in order to take care of my sh*t and move forward with my life and do the best that I can do for my self and my own motherf*cking God damn happiness. No one else is going to do it for me.
It's time I grew up, I don't like how I'm being treated by others then make it known and let them deal with It, who are they compared to my own sanity and happiness, why let all that shiz be bottled up.
If they don't like it they can either a) come and talk to me like a man or
B) come and fight me man to man, and If they bring their boys I'll bring mine and I will leave them burried 6ft deep or in hospital.
I'm sick and tired of being taken advantage off, taken off a fool and a scuirmy little fagg*t.

Adz--rant over and out.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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Adz next time don't even react. If you want to really do damage react with complete indifference, as if you're swatting away a fly. Because that's all she is anymore. An insect.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2015
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A quick shout out to the brave guys going through this. It gets so much better.
It has been over a year since my first HARD oneitis cheated on me after a 5 years long relationship, 3 of them living together. And you know what guys? I don't even remember her anymore. Like, sometimes her thought will arise in my mind because the topic of conversation makes it so (talking about exes, or kinky **** girls we've been with did, you get it) and I would think "****, it's been so long since I thought about her".

This didn't come easy, though. It's been a hard year of working on my flaws, improving my strengths, letting go of a lot of hate (for her, too). It is SO FVCKING REWARDING. Just keep going on brothers, keep pushing yourselves to excellence, keep your mind and body busy, and in no time you will find yourselves thinking about how you don't think about her anymore.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2016
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We had a long-distance relationship which lasted a year. On the day before we met again, she told/wrote me about how i would be everything for her. The very next day afterwards she acted the completly opposide, asking me why i didnt like her anymore. I got totally confused and didnt know what to do in this situation. Shortly after she said she has no feelings for me and broke up. (Lets just be friends) Never in my life i felt this humiliated before. Betrayed, lied, left alone, i even lose hair to this ****...

After reading in this and other forums and especially after that "sudden swing" i noticed (hopefully this will change to "realized" soon) that i definitly have to change my way about how to treat women. For my and their sake. As a beginner in this scene, i will definitly read the basics here and test it on other women because i have to (and i want to) change my attitude Thanks for this forum and the community to be a source of information and helping me getting through this tough time for me.

Cu in a few days! - RoKKo