I may be an older virgin, but I know of worse cases than mine. I have read posts from incels trying to get government provided girlfriends, refusing to work or do anything if they have no girlfriend, and even as bad as asking their own female family members for sex. At least I'm not ****ed up like that. I got a job, I'm not fat, and I got decent social skills, and I got other interests and good qualities.
Can you go into more details about these stories they do sound interesting. Let's try asking the government to provide girlfriends. What government? Did they write a letter? Are they expecting the government to hire prostitutes so they have access to sexual services for free? What benefit is there in not working if you don't have a girlfriend? Incest? Really? How old are these people? How do you know them? What country are they from?
I am not a virgin as I got married and divorced, but I still have an ongoing incel journal where I would still self-describe myself as 'incel'. Heck, after being banned from former incel boards (which have been shut down), I have dismissed the incel community as being losers. My journals have outlived their websites and I can arbitrarily definite who is incel or not based on my journals, including myself. However, for the purpose of your posts, I will accept that fact that you are incel based on my own journal's concept.
I don't think you have to be a virgin to be ';incel'. Based on former definitions of the term, I think it means you can't find a relationship within six months once you broke-up or divorced from the last one. I mean, even if you had sex, a relationship, or marriage, as long as you are single, and want to be in a relationship and/or have sex with a woman, but aren't able to without drastically compromising yourself or lowering your standards, then you are incel, right? You've got the frustrated virgin incel, or the other type of incel.
Epicwinguy said:
This came to me as I was at the gym today, and I thought to all the guys who struggled yet refuse to even attempt self improvement of any kind. I would say among incels, I am one of the more desirable ones. If I am going to be a virgin, or "incel," then may as well become the best incel I can make myself, and hopefully that label will vanish sooner than later hehe.
What type of self-improvement would help them? You are just basing self-improvement on going to the gym? The other guys that are incel don't like going to the gym?
Epicwinguy said:
I just thought I would make this post for any of my fellow virgins and incels who are reading this forum. These DJs are right, women are not the ultimate goal, they are a distraction, and fun past time. I will focus on my life, career, hobbies, fitness, and self overall.
After two failed relationships (including a marriage) and losing lots of money and emotions in the wake of it, and getting attacked by devils after using a prostitutes, I may have to concur. However, you are not talking from experience so you don't know what you are missing with a woman in your life. However, I still think I'm better off going through whatever limited experiences I have and think the saying "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved" is somewhat true.
I think part of the problem is that lacking experience with women could adversely affect other areas in life, such as career, hobbies, fitness and self since everything is coloured by the lack of experience. In career you are more hungrier for experience and may start having fantasies with female co-workers, bosses, or make decisions on who you may spend more time with at the office, etc... same thing with everything else. If you have some minimal experience, then at least you can sort of move on since "you've been there and done that" and have more mental space freed up for other areas. This is how I feel after I got married/divorced and seeing the prostitutes two years ago. It's like I felt really free to pursue other areas in life and appreciate being single rather than prior to the experience.