Tenacity's Pictures (View and Post Opinions)


Jun 23, 2014
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I'm still having some issues with stomach problems here lately. I must admit, I did increase the protein shake intake a little bit and maybe that's causing it.

I don't know if other guys went through this similar problem while getting lean/toned? I'm talking about damn near everytime I eat I have to have stomach problems, a light bloat, light gas....this shyt is just annoying because I swear when I was "eating bad" and eating processed garbage literally everyday, I NEVER experienced this stuff.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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I'm still having some issues with stomach problems here lately. I must admit, I did increase the protein shake intake a little bit and maybe that's causing it.

I don't know if other guys went through this similar problem while getting lean/toned? I'm talking about damn near everytime I eat I have to have stomach problems, a light bloat, light gas....this shyt is just annoying because I swear when I was "eating bad" and eating processed garbage literally everyday, I NEVER experienced this stuff.
Keep trying to tell you guys about whey protein and how it causes these issues...I'd discontinue whey protein immediately and switch to Brown rice/pea protein.

Whey causes chronic low grade inflammation in about 65-70% of people.

In addition, these could also be symptoms of food sensitivities. That's why utilizing a 4 day rotational diet is important because it greatly reduced these by limiting your exposure to any one food. The body tends to dislike that which it is constantly exposed to. If you are constantly eating the same foods day after day, there is a good chance your body is letting you know it's had enough of those and wants something else. When you eat foods your body produces antibodies. If it is constantly exposed to the same foods it will continuously produce the same antibodies and once these reach a certain level, you develop a food sensitivity which leads to chronic low grade inflammation...bloating, gas, autoimmune disorders down the line, etc.

These are signs your body is telling you it's not happy with what you are putting in your stomach.

As an aside I'd also strongly suggest making your own kefir from pasture raised dairy or kefir water to ensure your gut bacteria is healthy. This will help fix your issues quicker than anything. Your gut bacteria is directly influenced by the types of food you eat and it could be out of whack from constantly eating the same foods...I have huge jars where I keep fresh milk mixed in with kefir grains and also dark brown sugar water for water kefir...it's like taking an entire bottle of probiotics in a glass.
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Jun 23, 2014
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Keep trying to tell you guys about whey protein and how it causes these issues...I'd discontinue whey protein immediately and switch to Brown rice/pea protein

I need to do some research but off the top of your head, can you tell me the true scientific differences with the types of proteins? I mean I know the basics such as Whey Regular v.s. Whey Isolate, I know about Casein.

You mentioned Brown Rice Protein or Pea Protein, I have to look into these as I never heard of them before.

What about Soy Protein? My current ON Gold Standard stack is coming to an end anyway and I will be doing another BB.com Cyber Monday stack in November, so I need to know which protein I'm going to go with for the next year.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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I need to do some research but off the top of your head, can you tell me the true scientific differences with the types of proteins? I mean I know the basics such as Whey Regular v.s. Whey Isolate, I know about Casein.

You mentioned Brown Rice Protein or Pea Protein, I have to look into these as I never heard of them before.

What about Soy Protein? My current ON Gold Standard stack is coming to an end anyway and I will be doing another BB.com Cyber Monday stack in November, so I need to know which protein I'm going to go with for the next year.
Whey is concentrated milk. Many people have a hard time tolerating milk, even more so when it's concentrated, and especially when it's taken on a daily basis.

Brown rice and pea protein combined have a near identical amino acid profile to whey. Pea protein is one of the few sources of vegan protein that is high in Leucine, the key amino acid the body uses as a marker. Both are plant sources and are much easier on the body digestion wise. Haven't had any issues since I switched to those from whey.

Unfermented soy ANYTHING is essentially a poison to the body and will cause more problems than you want to know about. Not to mention it's a phyto-estrogen, meaning it's a plant based estrogenic compound the body recognizes and uses as an estrogen.

There is a reason why in countries that have utilized soy(Japan, China, far east countries) for thousands of years it's ONLY consumed in its fermented state. Fermentation deactivates its enzymes and allows it to be consumed safely, but even then they only eat it in small quantities...

Eating soy in any unfermented form is not only unsafe, it's also estrogenic. I'd stay away from it like the plague.


Jun 23, 2014
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So it could be the protein shake and then it could also be the fact that for the majority of the month my meal plans are the same? I just must say, I never expected all of these issues when I got serious with this. I tracked them all in this thread.

I was eating apples all of the time and had to stop due to stomach issues, now apparently the baked chicken I eat all of the time is causing problems?

Why did the fast food junk I was eating like every day before I fixed my eating plan, did not cause these problems? My stomach problems are just not making any sense. I wonder does having ABS show create stomach problems for me? I have never in the time of my life been this cut/toned up before. Until now, I have NEVER been able to take my shirt off in a picture and show them to a chick (and she respond positively).

My annual routine exam is next month, so I will be going to the doctor anyway Espi, so I will have him check this out.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Well think of it this way.

If you eat the same foods day after day you are getting the same nutrients, minerals, vitamins etc day after day and not getting other ones. Not to mention the same pesticides, hormones, toxins etc that all foods have these days. It might be unrelated to eating junk food/good food. It's possible your body just ran out of nutrients that it needed eventually and you just happen to be eating good food now. The basic premise is the same...your body only keeps "X" amount of nutrients in reserve. If you aren't actively replenishing them by eating a wide variety of foods eventually you will run into issues. Also, these foods are likely limiting the variety of gut bacteria in your intestines as each type likes different foods. When you continuously feed one type and starve the others, you reduce the variety. Each variety performs specific functions for the body. The body is DEPENDENT on these bacteria as we have a symbiotic, codependent relationship with them that has evolved over thousands of years. Some types of bacteria emit substances that quell inflammation like Niacinamide. Others produce substances that cause inflammation. Almost all gut related problems(really almost ANY health related problem) can be linked to lack of variety of gut bacteria and/or too many pro-inflammatory versus anti-inflammatory types. Hence my recommendation to make your own kefir, milk especially, which contains 40+ strains of bacteria and yeasts that re-innoculate the gut with healthy bacteria, or water kefir which contains 15-20 varieties.

These are the types of things people never even consider when they are having issues, but gut bacteria has been linked to virtually all conditions or diseases that develop even as children...


Jun 23, 2014
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Did my annual routine exam this morning and held off seeing my Doctor until today because I knew it was coming up. The Doctor thinks it might be my gallbladder and he believes it's related to losing weight so fast.

As I mentioned, I do not weigh myself, I judge my progress by looking in the mirror. I was shocked today when they weighed me as with clothes on, I was 161lbs. If I weighed naked, I probably would be about 158lbs. I had no idea I was this small, when I started my progress in April, I was around 190-200lbs.

My abs began to appear in July, so I would imagine that I have been in the 160lb-165lb range since that time, which would mean that within 3 months I would have lost around 30 pounds.

If you guys track this thread, you remember that I reported the stomach problems very early on, during the June and July period. Maybe the stomach problems have been in relation to losing the weight so fast? Don't know, but they are going to do an Ultra-sound on my stomach and run other tests to see what might be going on.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
Did my annual routine exam this morning and held off seeing my Doctor until today because I knew it was coming up. The Doctor thinks it might be my gallbladder and he believes it's related to losing weight so fast.

As I mentioned, I do not weigh myself, I judge my progress by looking in the mirror. I was shocked today when they weighed me as with clothes on, I was 161lbs. If I weighed naked, I probably would be about 158lbs. I had no idea I was this small, when I started my progress in April, I was around 190-200lbs.

My abs began to appear in July, so I would imagine that I have been in the 160lb-165lb range since that time, which would mean that within 3 months I would have lost around 30 pounds.

If you guys track this thread, you remember that I reported the stomach problems very early on, during the June and July period. Maybe the stomach problems have been in relation to losing the weight so fast? Don't know, but they are going to do an Ultra-sound on my stomach and run other tests to see what might be going on.
You have made good progress. I hope I do as well as you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
Did my annual routine exam this morning and held off seeing my Doctor until today because I knew it was coming up. The Doctor thinks it might be my gallbladder and he believes it's related to losing weight so fast.

As I mentioned, I do not weigh myself, I judge my progress by looking in the mirror. I was shocked today when they weighed me as with clothes on, I was 161lbs. If I weighed naked, I probably would be about 158lbs. I had no idea I was this small, when I started my progress in April, I was around 190-200lbs.

My abs began to appear in July, so I would imagine that I have been in the 160lb-165lb range since that time, which would mean that within 3 months I would have lost around 30 pounds.

If you guys track this thread, you remember that I reported the stomach problems very early on, during the June and July period. Maybe the stomach problems have been in relation to losing the weight so fast? Don't know, but they are going to do an Ultra-sound on my stomach and run other tests to see what might be going on.
hey tenacity how tall are you, and ur bf %? because i am 161 with clothes on and 158 naked lol, except im anywhere from 15-20 bf % I'm 5'7 btw


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
You have made good progress. I hope I do as well as you.
Thanks man :), you will do well, just configure out an eating and exercise plan that works for YOUR body, then stay on it forever.

hey tenacity how tall are you, and ur bf %? because i am 161 with clothes on and 158 naked lol, except im anywhere from 15-20 bf % I'm 5'7 btw
In terms of height, I'm about 5'9 and in relation to BF percentage, I honestly don't know. I don't weigh myself, do any BF percentage measurements, or anything. I take my shirt off and flex in the mirror. Either I look good in the mirror or I don't. When I send my shirtless pics to chicks and when chicks see me shirtless, either they like what they see, or they don't lol.

Plus with those BF measurements, sometimes they can just be totally off depending upon which tool you use. So I just said the hell with all of those measurements because they don't matter anyway if I take my shirt off and women don't find me "sexy" lol.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks man :), you will do well, just configure out an eating and exercise plan that works for YOUR body, then stay on it forever.

In terms of height, I'm about 5'9 and in relation to BF percentage, I honestly don't know. I don't weigh myself, do any BF percentage measurements, or anything. I take my shirt off and flex in the mirror. Either I look good in the mirror or I don't. When I send my shirtless pics to chicks and when chicks see me shirtless, either they like what they see, or they don't lol.

Plus with those BF measurements, sometimes they can just be totally off depending upon which tool you use. So I just said the hell with all of those measurements because they don't matter anyway if I take my shirt off and women don't find me "sexy" lol.
Do you have a pic of when you first started?


Jun 23, 2014
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You said you weighed over 200 that's the one I'm looking for.
Oh I see, well, the ones from April 5th I was actually just starting to lose weight. I know I was about 200 lbs earlier this year around February, but by April I think I was about 180 - 185 or so on those pics. I don't have any pics prior to April 5th though.
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Jun 23, 2014
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I was just doing some more reading up on this, and it could very WELL be the fact that losing the significant amount of weight that I did created problems with my gall bladder. Another thing that the Internet Fitness Community NEVER talks about.

So here you go, doing the right thing with your life by eating right and exercising. You stick to the damn program and you take the weight off. But in the process, it fvcks up your gallbladder and creates gallstones.

Fvcking unbelievable. And the fact is you don't see this talked about anywhere, not on here, not on BB.com, anywhere.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Your new avatar caught my eye. Love the smile. Your body looks really good. I imagine the ladies absolutely love it. Congratulations on all the results of your dedication and hard work. You are really owning those abs now. Way to set a goal and go after it. Your photo shows you have lots to be proud of.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
I think it's my time to be more disciplined in life.

What type of diet do you consume to lose the weight around the stomach.

Also King of Puss can you link me to ab roller your friend is talking about?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
If you want bigger pecs, do dumb bell fly's, lots of cable work (squeeze those pecs), and stay away from the machines. The chest press is alright, but do incline DB bench press for better results.
Flys are a bad exercise.

- They put the biceps and shoulder joint under tremendous strain which is bad in itself and directly connects to the next point
- They aren't really a chest exercise because that's not where the most tension is, and that's the reason why you can't load up as much on flyes as presses in the first place. The hardest work is on the biceps, anterior deltoid and a small muscle called the coracobrachialis. This makes them bad both because they are not really a chest exercise and because the chest will be stimulated even less due to the lesser weight
- Guys don't rotate their shoulder internally when doing flyes which is one of the functions of the chest and puts it in a better position to work

I think it's my time to be more disciplined in life.

What type of diet do you consume to lose the weight around the stomach.

Also King of Puss can you link me to ab roller your friend is talking about?
Check this clip out. You can also search his channel for diet stuff.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Your new avatar caught my eye. Love the smile. Your body looks really good. I imagine the ladies absolutely love it. Congratulations on all the results of your dedication and hard work. You are really owning those abs now. Way to set a goal and go after it. Your photo shows you have lots to be proud of.
Thanks a lot lol.

I know I've come a long way because ever since my abs came in last year and I've been putting my shirtless pics up on dating/social media sites, I ROUTINELY get the "you might be a catfish" statements and women demand that I send pictures with a sign on it, or throwing up a peace sign.

When I was out of shape or didn't have my Looks part down pat, absolutely nobody accused me of being a catfish or having fake pictures lol.

You're looking great man. What's your ab routine? I have a low enough BF% and when I flex, the 6 pack is visible. My one buddy who has a legit 8 pack told me using the ab roller was all he did, so I've got one now. It's been working well so far.
I honestly do not track calories, I don't weigh myself and I don't track what my BF percentage is, I have absolutely no idea what any of those numbers are. I know as of November I was around 160lbs - 165lbs because when I did my routine annual exam that's where I weighed in at.

I focus on how I look in the mirror. The reason being is that (for me at least) counting and keeping track of all of those things just creates confusion. For example, when you lose "weight" are you losing fat or muscle? A person in fact could be dropping weight a lot but it could be a lot of muscle they are losing, which means when they take off their shirt in the mirror it won't be too great. Or a person could not be losing weight at all or might even be gaining weight, but the weight gain might be majority muscle which means taking his shirt off in the mirror would look pretty good.

So I just focus on my eating plan, add in my moderate cheat days about 2 times a week, and I do my workout sessions routinely each month. I've just been doing weight lifting/weight training for at least the last 5 months, no cardio as my weight is already down enough.

So at this point it's pretty much all about maintaining the body that I have by making sure I keep up with the routine that I've established. Took me a lot of trial and error, the Health and Fitness Community created a shyt ton of confusion for me along the way, but I kept the tenacity (no pun intended) and never gave up on my fitness goals.

Also for abs, I use the ab crunch machine in the gym with weights included, and I also do a series of ab bicycle crunches, ab crunches and leg raises at home. Our apartment complex has a full-sized gym that comes with it, so some workout sessions are in our gym and some sessions are in my apartment using BodyLastics.