bit confused about pre date text game


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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K so chatting on sat nite (after 4 hrs badminton..ouch) setup date with another blonde (my latest curse) OLD hb7 for tomorrow Wed.

Now in line with homework I haven't texted or messaged on bit. I'm a bit sceptical coz all the attention these OLD chicks get but I'm giving it a try.

Now what's the wisdom of the group on a date day text (assuming she doesn't reach out) - options are:

1 BITG's wear something sexy text.

2 Or should I just send a simple 'we still on text'

3 Or do I just send a selfie so she can recognise me

4 Or do I just front a bit early and text where I am in the bar

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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How to get a date from OLD that sticks:

1. Build up rapport with her online until you feel there's enough of a flow in the convo to ask her on a date
2. Ask her online to meet up for coffee in personto continue the convo
3. Set up the time and location with her for the date ON THE SITE (ideally the date takes place within a day or two to keep the momentum going)
4. Re-confirm the date details with her... ON THE SITE.
5. After the date has been set, THEN ask her to exchange numbers just in case something happens to either of you en route to the date (i.e. car crash, arriving a bit late, etc.)

That last one is important. You only get the number to use it in case of an emergency or late arrival (which you shouldn't do since you'll be getting to the place early).

You do NOT get the number to call or text her before the date. Once the date has been set up online, there is no need for you to contact her again until you see her on the date. There is no need to re-confirm - women who are generally interested in meeting you can't forget about meeting up with you. Re-confirming on your end shows her your lack of confidence in your ability to attract women. Now, if SHE hits YOU up to re-confirm, that's perfectly fine (and a great indicator of her growing interest in you); if she doesn't, that's fine as well - I've dated plenty of chicks who never reached out to me before the date yet still showed up. (God forbid she actually be a woman that makes plans and sticks to her word, right?)


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Thanks Harry
So far its as per your playbook so I ll stay NC and send her a text where I am in in the bar. - big place.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Flake text claimed she had to go to physio. No counter offer. Sent: "NP hope u get well soon"


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
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Flake text claimed she had to go to physio. No counter offer. Sent: "NP hope u get well soon"
She might be sick...Girl I have a date with friday had poison ivy weeks ago. I tried to set up a date and did like you left the ball in her court by saying get well, contact me if you want to go out. I just left it at that and she did. She also had poison ivy. I saw the remains on the first date. So you may still come out on top.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Way I think is she may come back 5% chance. If she s lying I ducked a bullet. Unreliable AWs will never improve your life.


Sep 10, 2014
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Way I think is she may come back 5% chance. If she s lying I ducked a bullet. Unreliable AWs will never improve your life.
I've always believed people who flake have deep, serious underlying character flaws so I'd rather them flake than waste my time.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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Shoot, I feel like flakes are blessings in disguise - it means not having to spend money on someone who didn't have high interest in me anyway. The funny thing too is, once you start dating chicks that NEVER flake on you (which I have and currently am), you'll finally know what REAL high interest looks/feels like, and any flake from a chick will get an automatic NEXT from you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Not despondent guys. OLD is a plan to ease me back into the game while I get more important things accomplished. What with prof tweaking msgs and dates think 10 % background task. Hopefully 5% once I get better at it. Plan was to have profiles on Okc, Pof and a paid site. So next step is to clone and tweak my Okc profile.


Don Juan
May 19, 2015
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Simple trick I use and it ALWAYS works.

" I will see you then. Make sure to look good , wear something nice "

1) You put her in a suspense stage , girls always worry about what to wear.
2) She will spend the whole night thinking if you found her outfit nice or up to your standard.
3) The key is not to be like every guy " OMG you look beautiful" ...just ignore how she looks / no compliment.

I found this to work well because it draws all the pressure on her. She is already out to qualify her self to you subconsciously.
On the flip side , you can't show up looking like you beg for coins on the street.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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I sent a 1 liner. Chick texted back n fourth. Threw one **** test asking what I do for work which I ignored. Re-booked for Saturday night. Which I like coz I always have A grade tennis on Thursday night and consequently I'm always stuffed on Friday night. Also gives me a chance to give my pad a scrape in case I get lucky with her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Saturday night date was better. Giantess but 186 Plenty of making out and grabbed my dcvk half the night. Unfortunately she seems to be one of those second and third date rules type girls. Reassured me a bit after the horrid canuck feminist chick. Only big screw up with a state on the date too long again but then we did spend two thirds of the time making out. I do need to fix that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Arrgh tear me a new one guys. This girl was so physical on the first date and already talking about making a third date for the weekend that I thought I could relax tonight a bit and just vibe with her. Started off ok kiss hello holding hands down the street as we walked up to the restaurant. Conversation was fine teased her and Mainly kept talk on her.

But wasn't getting much compliance I said I like to play pool at the pub and she didn't like that. Then sat down at the pub on a couch and I said come over here and she said I'm fine. I put an arm around her anyway and played with her back and her hair while we were talking and she did seem to warm up after a while but not a good sign.

And then Boom she tells me about some ex-work guy she's meeting on Saturday night ie the usual disrespect you get when they go low interest.

Did get a bit of kissing goodnight. So the mistake is very obvious I should have been relentlessly sexual all night.

So given that that she is giving me static about catching up on the weekend. I was thinking about texting " you seem busy right now lets catch up next weekend". And go NC for the next week. And of course I will be prospecting plenty of other net chicks in the meantime.



Sep 10, 2014
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Arrgh tear me a new one guys. This girl was so physical on the first date and already talking about making a third date for the weekend that I thought I could relax tonight a bit and just vibe with her. Started off ok kiss hello holding hands down the street as we walked up to the restaurant. Conversation was fine teased her and Mainly kept talk on her.

But wasn't getting much compliance I said I like to play pool at the pub and she didn't like that. Then sat down at the pub on a couch and I said come over here and she said I'm fine. I put an arm around her anyway and played with her back and her hair while we were talking and she did seem to warm up after a while but not a good sign.

And then Boom she tells me about some ex-work guy she's meeting on Saturday night ie the usual disrespect you get when they go low interest.

Did get a bit of kissing goodnight. So the mistake is very obvious I should have been relentlessly sexual all night.

So given that that she is giving me static about catching up on the weekend. I was thinking about texting " you seem busy right now lets catch up next weekend". And go NC for the next week. And of course I will be prospecting plenty of other net chicks in the meantime.

Weren't aggressive enough on the first date for her maybe. Went out with you a second time and you reconfirmed her thoughts from the first date, hence the BS mid date.

I wouldn't text anything, let her reach out to you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Possibly. First date was base 2 and kept going for 3 many times. Also tried to get her to mine or hers for 'coffee' at least 3 times. If she was DTF sure as hell could have had that.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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So the mistake is very obvious I should have been relentlessly sexual all night.
LoL - THAT'S your takeaway from all this?? That if you had been more sexual she would have shown you more interest??

Dude... I see this same thing said by 99% of the other guys on here when a girl that initially showed interest starts waning off - that they should have been more sexual. That's not the answer! If her interest is starting to take a downward turn, the LAST thing she's thinking about is wanting to have sex with you, and you amping it up isn't going to make her brain go "Oh look, he's showing he wants sex with you - time to turn your interest back up to a higher one!"

Sometimes, it's just what happens - you have a great first date, and on the 2nd date one or both people don't feel the same spark. And it's not always because you did something wrong, either.


With that said, based on your description of the date, there ARE things you can look at and try to improve on...

This girl was so physical on the first date and already talking about making a third date for the weekend that I thought I could relax tonight a bit and just vibe with her.
1. Until you've actually made the girl your girlfriend, NEVER ASSUME YOU'VE COMPLETELY WON HER INTEREST. This is a BIG mistake a lot of guys make after a date or two that have gone well, and it's inaccurate. Just because she's VERBALLY saying things that indicate a growing interest doesn't mean it's high enough for you yet to claim her as a victory. It takes at least 2.5 to 3 months to get a girl to that point, so even if she's saying encouraging things doesn't mean she's MENTALLY there with you yet. So, sloooow it down.

2. YOU HAVE TO KEEP CONTROL OF THE DATING PACE. You said she was trying to set up a 3rd date for that weekend? Great! However, you also know that you should only be seeing a woman once a week when you start dating her. So, if she tries to throw in an extra date - it's a great read on her growing interest, but YOU still have to be the one to understand what the RIGHT moves are to make and either turn the date down or move it to a later time. Women will sometimes make the mistake of trying to see you too much; YOU have to be the one that understands that too much time together in the beginning can be fatal for a potential relationship.

I said I like to play pool at the pub and she didn't like that. Then sat down at the pub on a couch and I said come over here and she said I'm fine.

Another fatal mistake. Drinking dates not only indicate that you're just trying to get her drunk to have sex, but it also shows lazy effort on your part. A girl is typically spending a LOT of money to dress herself up for you in the beginning; you coming up with a date idea like a bar doesn't align with the effort she put into her look. If you're going to do the bar thing, at least have it set someplace where other things are going on, like a comedy show, or bowling - ANYTHING other than just drinks and couches (and pool tables, which are usually set up in establishments where people can smoke).


I get it - you want to hook up with this girl. But SHE should be making the moves to touch YOU moreso than you trying to touch her. All this hand-holding, begging to sit on the couch with you, playing with her back and her hair... she didn't "warm up to it," she just figured you weren't going to stop and didn't want to hurt your feelings. In reality, had you kept your hands to yourself she would have been MORE comfortable and started touching YOU. Real talk - I've slept with girls on 2nd dates, and part of it was because I spent a good 3/4 of the night NOT trying to touch them, and focusing more on making them comfortable around me. Sloooow the touching dooooown - sex will happen eventually, but only if you're not making her feel creeped out.

As for her telling you about an ex-coworker? Well, it's not the BEST sign when a girl tells you she'll be hanging out with another guy. Did she specify it as a date? If not, it's probably just one of those things to see if you'll get jealous when she mentions hanging out with other guys (which is bound to happen if she has guy friends). My advice? It's only been TWO dates, and you're not in a relationship with her - therefore, it's nothing to bring up. Simply wait a few days, ask her out again (if you're wanting to see her), and see what she says.

Oh yeah, one more thing - Friday and Saturday dates should really be avoided until you're a month in with a girl, or until she brings it up. Both days are usually reserved for couples, and since you're not one yet the girl can start feeling like it's too much pressure to be in a relationship with you by going out on those days. Just a tip for the future.

Hope this helps!


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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Henry speaks the truth. Some of you guys who have had experience with tinder girls telling you that you aren't aggressive enough, tinder is a hook up app and that might have been what those girls are looking for.

However when you date a girl who is not just looking for a hook up, she needs to trust you. Understand that women are actually in a way afraid of men until they get to know the guy. I had one girl who physically warmed up to me after a few dates keep her sweater on during the first date even when it was hot as a way of just feeling safe, I think.

Henry is a great resource and you are better off listening to his advice than people like playherman and other alpha/beta thinkers.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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I agree about the extra date that would have been a good opportunity to show that I m a busy guy. Actually I'm not very much during the week because my job is full on but she doesn't have to know that ;-)

Not necessarily disagreeing but I am confused about the Kino. If the girls all over you on the first date and then runs straight up to you and give you a kiss y would I stop touching her. Backing off and waiting for her to get comfortable seems like what I did in my AFC days and that sure as heck didn't work. I m not getting the Distinction between the two approaches. And AG I m not saying that you are wrong but this is in the context of a girl who was all over me on the first date so getting comfortable with physicality didn't seem to be an issue for her.

The First Date was at an up market wine bar. It has a lot of interesting spaces and there s good coffee and ice cream places nearby and good people watching if I want to turn it into some quick micro dates. I d tried to move her that night and she basically wanted to stay put at the bar and make out.

I d suggested bowling for the second date and she didn't like that idea. We went to a restaurant first so it wasn't just a bar date. Bars in Australia are a bit different nobody's allowed to smoke. Options were a bit limited on a Tuesday night and because I wanted to stay in one area as she lives there and I work there. Also my car was a big mess because I d tripped my parents to the country side a couple of times and I wanted to go to the car wash near her which I did. Given the constraints I'm not sure what I could have done differently.

It's Wednesday here now. It's a long weekend here so she has the Monday off. Since Saturday night seems to be an issue for her I'll give her a ring on Friday and ask her out for Sunday night. I have a third date rule so I'll tell her that I'll cook us dinner and we'll go out after that.

If she doesn't go for that I'm getting kind of tired of her not going along with my date suggestions so I think it would be time to cut my losses. My experience with woman who turned into girlfriends is that they were making it easy for me by date 2. So date 3 is an absolute cut off for me to make sure I don't waste time and money on low interest level women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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i think you shouldn't determine whether or not you want to hang out with a girl based on if she puts out within 3 dates. do you enjoy spending time with her? Does she enjoy spending time with you and makes an effort? That's what matters.

every situation is different and no one can tell you how to escalate with any one girl. some girls like aggressive guys, some girls like to take their time, others might not be physically attracted to you right away and might need to warm up.

every situation is unique and I think it's just best to determine whether or not you like the girl yourself and whether you want to invest time in her regardless of sex.