Zero Hour: I want to lose virginity by the end of high school (June 09)


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Alright guys, here's the deal.

I want to lose my virginity by the end of high school, badly. Girls tell me that i'm not an ugly guy but im not a hunk either. I am relatively short and muscular (has been fading due to being diagnosed with crohn's disease recently) guy that has an average build.

I have about a month off due to some scheduleing that i will only be at school for about 2 hours a day, the rest of which i want to work on fixing my reputation with women, completely revamping my game.

I will do anything to make my experience with women better; and any increase is good.

I have not had any girlfriends or even hookups that were successful since my eighth grade year, i am now a senior. I am a very academically gifted person who has maintained a 3.9 and is in all advanced classes.

I am ready for my losing streak with women to be over, and I am ready to get the respect I deserve - as a suitor - NOT as a friend.

I ask you, citizens of sosuave, to help me achieve this. I will post reports here daily if some people/someone agrees to help me get this. All i want is a girlfriend or an improvement with women - not necessarily sex. However, If given the option, I would take it.

(I posted this in general because I want some input from some veteran DJs as well)


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
If you just want to lose your V-card:

1. Get some weed.
2. Find loose chicks.
3. Invite loose chicks over to smoke a joint.

Problem solved.

If you want something long term, read the DJ Bible.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Jitterbug said:
If you just want to lose your V-card:

1. Get some weed.
2. Find loose chicks.
3. Invite loose chicks over to smoke a joint.

Problem solved.

If you want something long term, read the DJ Bible.
Tried that, they use me :( (I can actually get medicinal marijuana for my crohn's disease)

I want my overall rapport better with women, to me its not just about losing the V-card...although that would be a good culmination.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
**** gettin a girlfriend. Go to a party get drunk with everyone. Build rapport with a few girls at the party tell them lets play a drinking game together (quarters or something) crack jokes be playful towards end of night 1-2 will still be around lookin to get boned by ur horse **** because the only reason they are still there is because they have blown it with their other guy prospects proceed to spread cheeks with one


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
pua1989 said:
**** gettin a girlfriend. Go to a party get drunk with everyone. Build rapport with a few girls at the party tell them lets play a drinking game together (quarters or something) crack jokes be playful towards end of night 1-2 will still be around lookin to get boned by ur horse **** because the only reason they are still there is because they have blown it with their other guy prospects
A few problems with that are one) I can't drink due to health reasons, and two) I'm usually the designated driver... due to the nature of where I live and how things are, it's usually hard to find a spot that i can stay the night at.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa Bay
Jitterbug said:
If you just want to lose your V-card:

1. Get some weed.
2. Find loose chicks.
3. Invite loose chicks over to smoke a joint.

Problem solved.

If you want something long term, read the DJ Bible.
Alcohol is the way to go, **** weed - drugs just make you stupid.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
It's-Me said:
Alcohol is the way to go, **** weed - drugs just make you stupid.
Again, I can't drink due to health reasons (could cause an emergency situation - i won't go into details though)


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
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i got a idea for you.. why dont you try macking it with some freshman or the nerdy girls at your school.. you take advanced class i bet theres some shy nerdy girls in there that you could game, freshman are easy game, there young and curious about older guys or senior in you case.. try that


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
stoneblaze said:
i got a idea for you.. why dont you try macking it with some freshman or the nerdy girls at your school.. you take advanced class i bet theres some shy nerdy girls in there that you could game, freshman are easy game, there young and curious about older guys or senior in you case.. try that
Sounds like a good idea, and that's what i plan on doing (as far as other "nerdy" girls) next semester.

I suppose I could go down to freshmens, its worth a try...Nerdy girls that are hot is an incredible turn on for me.


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
New York, NY

i'm sorry to hear that you have crohn's disease. My buddy has it and sometimes when we are out he just has to leave and go home because he has to use the bathroom (not meant to be funny).

Honestly though, I think you are putting too much weight on having sex before you graduate high school. Go with the mentality of "if it happens it happens". High school should be some of the best times of your life. You have all the fun and none of the responsibility of being able to have fun and **** around. If you have a "fun" mentality and really go out to have fun at parties and stuff, even if you aren't drinking, then girls will notice that and be attracted to you.

you don't need weed or alcohol to get girls. Furthermore trying to get with freshman girls (who are probably like 14/15) and I assume you are 17/18, is considered statutory rape in most states.

in any event try to have fun and enjoy the rest of your high school years. If it happens, it happens.

If not, as my friend eddie says "College is a game of dodge ass. Its hard to not hookup." There, you can mack on all the freshman who are looking to go buck wild and have sex.

Cheers mate and good luck.


Don Juan
May 2, 2008
Reaction score
This is just an idea, but its worth a shot. If you're at parties and you're the DD then you should leave as early as possible. Be harsh about this, and dont be so nice as to stick around for your drunk friends. Tell some girls that you're leaving early and you can take them home since you're not drinking. If they buy it then you might have a possible in for the future. This is a fairly difficult thing to carry out because you want to make sure you dont have dudes following those girls around. You only want to drive girls home, and thats it, you yes try to target the nerdy ones if possible. The point is you want to put yourself where you could be in a situation where they are buzzed and you're taking them home - you could possibly go chill with them so it'll be you and just girls. Then once this has happened you have to do everything you can to not be dumped into the friend catagory and keep your game up during this time. If nothing happends to first time around you'll at least get some experience and maybe it'll work the second or third time. But you'd have to be careful not to drive any dudes home.

Good luck bro. And just to let you know. Highschool sex is overrated. College sex is where its at. So dont get too down about it. If you've still got your V-card in college just predent you lost it, and you'll have a much higher success rate. The whole V-card stigma makes dudes get paranoid which isnt very healthy.
Good health and good luck to you again.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
You haven't stated either way, but I'm going to guess you don't go to many parties. If that's the case, you are going to have to find girls at school, which isn't really that hard, especially if you want quality. The freshmen idea is a great one, just try and start chattin it up with a few of them (more prospects) and let it be known that you are a senior and in all the advanced classes to make yourslelf more desireable. If you know of any parties going down, especially now since it's almost xmas break time, just invite a few of the girls to the parties. Let them know up front you don't drink and will be the driver, so they should be comfortable knowing you are responsible and not just trying to bang them. A shady move, but one that may work is..... pretend you know of a new years or xmas or whatever party, invite them and tell em to give you their number so you can call them. WHen party time rolls around, say it got cancelled, or was lame, and invite them elsewhere. After that, it's up to you. As far as a place to bang, good luck man. It definitely isn't going to be her house, so hopefully you have an older brother or cool cousin. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
Don't make it out to be hard. As long as you are ALWAYS moving out of your comfort zone, you'll improve. If your good with talking to girls already on a friendly note. Start saying things you might view as 'risky' and joke around in sexual ways with girls, of course get them comfortable talking to you first. I was a designated driver once for a few girls I met at this one outdoor bar. Just be fun with them on the drive home and see what happens.


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2008
Reaction score
Worcestershire UK
My advice matey is to do the Don Juan Boot Camp.

Honestly, personally I'm about 4 times more confident than I was before I started. It's intense, but very doable.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
Reaction score
Geez, someone has been watching a little too much American Pie. Why not just enjoy high school for what it is and get ready for college. Sex is not all that great, in fact, sex is just plain stupid in high school. Just get a date for the senior prom (if prom is your thing). Dance, chat it up, and have a blast.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
I say you wait till college, but before you get there change yourself.

Your identity is basically sealed in H.S., but I was the same way as you and trust me as you get older women improve greatly, just due to the fact that girls are turning 18 everyday and as you get older you get more refined and respected. Just stack your paper and focus on you. You can't play for the Yankees if you don't train (you can't bag a hot chick unless you improve yourself).

This will help


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
I am sorry to tell you this, but with that attitude, It's not going to work for sure.

Why? If you think like that with deadlines and all, it becomes an obsession. Girls feel instantly when you think like this, and they won't be interested in you. You are probably a needy guy who craves attention from girls and thinks of nothing but to f*ck them. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, but it's probably the truth. I know where you're coming from.

Here's a tip: You need to chill the f*ck out man, stuf like this takes time, and your time will come. I'm 22 and I'm also still a virgin. I could had lost my v-card numerous times but I chose not to because every time I had the chance, it was either a nasty sl*t or some fat chick. No, I always wanted it to be with a special someone. It's not like you're gonna die if you haven't f*cked someone when you were 15.

This will take you more then half a year, unless you're naturally really gifted. Check the link in my sig. I've been on this site for 2 years, and I'm almost where I want to be now. I was extremely insecure, introvert, and even scared of women. I'm really the oposite now. Didn't get laid yet, but I'm sure it won't take me long anymore. People who read my report tell me I'm doing great, and I feel so too.

What I'm saying is, you need to fix your own sh*t first. Once you've done that, the rest will follow automatically. If you have time to read through my report (it'll take you half a day or so, haha), you can see clearly that my various attempts and field training did some good stuff for me, but not that much. Sure, I learnt some moves and got a bit more comfortable around girls. BUT, the change really came once I started to see a therapist. Now I'm not saying you need to do that too. I'm saying it's way more important to get peace inside your head then to learn tricks, routines and lines. That's like expecting to be a great driver by buying a Ferrari without having driving experience. You have all that horsepower but you don't know how to use it properly. And I think that's the problem with a lot of unsuccesful members here to be honest (no offence!).

The reason I started visiting a shrink is I had a couple of pretty f*cked up episodes in my childhood that just damaged me, man. I needed my head sorted out. Ever since I'm doing just that, my confidence and succes rate (I'm still in the stage where I see asking for a number or a fun conversation as a "success") with girls has gone up with 500%. Like you said, I'm getting the respect I deserve.

Get your mind at ease and good things will come to you. And forget about that silly deadline, you don't need that sh*t.

Oh, and If you really must get laid before that, here are some options:

1: prositutes
2: fat chicks
3: ugly fat chicks
4: nasty sl*ts

You don't want that man, you're too smart for that.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice you guys :)

I think i'll try to focus on having more "fun" for the rest of the time that I have :)

I am going to go to a large university hopefully, so maybe that will help out a lot too :)