You're never too old ... 59-year old football player


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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Props to the 59 year old that still has the drive in him to do what he loves. With early 20 something "adults" in there prime holding his own. I see early 40 early olds who can hardly walk up stairs and do anything other then change the channel without complaning about how much pain they are in.

One thing women are good at doing is sucking the dreams out of you. Obviously if his wife felt so strongly about him moving to the campus town she would have stayed. She didnt, she needs him more then he needs her. Good for him and glad someones taking charge of there life. Going against the odds of mainstream society. He should be in a home, talking about the "good ol days". When he is in fact reliving them 40 years later.

I can only aspire to do the same.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
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Here is something interesting about a boxer named Jersey Joe Walcott:

Until George Foreman shattered the record, he was the oldest boxer to win the heavyweight title at the ripe old age of 37.

They weren't kidding about 40 being the new 30. back then guys even seemed to age faster. Nowadays, a 37+ boxer is commonplace.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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STR8UP said:
I have to say it is a bit hypocritical to criticize the way a person dresses, but applaud another person's actions that go against convention.

We are a few years past the time when you had to "change your uniform" as you reached each new decade in your life.

I used to think that way too. Even a few years ago. But then I realized that having that mindset is simply another byproduct of conditioning.

I'll be 36 in about a week. Should I not wear a Structure tshirt and an American Eagle cap turned backwards?

I rolled out wearing that combo one night when the 21 yr old fashion student was staying with me, and she ate it up.

I agree.....there comes a point when you just can't pull it off. But it has more to do with attitude than age.
It's not hypocritical because in order to play college football, it's about fitness, desire, toughness, and strength ... no matter what age you are.

Trying to dress like a 20-year old at age 40 has NOTHING to do with those qualities. It means you (not you STR8UP) are trying too hard.

People are reaching is they're looking for hypocrisy here. If you're flashing gang signs and wearing low riders past age 20, you look foolish. The other stuff like American Eagle and baseball caps? I don't have a problem with that as long as you're not trying to be 20, trying to act 20, hanging out and wishing you were 20. In the end, people look more comical than cool when trying to do that, and anyone with the mildest b.s. detector can see the person is despartely trying to fit in and is far from cool about it.

A person playing football at an older age? It takes a lot more to do that than walk down to the 20-something store in the mall and start buying young clothes.

Scot McKay

Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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San Antonio, TX
Anyone who hates on this guy is just jealous.

What's the alternative? Sit around drinking beer and watching live happen to others on TV while you wait to die?

I love this guy:
The story reminded me of him.

If you want some fun, go to a BMX racing or Mountain Bike national event and check out the 56+ class. You'll be amazed. There is no need to sit around getting old.

Come to think of it, I know at least three 55+ guys who play 30-Over baseball (not softball). I've heard about a guy who is 81 playing catcher somewhere. Once met a guy 71 who was roadracing 250cc Yamahas.

You have to live this life.