You can't fake oozing sensuality, it's not a technique, you have to tap into the sensual side of you and embrace it. This is part of the gunwitch method, by the way, which works by virtue of its absurd simplicity, no tricks, no gimmicks, find a chick, be horny, be sensual, talk to her, isolate her, fvck her. Horniness is a socially transmitted bug, so is sensuality, indeed I'm finding more often that all of our states seem to be transmittable.
Maybe this is due to facial gestures or body language, perhaps something more esoteric like bloody telepathy or such, I don't know.
Savor things, eat an orange and PAY ATTENTION to its sensations and flavors, when you are moving inside of a girl PAY ATTENTION to the feelings and sensations of the friction against your c0ck, the dampness of her skin, her scent. Pay attention to the cologne you wear, notice subtle things.
The sexiest guy that I know is a flaming homosexual in his late 30's. The guy is darker than Taye digs, bald, cut and muscular, but what really makes the girls wet around him is his presence, he has this air of being incredibly comfortable in his skin and sensually alive. The way you move you know that if he was up inside some girl instead of a guy's bottom he'd move with such grace and presence she could probably feel his c0ck in her throat. That's how the guy moves, walks, breathes.
Some folks missed iqqi's point, frankly. 00Kevin in particular, no disrespect to him.
We post here about our "types" all the time. Case in point, the "fat chicks" thread. Case in point, the profusion of testimonies from guys complaining about how they can't go for "UGs", how dating a girl who's not prime grade HB 8.9 or above is compromising a guy's standards.
Bullocks, go ahead and "NEXT" that cute little "6.5". You probably won't know what you missed, if I'm around I'll make sure that I do though.
Really these are not standards, if viewed one way, they are simply what turn a particular person on. You really can't help this without a lot of introspection.
If iqqi is primarily attracted to, say, big mexican thugs and she decides to give a short but cute, sensual Irish guy with glasses a run, 00Kevin's interpreting this as her compromising her standards misses the point by a mile. One expects better of him.
People, men and women, are turned on by what they are turned on. What turns us on is affected by culture, environment, etc., and many other factors.
Why are so many guys on this forum repelled by "overweight" girls (and what's the definition of overweight) when, frankly, being a bit fat was considered to be highly sexually appealing 100 or so years ago.
An ethnic correlation, if this board was populated by a majority of Blacks, or Latins, or Arabs, the definition of "too fat to phuck" would vary significantly.
What arouses a guy or girl one day may not the next day. I am not attracted to skinny blonds, period. I can not get hard to britnay spears, I can't even masturbate to her picture. However darker more fleshy girls turn me on at the drop of a hat.
Put 30 pounds on Monica Bellucci and I'd still take her any day over Britnay Spears or Pam Anderson. Put 20 pounds on Salma Hayek or Isabelle Adjani (a French Actress you may have heard of) and I'd happily run through their wicked gardens miles before even getting near Pam Lee's skank behind.
However the last two girls I dated were blonds, now was I compromising my standards? No. They turned me on, full stop.
To think otherwise reeks of stupidity.
I find MVPlaya's observations interesting, silly young bints have stereotyped views of what a "hot" or "cute" guy is, Mr. Blond Blue eyes, because frankly they were programmed this was and have diddly life experience to determine whether this type really represents what they find hot in a man, or is just an artificial construct. The girl goes to college or moves in the workplace, and gets some experience, her horizons widen.
The same with silly young guys. Expecting anyone at 16, 17, or 18 to have a nuanced understanding of what makes them tick sexually is expecting a hell of a lot of introspection from someone smack out of childhood. Give me the same person at age 28 and I can assure you a different view.
Still types remain types, give me hazel eyes, a plump round big bottom, and large tawny tits and I'm a happy camper of course. And sure, give me a couple of petite chalk pale, apple size, b cups, and small tight bottom and I'm also happy. Experience adds dimensions to one's understanding.
Now, as for iqqi's points, I verify them with my experience. The more I've grown comfortable with my body, being in my skin, so to speak, the more I've grown to savor life as a sensual experience, the more sexy many women have found me. I think that bints have this sensuality radar.
Guys do to, seriously if a girl moves like a robot and has no smoothness to her, are you turned on? It is almost a cultural thing with certain ethnic groups and classes in the US and UK, how the girls have this non sensual, almost man like, way of moving and acting. A sort of coldness.
Not to race or ethnic bait but you can tell a person's origins and ethnicity, to a large degree, from their body language. Many French women move differently from Anglo-Saxon ones, many Spanish or Arab women move differently from American Midwestern ones. The more exposure you have the more you notice this sort of stuff.
This mentality of "if it comes from a girl's mouth its automatically suspect" really wears thin around here. It is a stupid default rule. I've seen guys post such drivel on this forum I advise heavy B.S. filters for both sexes.
The affair concerns discernment, a poster's being a bint has little bearing as to whether or not her words are worth reading. Frankly in the half year or so that I've read this forum I've seen some pretty noteworthy posts from iqqi and other girls hanging around her, more power to them.
A sign of a man's intellect is how he critically examines information and their sources.