Transform Your Dating Life in Minutes

If you're looking for a proven system to attract women and achieve dating success, you're in the right place.

Our step-by-step guide is the perfect starting point for any man looking to improve his dating life.

With our expert advice and strategies, you'll be able to overcome common obstacles, build confidence, and start attracting the women you desire.

Thanks for joining us, and I wish you all the best on your path to success!

You guys are all MORONS!!!

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Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
lol, nice said intense

ass sniffer haahaahaa


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2003
Reaction score

What kind of guy would come up with the name "ass-sniffer" anyway? Oh I'm sorry, it's "Crotch Sniffer".


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score

That wasn't the lamest flame, this is the lamest flame, BTW - Your next, big boy.


*Zephyrus grabs MVPlaya, and donkey f*cks his face* HEE HAW... HEE HAW. Now shut the f*ck up you frail lil b*tch.


Of course it's gross man, he's as ugly as f*ck...


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
Whooaa! Looks like Dumb and Dumber have teamed up to form the Ambiguously Gay Duo!

CS and Playedout Supreme should get together and Film 'Rush Hour 4' (you microdweebs can play patty-cake to see who is Jackie Chan and who can be Christ Tucker)

you got game? yea real funny, I'll bet your the type of guy that jerks off into his sock everynight then wears the same socks to work the next day

this is how much "game" CS has

Here's a tip Mack Daddy of Masturbating, do not go onto a forum confessing your masturbatory addictions, then claiming you have "game"

for that you deserve a dirty sanchez applied to your mutton face with a spatula

p.s. try to come up with something a bit more original then "that was lame you asslicker", Ive had explosive mudslide diahrrhea more insulting than you are
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Damn, you scored a -3 with this one!
This is almost as sad as your little routine with tha ladies

Starfag´s brilliant line: "I dont want to toot my horn or nothin but, BEEP! BEEP!"


After thousands of posts this is your BEST?




Oh playedout...atleast I've played the game...and how are girlfriends doing mary palm and her 5 sisters? Do you bathe them before each session and put oil on them and stuff?

Get out your Nambla magazines of old assed men like you with young boys sitting on their laps...and Let Mary go to work...

I think sniffer got you with that lame assed post of yours...Beep Beep...that was the lamest piece of shyt I've ever seen. Remember I told you I posted it somewhere else and had the fella's laugh at you?

Now they are laughing at you over here huh..

You know I shouldn't do this to might commit suicide or somethin and that would be on my conscious for about 10 I think I will go easy on you this time.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Starman
"STARGEEK - racial/ physical-deformity jokes are lame."

Im sorry Crotch lips,

I had no idea you really wore a scrotum sack on each of your chicken pinwheel ears.

I truly apologize if I have somehow made fun of any physical deformity you might have.

but as far as flaming, take it back to the 5th grade, son. Ive taken sh1ts in boots that came out more creative and artisitic than your posts.

why if you were even near me, I might do you a favor and rip out your spine and clean out my gutters with your tailbone..its the only worthwhile advantage to your existence

now go back to shoe shining with your ear wax and tongue, your too sophmoric for my caliber

ahh shucks now who is played out??? this one was weak holmes. I'm very dissappointed in you...oh hell I've been dissappointed in you for a long time now...but this one takes the cake...
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Starman
PlaySkool Supreme,

Are you actually laughing at your own flames? you bes stick to what you know best mooseknuckled Dildo salesman, I'll bet if you remove the "H" and "A" keys from your keyboard, you'de probably have nothing more to say

huh huh heuh huh "mo-bombs" her duh der huh heh, I wouldnt expect any more from a testicle headed apemongrel like yourself

Please sh1t in a coffee cup and sip accordingly until you come up with something intelligible I can work with

until then keep your fists away from any of your orafices and your lips smacking everytime you come across gay porn

filthy watermelon patch security guard

Another in a long series of weak assed flames Drive by...but I did kinda like the remove the H and A keys.. I didn't know you could read yet....when all you do is look at the pictures in your gay porn magazines and drool on ya self.

shyt in a coffee points

watermelon patch...unn no...

testicle headed apemongrel...sorry effect. Very lame.

The only flaming your good at is when you get dressed up in ya mom's old clothes on friday nites and start clacking at ya keys on this site.

Your time is done here...why don't you go "reinvent" yourself...come back with a new screen name like:

The sniffer..

Snossigis... for your tiny little nutz and your big assed nose.

To the beat of Beverly Hill Billy's

Oh once there was a big nosed creap who changed is name to Jed
He spent everyday in the gay porn on the internet to keep his mind fed
Then one day while hunting gay porn he came accross sosuave instead.
Try as he might he could never get ahead

Because he and his little right hand were surely wed

Then one day along came a man called Playersupreme
Who washed away all little Jeds dreams
No more fame it became to be seen
That poor little jed had a tiny little thing

Switch that beat yo


Go drive by bo drive by go go go
go mo bombs go mo bombs..go go go
pull it out ya nose so it can blow blow blow

Take it away MO-BOMBS :

Yo I'm starfag on the loose yo
I ain't got nuthin to say but I know you can hear me though
I like gay porn and player supreme's ass
I flunked high school cause I set in da back of class

I say shyt that don't make no sense
I shty in my pants but don't worry I wear deeze depense
ohh no I made a boo boo
when I said to that fine honey cho! cho!

or was it Beep beep
who cares I'm just a internet wacking creep
Yea, it's true I aint really got no wimins to keep
I wack off till late at night and then go to sleep

To that 50 cent's beat now:

I wake up early in da mornin
my dyck callin me and I'm moanin
I go to my dead end job a woanin
look at my nambla pics and get to foamin

Shut up ya'll you don't know
what it's like to be a grade below
so get this straight I'm runnin this show
I know you hear me though

ey yo! that nambla stuff is be callin again, so it's time for me to go!

yo yo yo yo!

And starfag walks away with his nambla magazine under his arm and his hand in his pockets playing pocket pool. Behind him whisling away is MY-HAND-IS BLU...hoping that starcreeps hand will get tired so blu can do what he does best!

and a soft very soft whisling floats through the air as we fade to black

Now before you go saying something took me less than 3 minutes to create this see son your out classed

And don't get ya head in a cloud just cause I posted 3 in a row. If you look I was responding to your late night frantic posts after I went to bed with my honey and you were up late wacking and posting away where nobody could respond till the next day!

That beep beep was el-lamo man. You might as well pulled at ya extra small sized weiner and said in a mexican accent "say ello to my liddle steeky fdiend"
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2001
Reaction score
Nottingham, England.
"this one was weak holmes"

What does holmes mean?

I hear it all the time off mexician and spansih types, but don't know what the hell it means!

Just curious.
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
To; Starstank

First of all, I team up with no one. I simply recognize SKILL.

Think about it. Player Supreme is a pretty easy target, I mean the guy looks like a gay Mr. Clean from the ghetto. The fact that he is a 40 year old dude cavorting with a bunch of young boys on the internet makes it especially easy to rip this fool. But I have respect for him. WHy? His insults are actually FUNNY! I can almost see you seething at your keyboard, working yourself up to a frenzy till you have to go beat off before you post more assenine bullsh*t

You on the other hand, are not funny. Sometimes inspiration smiles on you, but most of the time it flees from your grasp, much like all the women who cross your path.

I read your posts and all I hear is crickets chirping.

Master Don Juan? Pfffft! Looks like the new and improved Starfunkle 3000+ still cant make the grade, eh? For chrissakes, even Intense got more skills than you and homeboy only has 60 posts! (Nice work BTW, Intense!)

And what´s up with all the ass/sh*t references? Sounds to me like someone here has an Anal Fixation. So whats the prognosis Dr. Starfag?

Starfungus gives himself a diagnosis

"Well sniffer, apparently I have issues with my own latent homosexuality and project this onto others with repeated references to the anus and fecal matter. It may seem like I am attempting to insult but in reality I long to penetrate hairy asses while someone sh*ts on my face"

Why thank you Dr. Starfag! I understand everything now!

To the rest of you, let me just say that I am sorely disappointed! Taking obvious stabs at my name is useless when I have no shame to my game. Just face it already, you little chumps have no skills!
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score

Holmes is like "bro" or "dude"

just a reference to your fellow man that was coined after the infamous 70s porn actor John Holmes.

there is also

homeslice, homie, homeboy, etc etc

be sure to inject lots of this cool new "slang" into your interactions with your fellow hicks ;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
damnnnn you people got no lives.....
yoo crotch sniffer, what part of new york are you from?


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Starman
but as far as flaming, take it back to the 5th grade
We've noticed. All your stupid sh*t sounds like something a fifth grader would say. Yo, Rainman, your rants suck.

Originally posted by Zephyrus

*Zephyrus grabs MVPlaya, and donkey f*cks his face* HEE HAW... HEE HAW. Now shut the f*ck up you frail lil b*tch.
Hmmm... here's a guy whose location is ?HELL? and his age ?69?. How much action do you get Zeph, have you ever pissed in your mom's ass? I bet that donkey you keep fantasizing about made you choke on his **** while he bit off yours, you dirty little faggot. About grabbing me, don't get to excited, if you get a little too close to me I might just have to smack you around like the little ***** you are. Stick to your farm animals and ass-pissing rituals, this forum is a little too advanced for you.

Cogent Ops.

Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Starman

this is how much "game" CS has

Here's a tip Mack Daddy of Masturbating, do not go onto a forum confessing your masturbatory addictions, then claiming you have "game"
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HE ****IN GOT YOU CROTCHSNIFFER!!! It's sad too because he probably spent hours looking at every one of your lame ass posts just to find a little dirt so he could post on a "flames" post started by a mentally retarded kid on an internet forum that he spends way too much of his life on.

You are all stupid.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
The thought of a wrinkled prunefaced Playa Supreme dressed up as a hillbilly & banjo singing the beverly HillBilly's tune quacks me up..if you bought yourself a little monkey that can hold a coffee mug and go out in the streets with your act, you'de be hella rich!

You've written a 10 page post, and still havent said 1 word..OTTAYY??

Now to the rest of you Sh1tslops, Please keep your "flames" brief, if its not funny in the first few sentences you can type away until your mudflapping gums sag down to your testicles, it STILL wont be funny

This goes for you too MomsVaginalPlaya

In the mean time, I give you pastule faced trolls permission to copy my flames and use them as your own on other boards
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by GigaloDJ
Starman has skills. I saw some pics with him and various hot girls.
Just to settle it. :cool:
I have those same pics on my hard drive that sm sent me. they are fakes...even he doesn't try to deny it anymore.

he sent me these fake pics of him with various girlfriends except he was wearing the same outfit on both of them..

he faked his **** when I called him out..

sorry sm is a internet loser! never fake ya shyt..if you ain't got it then go learn it and get it.

didn't I send you those same faked pics? I hope not. because if I did and your saying this then your very naive. I realize you guys live in the same town and that's cool.

I'm coming there in a few months to visit a family member...I intend to see first hand just what sm has...he will probably run and hide but oh well.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Starman
The thought of a wrinkled prunefaced Playa Supreme dressed up as a hillbilly & banjo singing the beverly HillBilly's tune quacks me up..if you bought yourself a little monkey that can hold a coffee mug and go out in the streets with your act, you'de be hella rich!

You've written a 10 page post, and still havent said 1 word..OTTAYY??

Now to the rest of you Sh1tslops, Please keep your "flames" brief, if its not funny in the first few sentences you can type away until your mudflapping gums sag down to your testicles, it STILL wont be funny

This goes for you too MomsVaginalPlaya

In the mean time, I give you pastule faced trolls permission to copy my flames and use them as your own on other boards
Prune face...sorry charley I look the same as when I was skin doesn't crack...unlike those blood vessles in ya nose. And if I use a long thread like you've been known to do so what...

just cause you aint got nuthin to say anymore...don't hate the player hate the game!

Now about that 40 year old playing with kids:

1. sm is in his 30's even though he wants to be 18 again

2. alot of the folks on this board are over 30.

3. Mr clean from the ghetto...I like that...I will use that to clean this board up of all the skunks on it.

4. And about me being an easy target let me explain something to all of you:

Society fears a free lion. The only lions that society isn't afraid of are those in captivity or on a preserve which is captivity...

I am a lion amongst the sheep....of course I make people uncomfortable...a black man who speaks his mind would make anybody uncomfortable.

Now who has the most game on this board...not mo-bombs...!

when you guys do master your game (which here's a hint) your game is "YOU" you will no longer fear women and will be in the land of pu*ssy for ever. And when you get to the top the air is cleaner up there.

Like I've posted over at my place...I come to this basement to see who has potential to be pulled up to the light. I've only chosen a few...and some of those have disappointed me and the crew over there....but I'm still lookin for potential...

of which lately I see none!

That is why I come here...and that reason alone. Oh and to re-post some of the lame post that I see and we are now talking about them as entertainment...Beep Beep! Or I don't want women anymore type of threads...and a few others...

I want to wake you guys up to reality. I drop little bits here and there looking for someone who responds and begins to see the light. When they email me I put them in the right door way. But they gotta email me first for the directions outta here and into the land of p*ussy.

Over there we the true players of the game spread the info and the way:

Being a player is the best way to step into this game. By dating numerous women you get to learn what it is that your looking for in a woman before you settle down. You learn how to handle women so that when you do settle down your not punked out.

To be a player you must give up that stupid notion that things are equal in the game. Women are better educated in this game way before we've even had our first date.

They go to slumber parties and network and read magazines on boys and dating tips and ideas in those girly mags' while were still shootin hoops for fun.

For the new guys who think you need to be a nice guy Stop deluding yourselves with what should be and start doing what works. It’s results that matter in this world.

The concept of the nice guys doesn't exist. You've been sold a bill of goods. You've been lead to believe that if your nice a good girl will one day come along. You also think that by acting nice women will feel comfortable around you. According to the author of the e-book "the dating black book" Men will go so far as to hate being men and fear being called a player by women.

Also according to the author Nice guys are about as exciting as bird watching.

So new guys especially those from need to be de-programmed.

Getting women is just like life "its not fair" so get over it.

Women look for harder men who are more of a challenge to them. Men who exhibit the charcteristics of the other myth called a jerk (which women started cause they couldn't tame these fellas).

To have these desireable man traits you need to:

1. Put yourself first at all times.

2. If a bytch is acting up dump her ass real quick.

3. Don't look for other fools approval...toot your own horn in life.

4. Don't ever suck up to ho's. never put them on a pedistal.

5. If something piss's you off get mad and show it. your a man baby!

6. Don't be afraid to shyt on bytch...(hurt her feelings)...

Read the Players rules to the game and print that shyt out and live by it.

Can I get some comments on this thread please.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
Jeeves Christ will you put a GOD damn cork in it already!!

No one gives a rats a$$ if you are a monkey, a lion or born with chinchilla testicles

The bottom line is you are nothing but a cut n paste romeo

not to mention pathetic, whiny, obsessive/bordering on psychotic, and have the mentality of festering pocket lint and the fragile ego of a 10 year old schoolgirl who just soaked her shorts

If I knew you were gonna taint this thread with your *boo hoo Im a black man in a white mans world, yet I still get white wimmins" I would have never bothered to even humiliate you to the point where you are in a fetal position crying with your apesh1t thumb in your mouf

Just Say UNCLE and I will stop

Hot Ice

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2002
Reaction score
ugghhhhh.... FUKK YOU ALL!!!
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