You can't win this game with women and sex because the rules are heavily stacked against you

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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I dont understand why so many are bashing the guy who opened the thread.

What he basically said is that the cost-benefit ratio of dealing with women for the average man doesnt make it worth it.

Sure there are some man that despite a much lower effort and commitment can get the lion share yet as countless stats prove us day after day wheter we talk about virgin male teenagers, incels, online dating matches and so on, the average man is living in the worst conditions possible compared to any previous moment in our history.

Its not an isolated fact for a man so make his calculation only to decide to leave the table.

I'm dont see it as bad as op but I also dont see it the wonderland many other users paint, personally the only way is to adapt which means reframe any rule only to put what you want as long as you get what you want.

One thing I know for sure is that many guys I know whos LMS doesnt get a decent score would be better off dropping dating altogheter rather than suffering pain and frustration day after day for the simple fact that the minimum criteria for a man to have some satisfaction with women grew considerably in the last decade at least in the western world while the quality of the average woman dropped to bottom standards compared to the past.

I suggest anyone reading to correctly assess their own value and act accordingly, in my case I have what it takes to have a satisfactory dating and sexual life while under no condition I'll take a chance with a relationship, Im not strong enough to endure a non stop manipulation from a woman while government, laws and culture side with her.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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So you accuse me of not caring enough to articulate a response, I take 10 minutes to actually do that, and now suddenly you don’t care enough to articulate a response yourself because it’s not “cost effective”?

How convenient.

I’m just trying to get to the real meat of your thread here.

You’re essentially saying don’t prioritize/pedestalize the puss. That’s been the mantra here for nearly 20 years. What are you adding to that?

There are some toxic women out there. A lot of men lose. Pretty evident. Old news.

You suggest the need for “an alternative” to it all, but all I’ve gotten so far is that you sit home trading stocks while diddling yourself to porn.

Is that your solution to everything? Is that what you’re selling here?

Where’s the beef?

View attachment 3157
He told us his solution. Porn and masturbation. He mentioned that multiple times.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2017
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I agree with OP’s core sentiment of this post


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I think most incels have the game all wrong. In order to get laid, you have to let it go. You can't desperately want it. Women can smell it on you. It's a repellent. You have to focus on the fun. Celebrate your life. Achieve greatness and reward yourself by going out and having fun. Don't put any pressure on yourself to game women. Any act of contrivance is inauthentic and lessens your masculine presence.

For me, any attempt to alter my natural personality just to impress women violates my own sense of self worth. It is a self esteem killer. Supplicate one time and you'll find yourself supplicating to everyone. Even if you get the chick, it becomes deeply ingrained into your psyche that supplication is how you get women. And the entire relationship will feel like you are walking on eggshells where it's only a matter of time until you slip up. You can't keep up the charade forever. Your lack of authenticity will eventually lead her to resenting you.

What women find attractive is genuine self amusement. And genuine self amusement can only come from being genuinely happy with your life. Most incels on this forum act bitter and they want us to believe the problem is women? Lol.

Show me a masculine guy who is perfectly content with being alone and I'll show you a guy who has no problems with women.

A guy who genuinely enjoys himself without women is more likely to get women. This is what looks attractive to women. Guys who don't need them. Guys that are their own self-sustained ecosystem. This is a guy that exudes abundance and value.

As for me, I never try to get laid, but I often get lucky. And my luck with women is in direct correlation with how happy I am with life and how much I am enjoying the present moment without needing anything from anybody or even the universe. My non-neediness is like a signal to women telling them it is safe to hit on me.

There have been times where I am talking a group of women and some thirsty guys would come in and scoop them up, take them away, and buy them drinks. 15 minutes they come right back to me. And we act as if nothing ever happened. Even if there were 3 guys and 3 women, the 3 women would come back to me. Because they know my frame can contain them. When you supplicate/pursue, your frame is automatically lower than the women you are chasing and it repels them.

In fact, most of my pulls looks exactly like that. I put zero effort into the seduction, don't care if people c0ckblock me, and am genuinely appreciative of the present moment. I allow people to come to me instead of approaching people. People look at me and wonder how I am so content just being alone. I am alone but not lonely. A person can be in a group of friends and still be the loneliest person in the room. And my appreciation for life carries over to the women and people I talk to. Basically I give value to people instead of leech value like a lot of incels on this forum.

This is not a tactic and cannot be faked. You have to figure out how you can get yourself to the point of being genuinely happy with life and yourself. Only then will you be coming from a point of attraction rather than a point of repelling people.

I sense a lot of bitterness from guys on this forum. Have you ever wondered maybe your bitterness is the reason why you have a hard time with women?

Instead of admitting that you are an incomplete and needy man, you place the blame on women. Like an alcoholic who refuses to admit he has a problem. At least when you admit you have inner game issues, some people in this forum might be able to give you advice. But as long as you hold on to your entitlement self righteousness, nothing can help you.

It's always the biggest emotional train wrecks, value leechers, and bitter guys that complain about chicks. And they usually attack the guys who have grace and serenity. Like fat chicks hating on skinny chicks. Being bitter is not going to shed those pounds.

Solid inner game is something nobody seems to want to work on. Even the LMS guys cop out. They know deep down inside women are attracted to cool guys who give value and are happy with themselves and life.

Everyone knows this. But the manosphere doesn't acknowledge inner game because it's hard work. So they chalk everything up to LMS, hypergamy, and a sh1t load of other excuses. Because in 2019, who wants to do something hard right?
The OP does not sound bitter. He just likes porn.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
One thing I know for sure is that many guys I know whos LMS doesnt get a decent score would be better off dropping dating altogheter rather than suffering pain and frustration day after day for the simple fact that the minimum criteria for a man to have some satisfaction with women grew considerably in the last decade at least in the western world while the quality of the average woman dropped to bottom standards compared to the
Thats probably 70% of SS sadly.
And the reason for so many thirsty men thread.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
If SS has become the kind of place where men begin to openly entertain the musings of a man who diddles himself to internet porn as a model of merit to resolving their issues with women, then it’s about time for me to consider myself a relic who has overstayed his welcome here.
Not all members are lost cause, but quality of thread has been going down lately.


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
Not all members are lost cause, but quality of thread has been going down lately.
Yes, I have noticed that trend on a few threads lately. Some men don’t realize that all events and challenges in life require a positive or at least realistic mindset plus a good game plan for their optimum personal success…
Negativity and doing just enough to get by is not a prime example of a life lived to it’s fullest…


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Plus it’s not as toxic as it was 20 years ago, heck even 5 years ago. Now there is so much sex everywhere with the internet that it’s lost it’s lustre. Before it was kind of forbidden, kind of hidden, kind of sexy. Now it’s boring, it’s bland, it’s everywhere.

Women ruined their one “ace in the hole” by doing porn, being strippers, having sex before marriage. Men have to be able to take advantage of it.
That's a good observation that they have ruined their one ace in the hole. So, in your opinion, it's women's fault that they've made themselves to easy by filling the internet with them doing porn, stripping, or putting up pics of themselves and posting them up for sale to almost anyone? Are we in a post-sex age?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I think the obsession with the divorce rate is toxic honestly. I think that's what people really take issue with. That is the surefire sign of a hardcore mgtow because he's acting as if he does not even have the agency to avoid marriage, it's just a negative feedback loop. We are talking about fvcking and guys are bringing up divorce rates? Weird.
I was divorced so it's not just a rate with me.

LARaider85 said:
I'm the last one to say the game is good by the way, it's much more difficult now than 10 years ago for sure, even though I'm much higher value. Quitting is not really an option though.
To you it may not be because you said you have a higher value (LMS) so you calculated your value and feedback from other women and decided that it's worth your effort so quitting is not an option to you. LARaider85 has also decided to continue like you because he too has did a value assessment and decided he has the minimum to have a chance. So, it's easy for you to say that quitting is not an option, just like a rich person saying that being homeless is not an option. What would you do if you didn't get anymore traction with women because your value took a nosedive (i.e. lets say you lost your job, got bankrupt over an unexpected illness that wasn't covered by your health insurance, or got a nasty accident and looked ugly)?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I do realize that. But there is a growing number of people who are telling them it’s ok to give up and check out too.

I’ve never known someone to wave a white flag and turn inwards because they were truly happy.
So you think Biggoal or BigDave is happy?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I have already healed from my divorce and forgave my ex-wife. What self-improvement did you do just to get laid, and was it worth it to you? How were you a 4 before? What did you do to become a 7? You still have approach anxiety? What about OLD? Is this just a looks self-improvement or what other aspects would you say were self-improved?

You did not answer my hypo but mocked my question. I'm assuming that you can't answer that then.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
I do realize that. But there is a growing number of people who are telling them it’s ok to give up and check out too.

I’ve never known someone to wave a white flag and turn inwards because they were truly happy.
If they want to be quitters and cry about it they should not come here.
They already have the wrong mindset, winners are not quitters..
Men should be doers and problem solvers.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California

The devil owns the dating game. And, the house always wins. Would you like to find yourself, head down, stuck in a deep narrow well???

Find a better way.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
What type of approaches did you do? When and where did you do brute force approaches? What type of openers did you use - did you use direct or indirect approach? How did you self-improve career wise? What is your approach to number close ratio when you were a 4 vs when you became a 7? So you bulked up? If you are already overweight, would bulking up be a good idea?

What traction did you get when you were a 4 compared to a 7? Do you get IOI's or some type of attraction sign from the girl before you approach?

You have the floor. Inspire misguided blackpill people with your before and after story.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2019
Reaction score
If you've been around for long enough, maybe you might have noticed something off with the so call game.
Maybe you've heard about feminism. Or going red pill, or blue pill, or purple. Maybe you heard about the manosphere.
In the old days there were the term PUA and AFC. I'm not even sure they are being used anymore. There's a lot of BS going around.

But if there's only one thing I want everyone to know, if deep down you are thinking that the game is setup for you to fail you are absolutely right.
There is a matrix and the matrix is that the everything about modern game is heavily stacked against men. That means you.
And everything about modern is designed for women.

Just think about it for a moment.
You came to this site because you might have had your heart broken and that motivated you to educate yourself about women.
You study and became good and picking up women.
You got yourself a hot girlfriend.
If you're lucky she might stay and marry you.

But is that really winning?
Because once she marry you, she got you trapped and can decide to divorce rape you at any given moment.

I've decided the game is more trouble then it's worth.
Some would say to move to a different country. But the disease has spread worldwide.
Yes I mean that. It's time to wake up and realize what is going on in today's dating culture is a disease that is infecting civilization.
You can't fight this trend and more then you can stop the sun and moon from rising.

But what you need to do is to start thinking of alternative strategies.
I understand it's a fact that men have sex drives and needs.
But what I'm want you to know is that today's sexual culture have made sex toxic.

Sex has become a trap for men.
Be prepared to lose if you want to keep playing this game with the rules heavily stacked against you.
Because the only way to win is to not play this game at all.
I agree. The effort vs reward is not worth it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Not all members are lost cause, but quality of thread has been going down lately.
Yes, I have noticed that trend on a few threads lately. Some men don’t realize that all events and challenges in life require a positive or at least realistic mindset plus a good game plan for their optimum personal success…
Negativity and doing just enough to get by is not a prime example of a life lived to it’s fullest…
You guys are just not using the ignore function liberally enough. Putting the trolls, morons and personality disorders on ignore will restore quality right back up.
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