Thanks a lot for all the responses gentlemen.
i'll try to get all of em here, but i had no idea yall would be so quick to respond! nice!
kerpal, my deadlift numbers are admittedly weaker than i'd like. i havent incorporated them into my regiment until about 6-8 months ago, and never was told to do them in high school workouts (i played baseball). although, i suppose there's no harm in sharing my number on an anonymous forum. im right around 290 on my final set, which i aim for 2-4 reps on at last measure. BUT, as mentioned later, i'm doing this more for appearance advantages.
carlitosway, thanks bro. agreed, i know i personally dont have any aspirations of pulling 600, and as i said, im interested in finding my inner beach body. i could see waiting till 25 as a viable option... have you tried anything yourself?
colossus, thanks to you as well. you're right. my body continually amazes me with its ability to come back for more punishment. and yea, i am curious more than anything. hopefully that doesnt lead to any abuse... however can you clarify what you meant with HRT?
crissco, care to share anything else?
fuglydude, i found your post the most helpful, thanks. we probably have similar goals. mine are to be strong yes, but to also have the aesthetically pleasing form. from what i gather, steroids can make the road to achieving this physique and level of strength much easier and allow greater windows of error. i am torn between the two worlds of strict diet and training vs partying it up and drinking way too many of my calories here in college. also, the general opinion here seems to be that waiting a few years would be the best idea. as i said earlier, i am not opposed to that idea, but would like more information on your use... if you wouldnt mind posting, or sending a pm that'd be much appreciated.
effort, i am 6'4, right around 210. im working to put on more mass at the moment. meals that i eat regularly:
1. 12 oz whole wheat pasta, 8 oz ground beef and whatever marinara's on sale, as well as grated cheese.
2. 6 eggs with 8 oz ground beef, on whole wheat tortillas with picante
3. cottage cheese with triscuit crackers. (about 200g of cottage cheese, eaten before bed usually)
4. 3 hamburger patties with whole wheat bread (poor college student here! ha)
5. right around a pound of chicken tenders, grilled up on the george forman, eaten with a can of random vegetables.
and more variations of similar cheap, easy, quick type stuff... i also make homemade protein bars to get some in that i believe have somewhere in the neighborhood of 20g protein, and 250 or so calories.
abs, i have the top two... but as i said, im currently trying to put on more mass as we get away from swimsuit season.
jon24, you're right! thats the reason im so excited about the idea now. the research i did was mainly about baseball players' use of the stuff, but it seems as though with proper understanding and moderation, it's relatively easy to use them just as safely (if not moreso) than many other things i've tried in my life...
beyondcharm, thanks for your input as well. steroids do seem to be a get rich quick scheme of sorts, you're right. and that's what has drawn me to them. i see guys in the gym all around me, (who have told me they're on some sorts of steroids) who are surpassing me with much less effort than what i am putting in, and i find it very frustrating. thus my initial inspiration for even researching the topic!
again, thanks everyone for your replies. keep the information coming!