Wow The System Works but Need Help with Level 2


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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So I went from about 10 years with basically no dates and a couple one night encounters to dating, hooking up with, grinding up with, sleeping with you name it several dozen women in the past year or so. Some of these are mostly pretty only in my eyes, but many are like the girl every guy is trying to get. Part of that was living in cities, working out, dressing better, but I defiantly credit knowledge as power. It's how you act more than anything. Plenty of trial and error and then success.

So where am I today? It takes a lot of effort to keep dating multiple women and there's one or two I want to attempt an actual relationship with. Okay guys before you bash me, I'm not thinking marriage. One step at a time, a 6+ month LTR would be great.

There's one girl I was seeing for about a month before a 2 month trip I made overseas. I came back and she told me she has a boyfriend now and that she was seeing him the whole time we were together and even before then.

But I can see she's clearly not happy or in love and she still seems quite attracted to me. And she just unlisted herself as being in a relationship. I'm playing hard to get and its worked to some degree. She invited me over and we hung out tonight, but I restrained myself from making any physical advances even though we were in the past, I left after an hour of listening to her kind of vent (I don't let her vent to me on chat, I act like I don't care) about her life, but I kind of acted like I cared a little when I saw her in person. I told her I had to leave for dinner and didn't give details, she's suspicious it might be a date. Which I was going for. And yes I could have played along and got dinner with her and gotten to sleep over I suspect. I had several times before. She's sad and lonely and sees me as being happy. I don't want to play around especially if she is calling someone else her bf.

But with that said, I played super hard to get and left having more important things to do. I want to build so much attraction with her that she can't stand it anymore and thus resisted tonight to try and win the war. I was willing to sacrifice the one nighter for better chances of getting something a little more serious out of her.

But what to do now? Texting wise I try to ignore her for a day or two in between when she contacts me. I keep myself busy with other things and people. But should I try to have a deeper conversation with her (I don't want to come on too strong or desperate, but maybe if I mention there's other girls, idk)? Or do I just take her out for a good time (I think this would put me in the friend zone though)? The showing you don't care tactics get girls attraction level up but it just ends up being play, no relationship... I mean I have a pretty good idea of how she feels inside I'm good at reading people, but I feel if I guess all it right it could throw me in the understanding friend zone or maybe she'd appreciate it, it's a tough call.

Advice is appreciated...


Apr 16, 2012
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Hey nonjuan, how you doin bro? Just thought I'd highlight a few of the most interesting points from your diary entry and give them a good shot!

Some of these are mostly pretty only in my eyes,

lol, I never understand this. I can't connect with a woman on any level unless I believe my father would enter her too. Also my brother, friends, other male relatives, teachers associates and so forth.

Okay guys before you bash me

It's ok bro, I'm disabling clubs for this post.

But I can see she's clearly not happy or in love and she still seems quite attracted to me.

Luckily, common sense would dictate to most that this is no way even remotely true.

I told her I had to leave for dinner and didn't give details

Makes sense, espesh when you consider this isn't a george orwell novel.

thus resisted tonight to try and win the war

As an Israeli of African descent I can tell you this. There is never an end to war. It is constant, a part of life. You can never win, the best you can hope for is to never lose.

P.S From the sound of your post it sounds like you've lost, lost hard and make a constant habit of it.

I mean I have a pretty good idea of how she feels inside

This interested me. Would you PM me with some kind of description? Obviously if she's got any abnormalities I am not interested. Dress it up a bit, even exagerate the good stuff.

Overall it sounds like you are having problems bro.

The only thing I can say is I sometimes feel attracted to a girl, something about her body or facial features makes me partially erect within her presence or when thinking about her in private. Often I get these girls drunk, or let them know that I find them quite sexy. Some of them really like this and it becomes clear they are waiting for me to initiate sexual advances. I usually let my gut dictate whether or not trying to sex them would be considered a welcome action and if it is I make a move. Often I find myself getting bored after a number of times having sex with her because I like change, so I stop having sex with them. Then rinse and repeat.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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I don't know let's keep this simple. I sacrificed some casual play to try and win the war with this girl. I didn't show any physical interest. But maybe I should introduce a little bit. Basically how do I stay on the sweet spot of showing her I'm interested enough that she should pursue me but be scarce enough to keep her really interested?

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
If she invited you over, I don't think you play hard to get, you fvck her.

You play hard to get at the club or on a date. If a chick invites you to her place, she wants you to fvck her. Don't be surprised if she thinks you're a wuss and loses interest.
Women are fvcked up like that.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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Ah crap, Greasy Pig I wish I consulted you before. Yeah I went to pick her up to spend an hour with her. Cause I made dinner plans elsewhere to play hard to get. She said she wasn't feeling well, and asked me to just come in.

So we end up talking in her bed, but I didn't even sit right next to her no touching. Just a bunch of small talk and I cut it short and left. Trying to show her I wasn't that into her. But she knows I was touchy with her in the past a couple months ago we were having plenty of sleepovers.

She gave me several compliments about looking good and she liked my style, etc... And she clearly wanted attention and for me to stay.

But I'm playing hard to get because she says she has a boyfriend, but I think he's not local. I'm not afraid of being physical with her because of that but my self esteem is too high to be her friend with benefits when she calls some other guy her boyfriend. One thing I'm doing correctly is not showing jealousy or care when she mentions him.

I waited two days and then tried to prompt a deeper conversation over text, but I cut myself off after 3 messages (of which she responded) and asked if she wanted to grab a drink later. We'll see if I get the chance.

Alright so enough ranting, let's get down to business. Next opportunity I will get touchy with her. Again, I'm not afraid to, I just tried to resist that last time to build attraction. Need some advice though so that I can slowly repair whatever damage I did.

And yes I am trying to think about other women at the same time, I'm setting up a dinner date with someone else as well.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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Purefilth lesson VII is well written, I'll try to put that into play asap. I wouldn't even attempt if if she seemed in love but I'm either delusional (hopefully my reality senses are mature now) but I think I may still have a shot to fix this.

Again I have other pots on the stove, they're just not nearly as hot. Attractive yes, but prospective not sure yet.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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best of luck, keep us updated on progress :)


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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Anyway, I could use a few pointers before I see her next assuming I have that chance. I don't want to be completely silent in conversation but I don't want to say anything that kills the attraction either. But after making a few mistakes on text message after the other night telling her "you seemed frustrated was there anything you wanted to tell me or ask me?".

I'm thinking of telling her when I see her in person and we're drinking something along the lines of "I want to make sure you're in control of your emotions and not hiding anything because I don't want to put our friendship in jeopardy. I know how girls can get when they're lonely." I can tease her like that... Yes, no?

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Don't discuss feelings with a woman, that's what bytches do.

I would recommend a way more light approach. Don't bring the friendship in to it.
Just be calm and ****y and funny.

Put her at ease and escalate, escalate, escalate. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Or, as I prefer to say it: "No front, no cvnt".


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Why would you want to be in a relationship with a girl who was so interested in you that she was seeing another guy the whole time she was seeing you. And further, she is spending all this alone time with you, talking on her bed, etc, while she's in a relationship with another guy? This is a pump and dump, dude.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Make sure all this effort is worth it, man. Generally it isn't. I would of dumped her the moment you got back and she said she had someone else the whole time. This girl is loving the attention from both you and the so called bf.

Leave this one cold, too complicated and continue seeing other girls that are actually into you.

Good luck.