Yo StevenR,
It's hard to say, soldier. Every woman, and every situation is different. The best I can tell you is to protect your heart, protect "your sperm", and take the time to see just what type of relationship you can have with this woman-----if any.
I've found that the TYPE of person that you meet, and the TYPE of person that YOU are, determine the TYPE of relationship you can, and/or "should" have. If you are mature enough (see----knowledgeable enough of what it takes to date in today's dating world filled with games of desire AND DECEPTION), I say just protect your heart and "your sperm" and keep going at this SLOWLY.
Give this woman time to be who she's "going to be". And pay close attention to things like character, core compatibility, and CONSISTENCY of good behavior that she exhibits towards you.
The WORST thing you can do is put on industrial strength BLINDERS to how you two interact OVERALL-----due to the sexual rush that you're feeling right now.
Sex is not the SOLE criteria for determining whether a woman is suitable for a relationship, just like just because a woman is a single mother does not ALWAYS mean that she is not a suitable candidate for a relationship.
Away from the internet, and apart from the approval, or disapproval of friends, family, and associates, you will find it easier to accept that life----and dating women, in particular, oftentimes "invites" you to take a more nuianced approach to certain situations.
You, me, and everybody else come with a collection of positive, negative, and neutral atributes. Of course, it is always best to pursue the "ideal woman, in the ideal situation". But since we live in the real world, it is usually best to judge your choice in women based on the things that you personally feel are most important to you, your maturity level, and your ultimate future.
And the key to knowing whether or not you should date WHOEVER you happen to meet is by progressively knowing who YOU are, and what YOU want out of life in general----and relationships in particular. Then, the more you grow in this regard, the more you will know internally what situations with women are worth "embracing", and what situations with women are definite "dealbreakers".
Take your time, consider other folks' opinions on here----especially those you respect------THEN, make your OWN decision.
March on.