Would You Marry A Bisexual Woman?


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
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My girlfriend of 6 months is bisexual and wants to get married. She is super hot and I can't keep my hands off of her. She is the kind of woman that when she walks down the street, men start at her.

We have talked about having threesomes before and going to all female strip clubs but have never done it thus far. She had told me that she has been with about 5 or 6 women before and it has been about 1 year and a half since the last. She even had an all-girl threesome before. She claims that she can never actually date a woman but did get with them almost exclusively for sex.

Anyway, we do get along great and like to spend a lot of time together and I know I love her a lot and she seems to feel the same way but I wonder if she could be satisfied with only one part of her sexuality being fulfilled for the rest of her life. She told me that she just wants me and if she did want to sleep with another woman, she would ask me first considering that I obviously am not turned off by threesomes? I had a threesome with my ex before but this was during college and she didn't seem all that interested in sleeping with other women afterwards.

So she seems like she really does love me and care for me very much but If I wonder if I should follow my heart or my mind which is telling me that she would just want to sneak around with women to get that part of her fulfilled. Would you marry a bisexual woman if she was great in so many other ways
and seems to be crazy about you? Or would you just get all of the milk you can with threesomes and all while trying to find a good LTR with suzy homemaker?


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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She's not marriage material IMO. Spend the next year with her. Spend the next 5 years with her. But the rest of your life? I don't think it would work. Unless you like to go for an 'open marriage.' Really, she might be a great girl and there are chances a closed marriage could survive, but I think the reality of it surviving in cases like this is very low. I haven't been married yet, but sometimes I wonder if people even know what they are thinking when they marry. We're talking 50 years here. Ask her if she thinks she can stay faithful to you for 50 years. (And yes, cheating does lead to monkey swinging and destroyed marriages) I think there's a line of promiscuity that can be crossed that makes the chances of a real marriage very difficult.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
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She is 33. She was married before when she was 20 years old but said that her ex slept around on her and got another woman pregnant while they were married so she left him. She said she had always been wanting to try getting with another woman then finally did when she was 24 years old. She claimed to have gotten with them solely for sex but I do know one of them she had a "friendship" with one for a while but the other chic got into a relationship with a dude and I guess it wasn't about sex with them anymore. Hey, I just know what she tells me. She could have been with 50 or 500 women for all I know.

Anyway, all of that does turn me on but I wonder if this would be cool in the long run of a marriage. That "line of promiscuity" is what concerns me, I guess. It seems like the women she has been with, they met and on the same day,they were in the sack. I guess this is not much different than the several one-night stands I have had with women.
I also can't help but to wonder if she really likes woman more and just want to marry a man to have kids and do what is the societal norm. I just can't call this one.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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My opinion for whatever it's worth :)p) is to only get married if you plan on raising a family. Marriage is stability, it doesn't allow for promiscuity because there are kids concerned and anything that raises a chance for divorce permanently affects them. And think of the messy divorce, child support, splitting of assets, etc. Ouch. The candidates for marriage are few.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Alright, sexual fantasies and her history aside, you need to look at your relationship realistically. Instead of asking a bunch of hard legs on the net, you need to have a serious talk with her.

You need to discuss exactly why she wants to be married, truthfully. What is your reason? How would such a decision effect her lifestyle? Would she be able to live with that lifestyle for the long term? Will you? What about children? What about her friends in "the community?" This is just the tip of the iceberg of the things that you should discuss.

I say this because I was once married to a bisexual woman and almost married a second. I can pick 'em, can't I? :p


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
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What took you so long to respond, Francisco? I was getting a little impatient...

You married one, huh, and almost a second? Damn. Mine sharing your story a bit. Did you have some of the same concerns as I? Did you ever come home and find her and the doorman and the chic next door banging each other?

Right now, I am ready for a family and marriage. I feel liek I am getting old and I now am in a career that works me so much that when I come to work it is dark outside and when I leave it is dark outside. Sometimes I am there for more than 30 hours. So I figure that it has been 4 years since I have found someone I could be this crazy about, it could be a long time again with this schedule before I find anotehr.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
If you don't have time to nurture the relationship you shouldn't make such an important commitment. You aren't available for her regardless of her lifestyle.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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I would agree about her probably not being marriage material, but having her and being in a LTR, maybe. That is one you will have to decide for yourself about. Having threesomes would be fun, but does she like women more than men? You would always have that in your mind at least I would. Really up to you. Like pointed out to you, talk to her.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
If you don't have time to nurture the relationship you shouldn't make such an important commitment. You aren't available for her regardless of her lifestyle.
That is besides the point. Most people in my profession work a lot of hours but still are married with children. Also, she understands my work hours and this is not an issue in our relationship. So can you enlighten me on your experience? Don't blow it off with issues taht aren't issues with us. You can PM if you like?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Fantasy said:
That is besides the point.
You just keep thinking that and see if matters a few years after you're married. Don't forget that your girl has "other options" if she becomes bored with her new lifestyle. But I guess she'll eventually start spending her free time playing Internet Poker when you're busy at work.


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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I would.

Brad Pitt did, Angelina Jolie is very stable person now, with a couple kids of her own.

Try not to judge harshly on someone's sexual promiscuity, there are plenty of women out there that some of you will meet and fall in love together with that has slept with at least 10-15 guys. I guess if you find the idea of your wife who licked p*ssy a couple years ago rather than some dude spilling c*m all over her is not as valid for marriage material. As long as her personality clicks well with yours, and she digs your c*ck that's all good.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Hitman10000 said:
I would.

Brad Pitt did, Angelina Jolie is very stable person now, with a couple kids of her own. ...
This is a damn good example. Angelina use to be a "freak off 'da leash," at least until she hooked up with Billy Bob and then she was a freak on a leash (i.e., committed). Now with Brad she seems even more stable.

Consider this, what do these things have in common? Angelena's children, her acting career and her various social causes? ANSWER: Brad is involved with all of them!!! Note that Billy Bob was involved but not nearly as much as Brad and you can tell Brad's impact on her in comparison.

Face it, a [good] woman is even better when there is an influential man taking an active part in her life. Successful marriages are based on this active involvement by of both people.


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
If you've only been with her 6 months, you shouldn't even be thinking marriage. If you are, then the relationship is doomed to failure. You'll start putting her up on a pedastool etc... she'll lose all attraction and you'll be pining about the one that got away.

You should be enjoying life, your relationship and not pondering marraiage after only 6 months. You have to walk before you run. At this point, you need to be deciding if you want to be in a LTR with this women.

If anything you should be pushing the limits NOW with this women. Get out there and do as much **** as you can and see how you feel. You don't want to wait till your married, then try it out only to find out that it fvcks everything up in the relationship and the only thing you end up with is one expensive divorce.

Am I right or am I right?


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Fantasy...so you want to choose the woman that is going to be your partner for the rest of your life and more importantly the mother of your children based on "how hot" she is and on "how great she is in bed"?


Of course she wants to marry you. You seem to have a great job and great income! $$$.

And by the way...Francisco WAS married to one. Meaning that is currently divorced for whatever reason.

Bisexualism is such a fancy term for gay men that are pretending not to be gay. And for women that have faced lack of satisfaction in their life with men (not saying that's Francisco's case...because I assume his ex did not cheat on him).

And we Brad Pitt we have ALL agreed in this Forum has become a complete AFC. Another thing, Brad Pitt is millionaire...he can set his schedule and pick and choose his movies and he chooses. And Angelina Jolie is busy trying to adopt African kids. This is the same woman that said that if she and Bob divorced, she would end up with a lesbian. :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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MightyMate said:
Most girls are bi.
In the U.S. and Western Europe.

No in Latino or Arab or Asian or African nations. There they are either lesbians or heterosexuals. Now, what's the huge difference between those cultures and that of the U.S./Can/Western Europe? Masculinity is well defined among the heterosexual males. I mean, they don't watch "Friends" or "6th feet under" or "rodeback mountain" or "Everybody loves Raymond".


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Hitman10000 said:
I would.

Brad Pitt did, Angelina Jolie is very stable person now, with a couple kids of her own.

Try not to judge harshly on someone's sexual promiscuity, there are plenty of women out there that some of you will meet and fall in love together with that has slept with at least 10-15 guys. I guess if you find the idea of your wife who licked p*ssy a couple years ago rather than some dude spilling c*m all over her is not as valid for marriage material. As long as her personality clicks well with yours, and she digs your c*ck that's all good.

Neither one is marriage material. And Brad is having some issues with Angelina. By the way, Brad adopted Angelina's two kids. How AFC is that?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Brad may be off the market and doing things that some would consider AFC but he's doing the things that are necessary to keep a "family style" committed relationship viable. If you are in a successful relationship and DJ needs to "adjust" some of his DJ traits to nurture the relationship. This does not mean that he needs to stop being a DJ! And for the record, I divorced that woman because of issues that had nothing to do with her sexuality.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
If I had the opportunity, I wouldn't settle for A bisexual woman.

Instead, I would marry TWO!

(...dare to dream!)