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Would it make sense to let your girl consume red pill content?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
That's a disgraceful accusation, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

I'm truly appalled.
Haha, I knew I recognized that specific writing style or formulation about certain women, and in a post where BeExcellent made a long post.... two halves make a whole.

All right, I'll go into the shame corner now.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
You guys are funny, lol.

As an aside, OP, two red pill women have posted in this thread. Myself and @AJ84. If I'm not mistaken AJ recently was married and is doing well in her relationship. The other woman who is referred to above is @penkitten who met and married Giovanni Casanova from this site years ago. Penkitten still posts on occasion and has shared that the men here helped shape the way in which she related to men after finding SS. I think that's pretty neat. You never know how your journey is going to go and where it will take you. Not everyone here likes me. That's OK. I'm old enough to be quite a few people's mother, and I'm used to a bit of the shaming that I get for running a tight ship in my own life.

I agree with much of what @AttackFormation stated in his post, and I do understand why young men today may not subscribe to the view that marriage is a sensible thing to do. I have a high school age son and one of the things we openly discuss is the state of affairs between men and women, dating, and how it REALLY is out there. However I want my son to be the best he can be, and so I have high standards for him, expect high grades, a good attitude, social calibration, and ambition (which he seems to have naturally in spades) and I exert discipline in coordination with his father in order that he develop the self-discipline he will need to navigate life on his own. So I have dogs in this hunt not only for myself personally, but more importantly for my children's sake. I also have two daughters. I teach them a different emphasis than my son. While I want them able to take care of themselves if that is how things go, I also want them to have the skill set that my grandmother's generation had...the ability to cook, to organize and run a household, the ability to help and assist someone else and care for the family. I emphasize chastity to both my son and my daughters and I explain rather bluntly the importance of chastity, beauty, manners, service and so forth. My elder daughter jokes that she isn't interested in dating, she wants to grow up and have cats. She is nearing 14. Eventually she is likely to find a young man appealing and I can only hope that the values instilled and her self esteem will carry the day at that point. But I digress.

I will answer your questions, @rber in my next post.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2018
Reaction score
As an aside, OP, two red pill women have posted in this thread. Myself and @AJ84. If I'm not mistaken AJ recently was married and is doing well in her relationship. The other woman who is referred to above is @penkitten who met and married Giovanni Casanova from this site years ago. Penkitten still posts on occasion and has shared that the men here helped shape the way in which she related to men after finding SS. I think that's pretty neat. You never know how your journey is going to go and where it will take you. Not everyone here likes me. That's OK. I'm old enough to be quite a few people's mother, and I'm used to a bit of the shaming that I get for running a tight ship in my own life.
Nice, I didn't realize AJ84 was a woman as well. It seems like "red pill content" is useful in the hands of the right women.

I agree with much of what @AttackFormation stated in his post, and I do understand why young men today may not subscribe to the view that marriage is a sensible thing to do. I have a high school age son and one of the things we openly discuss is the state of affairs between men and women, dating, and how it REALLY is out there. However I want my son to be the best he can be, and so I have high standards for him, expect high grades, a good attitude, social calibration, and ambition (which he seems to have naturally in spades) and I exert discipline in coordination with his father in order that he develop the self-discipline he will need to navigate life on his own. So I have dogs in this hunt not only for myself personally, but more importantly for my children's sake. I also have two daughters. I teach them a different emphasis than my son. While I want them able to take care of themselves if that is how things go, I also want them to have the skill set that my grandmother's generation had...the ability to cook, to organize and run a household, the ability to help and assist someone else and care for the family. I emphasize chastity to both my son and my daughters and I explain rather bluntly the importance of chastity, beauty, manners, service and so forth. My elder daughter jokes that she isn't interested in dating, she wants to grow up and have cats. She is nearing 14. Eventually she is likely to find a young man appealing and I can only hope that the values instilled and her self esteem will carry the day at that point. But I digress.
Sounds like you have a nice family going there :)

I will answer your questions, @rber in my next post.
Great, looking forward to seeing your answers.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
In popular culture and society in general, the red pill has gained attention. And the attention is not good. They dont see red pill positives, but the radicals who present their ideas on youtube as @BeExcellent pointed out. It is best you do not talk about it for a couple reasons...

1. You dont want to be associated with the radicals; and you will regardless of your actual beliefs.

2. Women are natural red pillars. It is the feminized men that far outnumber real men. A woman will happily submit to a red pill man and fall into the feminine role.

My lady is aware of my "male improvement" forum and she teases me about it. She also has access to all of the books I've read as they are openly displayed on the bookcase. I have even shared occasional stories with her and she literally gives the same advice that the more tenured members type out WITHOUT ever reading any of pill material. I think Rollo even stated that women are natural red pillers?

So what I say. Dont talk about it. Dont even bring it up as it is only going to start a fire. If she asks, sure you can talk about it surface level.

But why do you need to "educate her"? You dont because she knows how to be a woman.

The red pill came about because men forgot how to be men.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
The red pill came about because men forgot how to be men.
This.... trp really isn't groundbreaking, our culture just doesn't teach men about being a man or relating to women like it teaches them to read and write so we have to pick up the slack.

That and the measured, continuous, decades-long decline in T-levels of men...
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
1) What do you personally look for in a man?

Most likely some mix of status, looks, behavior, personality, wealth, lifestyle, etc. Which things do you objectively give more weight to and why?

How much weight do you specifically give to emotions and to how a man makes you feel?

For instance, would you prioritize a man who grants you with a wide range of emotions over a man who'd be a good partner and provider from a more logical point of view?

How would you describe the drive behind your romantic decisions?

Would the same apply to when you were younger?
What I look for in a man distills down to 2 questions that must be answered in the affirmative. 1. Do I desire him sexually? and 2. Can he lead me?

There are lots of things that go into those questions being answered "Yes". For the first criteria I have to find him attractive and sexy and I tend to respond best to men who are overt and direct and confident/unapologetic in their sexual nature. Typically I like the "tall dark and handsome" archetype and I tend to date the player archetype because that type of man often embodies the desire nature that I prefer. But beyond that I like to really get to know a man, I like to be his friend and confidant. As far as emotional flux, it is a hook I suppose as much as emotional flux is a hook for most people. I see that and I understand it. The man I am currently dating would swear blind that he hates drama, but actually he lives for it and he needs it himself or he'll get bored. I could do with less drama than my current relationship provides but it is engaging and anything but boring, so it's good. I recognize the dynamic and I understand it and how it refreshes the relationship over time.

For the second question about leadership to be true I look for a certain set of traits that dovetail into my own life path. As a financially independent woman who built wealth on her own I look for a man who has his act together, is financially well off (six figure income and up), who has a business or career he has built, has life experience that I respect, and is already a father himself. I have a 7 figure net worth myself that I have to manage and grow and I need a man who has a level of understanding about that sort of responsibility and financial status. I am not interested in being a cougar or a sugar mama and I expect any man that I become involved with to be at or above my level of experience and success in life. Otherwise I am going to think I know best in the relationship, and that will erode the relationship and the respect a man needs. I need to be able to defer to the man, respect him and his accomplishments, and appreciate his knowledge and experience. This makes my dating pool very small statistically speaking. That's OK.

I give the most weight to sexual desire. It doesn't matter how successful or good looking a man is. If I do not have desire for him I can't do it. It doesn't matter if he's got a gazillion dollars and a private jet. If I don't find him sexy, it's baked. I've always been that way, but I also will not get involved with a beautiful loser. I can find a man devilishly sexy, but if he's an empty sock beyond that, pass. That has to do with standards that I think were ingrained in me growing up. If a man can't comport himself with class and elegance I won't date him either. Call me a snob but I like refinement in a man. Some of that is upbringing, some of that is learned through life.

I find very very few men who meet both criteria but I'm patient and I know they are out there and I know I appeal to such men based on experience. I've been this way throughout my relationship history. I have high standards, I know I have high standards, few men will meet those standards, but I tend to be a relationship woman, and men tend to like me more and more as a relationship progresses rather than less. I have been the one to break things off in my relationships if my standards are not met. I've been "the one who got away" several times in my life for several long term relationships, including my marriage. I am very patient and loyal when I am in relationship but I also know that I can't do for the other person and sometimes the best choice after giving every opportunity for the other person to grow/deal with life/etc. is to leave. I respect myself and I respect my man. If I lose respect for my man I will wait quite some time for him to correct course, but if he does not, the only sane choice is to leave the relationship.

I seek intimacy, friendship, play, desire, and compatibility in my relationships. Particularly now that childbearing is out of the way. I have no trouble letting the right man lead. I quite like it actually.

2) When you were younger, how much "credit" would you have given to man who's working on maximizing every aspect of his life (wealth, health, self development, etc)?

i.e. how much credit would you give to the promise of a certain future or at the very least to the honest attempt to create such a future? other than the ambition which is already a given in such a case.

How understanding would you have been towards a man sacrificing important aspects of his life in the present (e.g. toning down social life, moderate lifestyle) in order to achieve his future goals and how willing would you have been to accept it?

Would any of that be any factor in the attraction to the person (both sexual and not sexual) as a possible companion? If so, to what degree?
When I was younger I looked for potential and self discipline and intelligence (this is assuming I found the guy attractive/desirable). I looked for men who were like the successful men in my family. My first boyfriend had a degree in electrical engineering and was working toward an MBA. He went on to get a PhD. A man I dated for 5 years in my 20s had a finance degree and was working on an MBA until his father fell ill and he had to go take over running his family's large cattle ranch for a while. I've been out with lawyers and doctors and businessmen, but that is what I grew up around, so those professions and those types of men were familiar to me. Comfortable. Another man was the top sales producer nationally for a Fortune 500 company. I'm currently seeing a retired military man who was an E9, which is top rank for a non-comissioned officer. My BF used to command a battalion of men. He's got a business degree and a year of law school under his belt. I've always screened for high achievers and I've also understood that accomplishing something takes discipline and effort. I'm an avid supporter of the required effort and I'm happy to do with less while someone is working toward more.

3) Does the guy you're in a relationship with has any kids of his own?
Yes. He has 3 children. They are all grown.

4) What drove you to find the red pill community?
About a year after my divorce I met a *great* guy in Southern CA. We ended up seeing one another for 18 months but it was long distance and he had an awful situation with his middle child, a teen daughter, and he had an extremely rich, extremely vindictive, extremely crazy diagnosed BPD ex-wife who would blugeon him through the court system. I was trying to learn more about BPD to better understand what he was dealing with regarding his ex-wife and the dynamic at play in his life and I stumbled across a BPD thread here that described *exactly* the types of behavior my beau was experiencing. I got to reading and learning and eventually joined in order to comment on a post I found ridiculously arrogant which was written by one of the members here...and incidently I've enjoyed a great ongoing communication with the member who I originally joined to comment with. He has grown and matured tremendously and it's been a delightful conversation over time. I stayed around because I like what this site stands for in the way of encouraging men and to contribute where it might be useful to someone else.

5) How would you define upper circles? Do you have any concrete examples of such upper circles? (I suppose the old fashioned nobility?)
People who value achievement. This crosses over into status and wealth because where you find status and wealth you invariably find people who value achievement. Think of any affluent community and you'll see this trend. There is 'old money' and there is 'new money', but the 'moneyed' set values achievement and the associated financial gain as it's natural outcome. Get around groups of businessmen, white collar professionals, medical professionals, finance professionals etc., and you'll see that these people place a premium on achievement.

The good news is that in a society that encourages equality of opportunity those who value achievement can indeed rise into upper eschelons. That is why I note achievement as the emphasis. If a woman is willing to learn the social calibration established in these "upper circles" she will do fine. But she will be best served to have humility while she learns her place in the matrix. This can be a challenge. In fact I myself find it challenging sometimes because I do not always relate to the women who are married to high powered men. I relate more readily to the men because of my own journey...but I've had to sit back and be humble and learn too, and I do very well in those circles with the women these days.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
From your objective standpoint, would you entirely dismiss concepts like SMV, the wall, the epiphany, etc?
I don't dismiss these concepts at all. It is a well known fact of life for example that women have a finite reproduction window. Unfortunately women are generally not taught to seek a stable marriage in their youth, but rather they are taught to wait and live it up and get to child bearing later. In the same vein few men are ready to marry and settle down at a young age and build a life with a partner. But I can tell you this. From my vantage point I see that the men and women who did have the discipline to marry early and have children early...guess what? Those people get their lives back in their late 30's and early 40's, when they still have sufficient youth of their own to really enjoy life for themselves whether they are married, single or divorced. My BF is 47. He married at 19 and was a father at 19. Huge responsibility for such a young man. But his kids are grown, he's retired and he's in his prime. Not a bad place to be at all. I have other friends who started in their teens and very early 20's (and skipped the "party years") and they are all delighted to have their youth, to have finished child rearing, and they are enjoying themselves.

7) How do you view career as a woman? Do you see yourself eventually as a housewife to be provided for? How far do you take your femininity?
In my case I ended up being the breadwinner because my husband's business hit a serious partnership issue and he was turned out of the endeavor against his will. He foundered for years. Somebody had to support the family and that fell to me at the very high cost of giving up motherhood while my children were young. I married a businessman & entrepreneur expecting to be afforded the ability to concentrate on child rearing and family for at least a few years while they were babies, and until they started school at least. That is not how life went and I was not about to see us lose everything while my husband foundered. He was a full time father for 10 years while I supported the family, and gave birth etc. I see career as something a woman should be prepared by education to do, but ideally I am traditionally minded and I think children do best with a parent at home to tend them. My ex, for his shortcomings is a loving father and our children are well adjusted and will not have "daddy issues".

As things currently stand I would be happy to be a wife and not work...but I have businesses that I must manage to create my income stream and the income stream that will pay for college and my retirement and my ex's retirement as well (per our agreement during the divorce.) Fortunately these businesses do not require a 8-5 time commitment, and I am already semi-retired as it is. So no, I do not see the need nor utility in being a driven career woman. I had to do that for a while because somebody had to make certain the bills got paid etc., but I also looked for a way to get the hell out of that rat race ASAP, without the benefit of a man to support me. So I plowed money into income producing assets to buy my freedom rather than buying expensive cars, purses, and other status-y things. Those assets have now largely purchased my freedom, my time, and that to me is the most valuable thing any of us have. I can sleep when I want, do as I please to a great degree, and enjoy life to a great degree. But the path I took to get here was not the path I was expecting. Not at all.

8) "Sexual abundance is the goal and will solve all your problems" - I personally noticed in my own life at the very least the huge psychological gains and insights of having sexual abundance. I wouldn't define it as an actual goal, but rather as a necessary tool to reach a goal. Would you disagree with that? If so, why?
It's a two edged sword. For men who pair off early and end up in a rewarding relationship I'd suggest that those men never need to experience sexual abundance in the sense of many different partners because they are getting depth and intimacy from their relationship. That is it's own sort of sexual abundance, but it's not one that ever gets discussed here because I don't think as a group the men here (with a few exceptions) know how to speak to it, they don't see it's value. If you pay attention, however, to someone like Jordan Peterson, he DOES know the value of depth and intimacy...and that is why he is the proponent of monogamy and marriage that he is....while he is at the same time a red pill guy.

Promiscuity is hollow after a while if you pay attention to highly promiscuous men. It is a promise unfulfilled, a lie, a pursuit of an impulse driven, dopamine reinforced behavior which is highly addictive because it is reinforced intermittently. It is masturbation with a live woman's body...which is fabulous...for a time. It is devoid of meaning after a while. If you listen to Paul Janka and Russel Brand and other men who went through a phase of being a serious ladies' man this is the theme that emerges on the other side. There is value in the journey, true, but there is a very high price to pay as well, and that is the erosion of a man's ability to see a woman as a human being, the jeapordizing of a man's ability to bond and build intimacy...the same concerns and damages men decry when discussing w h o r e s and severely damaged women. Men are not immune. It is better to sort carefully and choose wisely and avoid the collateral damage that promiscuous behavior wreaks on your psyche, not to mention the inherent health risks that should be assumed.

I hope that is useful.


I’ll try to answer some of your questions OP:

What drew me here? Believe it not Return of Kings. Someone sent me a link to an article there and I read a few other ones and thought surely there is a saner site than this, because I found it disturbing but also saw there were some valid points hidden in the racism and women hating.

So I googled and found this site. The topics here are interesting and I do learn something occasionally. Also, I work alone most of the time so between meetings and on breaks I’m not chatting with co-workers, so I catch up on online reading (news, this site, etc). It’s something to do I guess. I pop in a few times day and sometimes in the evenings. This is the only site where I post anything.

For men, I look for natural confidence, sound mind and good head on his shoulders, a chill personality and passions and hobbies of his own. Someone who can communicate and call me on my sh*t and be ok with me calling him on his sh*t. I don’t pair well with needy, cynical, or high strung men nor men who don’t stand up for themselves in relationships.

My husband does not have children but I have one from my first marriage, which ended amicably.

He has the above attributes that I value. I think I have the attributes he values. We’re not perfect people of course so there are ups and downs but we get through them.

I see nothing wrong with a woman wanting to forgo a career to be a wife and mother, but that’s not my personal choice. I have a career which came in very handy when I got divorced and was financially supporting myself and my daughter on my own. I like relying on my own resources to get by but I don’t criticize women who choose not to work outside the home. It’s their life, their choice. Being a stay at home mom is actually lot of work and they don’t get half the recognition they should get from other women.


Yep. Modern life. Everything is connected to everything else.

For a technophobe like me, it's a headache.

In my entire time reading this forum, there have been just 2 women that ever was here based on learning and growing as a person (as opposed to just talking utter nonsense, and trying to "fix us" telling you stuff your aunt would). Just 2!

One got married to another member (happily so - no single mummery), and one is a complete sweetheart of a person. Quality women, no?

As opposed to a masculine woman keep trying to boss the damn frame all the time.
Didn’t you just join a couple of weeks ago?


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2018
Reaction score
It's a two edged sword. For men who pair off early and end up in a rewarding relationship I'd suggest that those men never need to experience sexual abundance in the sense of many different partners because they are getting depth and intimacy from their relationship. That is it's own sort of sexual abundance, but it's not one that ever gets discussed here because I don't think as a group the men here (with a few exceptions) know how to speak to it, they don't see it's value. If you pay attention, however, to someone like Jordan Peterson, he DOES know the value of depth and intimacy...and that is why he is the proponent of monogamy and marriage that he is....while he is at the same time a red pill guy.

Promiscuity is hollow after a while if you pay attention to highly promiscuous men. It is a promise unfulfilled, a lie, a pursuit of an impulse driven, dopamine reinforced behavior which is highly addictive because it is reinforced intermittently. It is masturbation with a live woman's body...which is fabulous...for a time. It is devoid of meaning after a while. If you listen to Paul Janka and Russel Brand and other men who went through a phase of being a serious ladies' man this is the theme that emerges on the other side. There is value in the journey, true, but there is a very high price to pay as well, and that is the erosion of a man's ability to see a woman as a human being, the jeapordizing of a man's ability to bond and build intimacy...the same concerns and damages men decry when discussing w h o r e s and severely damaged women. Men are not immune. It is better to sort carefully and choose wisely and avoid the collateral damage that promiscuous behavior wreaks on your psyche, not to mention the inherent health risks that should be assumed.
Thanks for the detailed response again, inspiring, you sound like a stand-up woman.

Regarding the last part -

I happen to follow Jordan Peterson for quite a while now, he does advocate monogamy, but don't forget he's also mixing his own religious point of view with some of the things he's saying (even though he used to be an atheist for quite a while).

I agree with most of the things he is saying, some of them indeed sound red pill. However, I think he's far from covering the full picture.

Paul Janka and Russel Brand are nice. Are you familiar with RSD?

As far as I know, the end goal of most men that are working on any kind of red pill self improvement (e.g. pickup, inner game) is monogamy - a monogamy within the right frame and without settling down on mediocrity.

The irony is that in order to achieve that idealized monogamy we have to get to a point where we don't depend on any single woman. (due to reality, which can be cruel if you're unprepared for it)

Promiscuity truly depends on where it comes from.
Just laying with a great amount of women for the sake of it isn't nearly as satisfying and fulfilling as one thinks, it is indeed devoid of meaning in itself.
Abundance helps you come from the right frame, it gets rid of neediness.
As a woman, and a good looking woman at that from what I understand, this is something you experienced by default, I don't suppose you know anything else. For most men it's very different.

Abundance does something to you psychologically, something good, you can't fake it - you have to experience it in order for it to truly be cemented in your personality. You don't even have to have sex with all your options, you just need to have that sense of having many options. Once you do, it's much easier to be congruently confident and selective with women.

Of course I'd prefer to just find my dream girl and settle down with her in a magical monogamy - that's the dream.
I'd gladly skip over all the meaningless one night stands, but it seems to me that in a sense they are a necessity in order to reach my real end goal of a happy monogamy.

I agree that promiscuity can come with a serious damage to your psyche, it is most likely the same for men and women as you say.
Depending on the frame you're coming from and your mindset it's likely to cause you different degrees of damage (some are really screwed for life), but I do believe that it can come with no damage at all or at the cost of very little damage in exchange for great psychological benefits when operating from the right frame. (or maybe I'm just deluding myself)
One thing I can say for sure - it definitely comes at the price of your innocence.
Regardless, I believe that having experienced a real sense of options is a must for any man.
Being a ladies' man was never the goal, it's just a means to an end.
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Don Juan
Aug 24, 2018
Reaction score
In popular culture and society in general, the red pill has gained attention. And the attention is not good. They dont see red pill positives, but the radicals who present their ideas on youtube as @BeExcellent pointed out. It is best you do not talk about it for a couple reasons...

1. You dont want to be associated with the radicals; and you will regardless of your actual beliefs.

2. Women are natural red pillars. It is the feminized men that far outnumber real men. A woman will happily submit to a red pill man and fall into the feminine role.

My lady is aware of my "male improvement" forum and she teases me about it. She also has access to all of the books I've read as they are openly displayed on the bookcase. I have even shared occasional stories with her and she literally gives the same advice that the more tenured members type out WITHOUT ever reading any of pill material. I think Rollo even stated that women are natural red pillers?

So what I say. Dont talk about it. Dont even bring it up as it is only going to start a fire. If she asks, sure you can talk about it surface level.

But why do you need to "educate her"? You dont because she knows how to be a woman.

The red pill came about because men forgot how to be men.

It's pretty much unanimous in the replies so far that I shouldn't ever bring it up, point taken.

I agree with your first point. As for the second one -

Sure, mostly women know how to be women, mostly because unlike men, they haven't been conditioned in the wrong direction.

Are they naturally red pillers though? By definition they need to be aware of themselves and of their own social conditioning.

At least from my experience, advice they give, while often is sound advice, comes from a mindset that thinks within the box of social conditioning - so with that in mind - some of the advice they give can be very bad as well.

I don't think I ever talked in person to a woman who displayed that kind of awareness and thinking out of the social box, the majority weren't even close to having any thoughts that might imply having that kind of awareness.

I'm not saying women with such an awareness don't exist (women in this forum are an example), but so far I didn't see any, and I think it says something about the average woman.

I believe this is the kind of concepts you need to be introduced to in one way or another, no matter how intelligent or open minded you are you can't possibly just naturally come up single handedly with such a vast amount of knowledge that can only come from collaborative effort.

That is, unless we have different definitions of what it means to be a red piller.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
I've semi redpilled my girl. But she's Chinese and 2000 years confucianism and Buddhism play in. The thing I find is that she does pick up crappy behaviour from the horrible Aussie girls. But I can gently call her out on it and her natural common sense takes over.

Same thing with the internet. If she saw any videos from red pill extremists she d just think they were stupid and get on with her share trading


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Has anyone ever tried to do such a thing? How did it end up for you? Is it a battle lost before it is even fought?
If the Argento victimhood to alleged statutory rapist shenanigans is to teach us anything, it's female logic.

As a man, you TRP.

Women cannot outside Karen S./girlWritesWat? Outlier in saying, "I trp and I'm like that."

She is the anomaly. Surely, more exist but even with TRP, its against female nature, and her biological strategy to rebel against her being.

Red pill women yourself and do so through one's actions. Not verbalizing jargon. You lead. She follows or next!

No marriage. Spin plates. Not in the mood? Next her.

Stardust nor Rollo would fix a woman's predisposition. Women are as they are. The presuppositions in society is to sing her praises and accept ****ty behavior. Her low sex drive and bulking season. Your being provider male. You giving her children,putting her through school, and

Brb guys, cucking hubby!

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
I think it's very unwise to even admit knowledge of anything of Red Pill nature. Why give them a reason to try us even harder?


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2018
Reaction score
Yeah I'll tell you what I think... why is this guy doing a 22 minute meandering video instead of going to the gym to help get rid of his gut? He could've said the same things in a few minutes. He didn't even go into any emotional context with the length, just a resource context. Finally, considering women damaged because they don't have a decent father figure or they have more than 2 sex partners or they've had casual sex eliminates virtually every single woman. If you'd rather spend the rest of your life jerking your d1ck, go ahead. Me, I'll do what humans are born to do... adapt.
I've watched some of his content. Apparently he is 50 and does go to the gym. Married to some woman in her 20s and has 2 kids.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2018
Reaction score
I've watched some of his content. Apparently he is 50 and does go to the gym. Married to some woman in her 20s and has 2 kids.
I've watched many of his videos so far. He has many good point and overall he makes sense on most of the things he's talking about.
The video about damaged women is so far the only one I seriously disagree with. At the very least I think it would require a major clarification in order to make more sense.
What's your opinion on this video?