Master Don Juan
Well, in such a world fat would be average. But I know what you mean.Call_Me_Daddy said:You'll also see a shortage of acceptable women. Good luck finding an average chick in a sea of fatties.
And let's not even mention the attractive ones. They'll be non-existent.
Unfortunately, average American already means fat. Typical American female is supposedly 5'4" at a weight of 164lbs. That's a BMI score of about 28.1. Men fare a little better. 5'9.5" and 191lbs = BMI of 27.8, and the "acceptable range" for men is overall higher, which makes sense.
What I said about 90% would include men too, and women don't want fat men anymore than we want fat women.
I figure physical size is like finances. I know that rich people tend to prefer other rich people, and the poor tend to wind up with other poor. Ever notice that couples with a serious size difference seem to be rare? It seems that way to me. If a fat man has a girlfriend, she's usually fat too.
Even so, you have a point. It's like my clothes situation. If I need to buy more, I have to look harder, and sometimes go to multiple stores or even online to get clothes with the exact traits I want and my exact size. The proportion thing applies. There aren't many people who are my size, and there aren't many clothes for us, so we have to look harder. It's like I have to go through tent cloth after tent cloth to find something that fits. OK, I'm exaggerating, but there are entire stores that don't have clothes small enough for me. Thankfully, there isn't a single type of clothing item that isn't available in my size, provided I look long and hard enough.
If the population as a whole is fatter, then even if there's enough to go around (smaller supply, but fewer consumers), it'd still be harder.
In all fairness, there are indeed some people who just have very bad genes. But the number of people like that is very small, and not enough to explain large numbers of fat people.