Two weeks ago I was out with the buddies. I went outside the bar to smoke a cigarette and a girl in a small group outside the bar immediately shifted her focus towards me.
We began talking and she gave me heavy signs of interest. Touching and grooming herself, staring daggers at me and giving me compliments.
She asked if I want to join them because they were about to go to another place. I declined because I haven't seen the boys for some time and I didn't want to leave.
We exchanged numbers although my gut raised his hand because she was way too aggressive for me. Anyways, I liked was I was seeing... I told her to maybe meet later and went inside the bar again.
I got a
message from her an hour later, but we headed to another location, so I told her I can't make it.
The next day she sent me a message, saying she regrets not seeing me again.
I chatted with her occasionally through the following week. She made a very good impression, showed good social manners, was flirty, mostly replied within a few minutes and it seemed like we have quite some things in common.
We setup a date for the following Saturday and everything looked great so far. No signs of losing interest, quite the contrary. She was getting more and more enthusiastic each day.
I woke up Saturday to a text from her, cancelling the date because one of her friends was hit by a car the last night and lying in intensive care unit.
No need to talk about that, I replied and said she shouldn't worry because of our date and giving condolence to her.
She apologized several times over the day, stating how excited she was to see me.
In the evening she asked if she can see me the next day if she's able to make it, she could also need some distraction. Under different circumstances I would have declined, but I thought this wasn't the right situation to do so.
I replied she should write me the next day if she's in the mood and I will try to make it.
The next morning she texted, time and place were set. I asked myself if this is the right situation to get to know each other, but I arrived at the agreed location in time.
The place was stuffed, so I drove around trying to find a parking lot. In the meantime I tried to call her. "Participant not reachable."
I parked the carriage, checked Whatsapp and was blocked.
Even she was the one who pushed for a date that day, I was left alone. This was the first time a woman I met in person has done something like that to me.
If someone cancels last minute I couldn't care less, in this situation I feel ashamed only for interacting with her.
If the accident story was real - I don't think anyone makes up a story like this - she probably was in a bad emotional state. But I refuse to excuse a behavior like that.
You can't trust the words of someone you don't know, but you can trust your gut.