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Women's Sexual Past


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
The best example is homosexuality. You think female promiscuity is disapproved of? That's nothing compared to the extreme Societal disapproval of homosexual activity for almost all of the modern era, continuing through today. Remember, both male and female homosexuals used to concoct bogus romances and even "affairs" to hide their homosexuality (which tells me that even being suspected of being heterosexually promiscuous was better than being suspected of homosexuality). So "Society's" "double standard" approving heterosexuality but condemning homosexuality was undeniably at least as strong as the "double standard" that was (you claim) the only thing restraining the gals from playing the field with casual sex.

Why, then, was "Society" so successful in enforcing its "double standard" against women that millions and millions of people (women included) believed, and acted as if, average women were not, generally, interested in lots of random and casual sex, at the same time that "Society" was failing utterly to stop homosexual activity? The homosexual men went underground, sure, but they did not stop indulging their urges just because "Society" told them to. In fact (and again, despite massive disapproval from every single segment of Society), they were willing to go as far as having sex through a hole in the wall with faceless strangers, or with rent boys, or in dance clubs. By your reasoning, women's "equally strong" sexual desires should have expressed themselves in equal covert thwarting of "Society's" strictures. Neither that, nor anything remotely approaching that, has ever happened or will ever happen. Even lesbians (who are, roughly let's say, subject to the same widespread disapproval as male homosexuals) do not do this. So what's the common factor? Men -- whether hetero or homo, whether endorsed by Society or condemned by it -- are driven toward having sex as often as they can; women are not.
The overwhelming homophobic and heterosexist nature of our society is disturbing, but really has nothing to do with this topic. Just as not all men are the same, and not all women are the same, not all homosexuals are the same and I'm not going to sit here and spout generalizations about the "gay lifestyle". And are you going to tell me that there are no homosexual people who are living repressed lives today, just as there are women repressing their sexual urges? I've heard about "wonderful" church programs that can "cure" homosexuality and oh boy does it work! Please. :rolleyes:

And I'm not simply saying that society is keeping women from having casual sex. I'm saying it's keeping women from admitting to having casual sex. It's keeping women from admitting to having strong sexual desires. How many of your sweet virgins do you think are really "dirty wh*res" like me? :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
Hey, have any of you guys banged Sexy_Malibu?
LMFAO!! No they haven't. And most of them would never want to either. :D

ETA- But I bet most of you wouldn't know it if you did... ;) I can play just as innocent as the next girl if I want to.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
All right baby, you and me, let's give it a whirl. ;) Obviously these guys ain't Don enough to shake your tree. Whaddya say you and me, we hook up and go ta coney island fer a hot dawg or some ****? Then maybe you could massage my testicles for a while. ;)


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
The overwhelming homophobic and heterosexist nature of our society is disturbing, but really has nothing to do with this topic. Just as not all men are the same, and not all women are the same, not all homosexuals are the same and I'm not going to sit here and spout generalizations about the "gay lifestyle". And are you going to tell me that there are no homosexual people who are living repressed lives today, just as there are women repressing their sexual urges? I've heard about "wonderful" church programs that can "cure" homosexuality and oh boy does it work! Please. :rolleyes:

And I'm not simply saying that society is keeping women from having casual sex. I'm saying it's keeping women from admitting to having casual sex. It's keeping women from admitting to having strong sexual desires. How many of your sweet virgins do you think are really "dirty wh*res" like me? :rolleyes:
Help me out here . . . which of my posts was it where I called you or anyone a dirty hoor? Yeah, I thought so. It's right there with the one where I said guys should go ahead and bang anything that moves just because they (undeniably) have the urge to do so, or that we ought to rape chicks -- i.e., it don't exist.

You also missed my point on homosexuals -- everything from the statistics on sex partner numbers to STD rates indicates that male homosexuals (despite stigma) have stronger biological sex urges than females (homo or hetero). And we'll skip the science (including the fact that sexual desire, in both men and women, is fueled in large part by testosterone, which women have in only small quantities) because debating whether men have a stronger sex drive overall is kind of stupid. They do, evolution would have failed if they didn't, so where do we go from there?

Well, what I did say and will defend is that in comparing men and women and how they act on their sex drive, it is overall safe to say (and hence, I acknowledge the possibility that you or someone else is an exception, which doesn't negate the usefulness of the principle as a screening device) that most women are not having large numbers of casual sexual encounters solely because they are physically unable to resist the urge. The definition of "large" is (as I suggested elsewhere) rough, and age/circumstance specific, but we all know it when we see it.

I'll break it down real easy: normal (statistically average) women have extremely little (biological or emotional) interest in sex without intimacy or a relationship on a frequent basis. Normal (statistically averag) men, at least in their peak hormone-producing years have at least a theoretical interest in sex, with or without intimacy, on as frequent a basis as is manageable. This does not mean "women are sluts if they have sex without intimacy." It also does not mean "I applaud studly men who have lots of sex without intimacy." It means that if Girl X has had sex without intimacy a substantial number of times (which can be inferred, not proven, from having had a substantial number of short sexual relationships), then she is (on the statistical average) not normal in this respect whereas a man who had had and taken such opportunities in his youth would be (statistically) more like his counterparts. In evaluating our compatibility with other people, the safest thing we can do is determine whether someone is "normal" as a first cut at whether we'll be compatible with them -- no doubt certain outlier personalities could turn out to be fantastic, stable, trustworthy folk who just happened to diverge from the norm in one respect that did not affect any other aspect of their personality, trustworthiness, predictability, etc.

However, in screening potential friends and mates, seeking outliers isn't the easiest or safest approach, and most people don't use it.

So I end up back where I started: if your potential honey has been acting on her (on average, weaker-than-your) biological drives more often than you have been acting on your (on average, stronger) desires, she is a mathematical anomaly in this respect. You may then reasonably ask yourself, in what other emotional/willpower/character respects is she an anomaly? Anomalies often become problems.


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Just take in consideration that average might not always represent the normality (if a few numbers influence most of the others, then the average is not represent the normality that is in fact the majority in more understandable word, but we won't try to analyze all the definition of normality here!)

Also, taking that most relation (hypothesis) is heterosexual one (one man, one woman) or even better, taking only the heterosexual one (nothing against homo, animal, or anything that turn you on!). If most guy have more sex partner than women, then there is either few women who bangs way way way way way more than almost all of the guys outta here, they are the one that make skyrocket the men’s average sex partner number.

Just think about it!

Or maybe there are a lot of women that had a lot of different sex partners, but they are too busy having sex than answer the survey used to make the statistics. If there is a pattern, then the pattern applies and the stats are owned by the pattern.

Think about it!


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score

Yes, there are a lot of women who have a lot of sex partners.. just as men... and YES I know this is hypocritical but we are talking about protecting ourselves here.. not trying to be "fair"...

This issue is whether "we" (DJs) want to take on such a woman as an LTR or wife, not whether such women exist.

I am sure my ex, with 30+ sex partners before age 21, first one at age 12, will find a chump to marry. She had chumps chasing her while we were together!

However, we non-chumps need to avoid investing in these women at all costs. It is your future and you only have one life to live!

If you really think about it objectively, you will realize that a woman with very many sex partners at a young age will NOT be stable. Are you willing to risk your future on her?

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by dietzcoi
This issue is whether "we" (DJs) want to take on such a woman as an LTR or wife, not whether such women exist.

I am sure my ex, with 30+ sex partners before age 21, first one at age 12, will find a chump to marry. She had chumps chasing her while we were together!

However, we non-chumps need to avoid investing in these women at all costs. It is your future and you only have one life to live!

If you really think about it objectively, you will realize that a woman with very many sex partners at a young age will NOT be stable. Are you willing to risk your future on her?

Are you serious about youe ex-wife? Why would you marry a hor? Were you lonely? She screwed you over did she not? Next time pm me and I'll advise you on such unsavory characters. Read my long post on page 2, about the hor mindset!! Many so-called DJ's are going to get burned in the future for accepting such treacherous behavior...they'll deserve it for rejecting truth!!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
I have an aversion to hors because I see them as having masculine traits in their character, the main and obvious trait that is associated with masculinity is their aggressiveness/boldness in behavior and speech. I love femininity!! Oddly and ironically enough, this 'femaleness' is very difficult to find in woman nowadays!!

If you are an average or good -looking guy then you don't need game, you can still get girls. Why and how, you ask? Because hors only need to be found and not to be chased. Hors mainly go on looks! Any non-dj with no game can have her, and a lot of them are chumps.

Good woman (virgins) go on the totality of a man - this encompasses all avenues of masculinity and not just looks - but includes, intelligence, wit, humor, style, ambition, values, personality and character etc. This is where you need game to get the woman no one else can get or has. She has stringent guidelines; whereas the hor just wants to feel a penis!


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
I was talking about my ex STR, not my ex-wife!! My ex wife was inexperienced when we married. She had a lot of issues but this was not one of them. My beef with her is that she has attached herself to my wallet like a leech and won't bother working for her self.

My ex STR GF was the promiscous one, what a head case. Yes, she has no self respect. It was fun to date a much younger woman until she began to relate her past, unasked...

THe problem is there are plenty of AFCs waiting in line for her now that I broke up with her... I guess they do not mind being number 35, 36, 37 and so on.

Remember she is just 21 years old!

No, dietzcoi was not going to turn over the other half of his wallet he still has left to this type of woman...



Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by S&MAnd many men also admitted to fulfilling the definition of rape/attempted rape but did not think of themselves as "rapists".
If you look at the definition of 'rape' commonly used by the gender feminists in campus surveys in the mid-nineties you will find that it is so broad as to cover 90% of all sexual encounters.

When later investigated, using the same definition of 'rape' it was found that 60% of male college students had also been 'raped' (by women they'd willingly slept with).

It was also found that, of the campus women interviewed, 70% of those who had been ticked as having been 'raped', did not themselves believe that they had been raped, and had not been asked the question directly during the survey. It was the surveyors who told them they'd been raped, and included them in the statistics for their own agenda-pushing ends. And a large number of the women who had been ticked as 'raped', had since had consensual sex with the same men who supposedly 'raped' them.

Source: "Who stole Feminism?" - Christine Hoff-Sommers, 1995. I highly recommend it. The statistics I quote are as I remember them, and may not be exact.

This does not mean I'm defending true rape in any way, I just don't like to see false statistics being used to bash any gender over the head.

As for the topic at hand, a lot of women seem to have a naive and idealised view of how they are seen by the men they have casual encounters with. For some reason, it never occurs to them that men might disrespect them while in the process of f*cking them for being so easy, and that that is part of the turn on for a guy.

A friend of mine said she enjoyed the fantasy of being f*cked by two guys, because she liked the idea of being the centre of their attention, being adored and pampered. When I told her that the reality was that two guys could only ever do that to a girl they had no attachment to or respect for, because no man wants to see a woman he cares about being degraded like that with a c*ck in her at both ends, she was truly surprised. She'd never thought of it like that.

There's a difference between penetrating lots of people, and allowing lots of people to penetrate you, and at the end of the day that's the male/female, top/bottom, butch/fem, dom/sub, powerful/powerless difference.

So, when a woman lets lots of guys inside her, she is willingly going into the submissive, female position. Forget women fooling themselves that it's a place of power - it isn't. Not unless they're in an equal, caring, intimate relationship with someone who respects them.

When it's casual or very short term, they are letting themselves get f*cked, plain and simple. And that's the difference between men who sleep around and do the f*cking, and women who sleep around and let themselves get f*cked.

A lot of guys will deny that this is how they see it, but more often than not, this is how they see it. What guy in his right mind would admit that when' he's f*cking his ONS from behind, he's thinking "Take it you stupid f*cking sl*t." But, for a lot of men who sleep around, that's exactly what they're thinking. We guys know this, which is why we hold the women who gladly and naively end up underneath them in such contempt.
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Matt ala Casanova

Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by bp1974
When it's casual or very short term, they are letting themselves get f*cked, plain and simple. And that's the difference between men who sleep around and do the f*cking, and women who sleep around and let themselves get f*cked.
I agree 100%! There is a big difference and that seperates the thought process a man has on girls who sleep around versus the man who f*cks around!



Don Juan
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
Excellent post bp1974. I beleive that was what laid at the heart of my quasi dilemma. Here was a woman whom i respected and had some love for whom i just could not grasp (or i coiuld biut just did not want to) that she would have allowed herself to be so weak willed as to give up her 'submissiveness' to someone who was not truly deserveing. Its like women and rock stars, i just cant understand how they beleive they have derived power from sleeping with a man of wealth or fame. It is he who truly dominated her. Who outside of her little circle of friends (even them) will beleive she slept with x. Did she really value herself?


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
If you look at the definition of 'rape' commonly used by the gender feminists in campus surveys in the mid-nineties you will find that it is so broad as to cover 90% of all sexual encounters.
That was not the definition of rape I was referring to. :rolleyes: There is a difference between sexual assault or harassment and RAPE. There ARE guys who admitted they had or would "FORCE a woman to have sex" but wouldn't consider themselves "rapists".

Help me out here . . . which of my posts was it where I called you or anyone a dirty hoor? Yeah, I thought so. It's right there with the one where I said guys should go ahead and bang anything that moves just because they (undeniably) have the urge to do so, or that we ought to rape chicks -- i.e., it don't exist.
I never said anyone called me a dirty wh*re, (nor would I be offended if you did) or any of the other things you think I was implying.

I'd also like to make it clear that I'm not trying to defend women who have casual sex or say that men SHOULD date them regardless of their histories. If you think something a girl does or has done goes against your morals, or whatever, don't date her. I'm just saying that you can't necessarily make certain judgments on the girl because of her past.... (such as her "willpower" or her ability to be faithful or her "self-respect") because often they are not related in the ways that you believe.

I would never be offended by a guy who did not want to date me because he could not accept my past. But I would be offended if made untrue assumptions about me and he used my past as "evidence".

Well, what I did say and will defend is that in comparing men and women and how they act on their sex drive, it is overall safe to say (and hence, I acknowledge the possibility that you or someone else is an exception, which doesn't negate the usefulness of the principle as a screening device) that most women are not having large numbers of casual sexual encounters solely because they are physically unable to resist the urge. The definition of "large" is (as I suggested elsewhere) rough, and age/circumstance specific, but we all know it when we see it.
I'm still confused why you refer to "resist the urge"... why should sexual urges be resisted? Whether they are physical or mental or otherwise... why should we ignore our urges, no matter how strong they are (or aren't)? Ok, obviously we shouldn't cater to ALL our urges... If the urge was to say, murder people, you wouldn't do it because that's wrong, ha ha,... but I don't believe that having sex is wrong.

When it's casual or very short term, they are letting themselves get f*cked, plain and simple. And that's the difference between men who sleep around and do the f*cking, and women who sleep around and let themselves get f*cked.
OK, now we're talking strictly about who has what parts and what goes where? It's not a matter of if you have an "innie" or an "outie"... It's about respect, it's about intentions, it's about honesty, it's about safety. I don't do anything with ill intentions, that is dishonest or hurtful, that is unsafe. I have respect for myself and I respect my sexual urges. I don't have regrets, I don't feel shame, and I don't simply "get ****ed" ... When are you guys going to stop thinking about sex as something that you DO to someone or that is DONE to someone? It's something you do WITH someone.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
montreal, PQ
Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
When are you guys going to stop thinking about sex as something that you DO to someone or that is DONE to someone? It's something you do WITH someone.
No way! I could have sworn I fvcked my girlfriend last night!

JB: Do you like getting fvcked like that you dirty slut?

Her: Ohh **** me harder you kentucky fried chicken eatin', armani suit wearin' muthafvcka! OHHHHHHH!

;) :D


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Nice point PuertoRican_Lover... we dislike what is like us. :D

Nice question also Sexy_Malibu: "why should we ignore our urges". I re-emphasize that one, it is one of the best question to ask that if we think correctly answer by itself.

"I guess they do not mind being number 35, 36, 37 and so on." -- That is an easy call... some people are also strong enough (or you can say "lame enough", depending of your viewpoint) to go beyond the number. Some people are also just desesperate, they care, but they believe they can't get any better. That is also valid for girl. There is a lot of those people even thinking that way.

Also the problem of a lot of people, including probably a lot of people there (sorry if the word problem sound bad) is that you all think that life is based on couple. We have to be in couple. We have to be with someone, with only one person.

Do you have only one friend?

Do you find only one girl hot?

Do you believe if you guys that have almost no girl "friend" or interaction with women that you won't be able to enjoy the presence of many women (that does not mean a high % of them if you are picky, but there is a lot of smart and cool people to be around).

We often repress ourself ['cause of the Society or other stuff]. It may have good effect (practical effect), but if you begin to think as good or wrong. I do not think you can really label the action you would want to do as totally wrong, especially like Sexy_Malibu said, when it comes to sex!


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by SM:
That was not the definition of rape I was referring to. There is a difference between sexual assault or harassment and RAPE. There ARE guys who admitted they had or would "FORCE a woman to have sex" but wouldn't consider themselves "rapists".
Fair enough, my points on campus rape surveys were true, but irrelevant.
Originally posted by SM:
OK, now we're talking strictly about who has what parts and what goes where? It's not a matter of if you have an "innie" or an "outie"... It's about respect, it's about intentions, it's about honesty, it's about safety. I don't do anything with ill intentions, that is dishonest or hurtful, that is unsafe. I have respect for myself and I respect my sexual urges. I don't have regrets, I don't feel shame, and I don't simply "get ****ed"
I made a slight error in my original post. I said:
When it's casual or very short term, they are letting themselves get f*cked, plain and simple. And that's the difference between men who sleep around and do the f*cking, and women who sleep around and let themselves get f*cked.
What I meant was it's the difference between males who sleep around and do the f*cking, and females who sleep around and let themselves get f*cked.

It's important to make that distinction, because I'm not just talking about men f*cking women. This isn't a hate-women diatribe. Males can be men or women, females can be men or women. The point isn't about who has the c*ck and who has the p*ssy, because men have an 'innie' :rolleyes: too. It's about dominator/dominated, penetrator/penetrated. A butch lesbian penetrates her female partner with dildoes, fingers etc. A gay male penetrates his 'female' man partner's backside with his c*ck. A man penetrates a woman with his c*ck or finger. A 'male' woman penetrates her 'female' man's backside with her finger or dildo or whatever.

Originally posted by SM:
... When are you guys going to stop thinking about sex as something that you DO to someone or that is DONE to someone? It's something you do WITH someone.
This isn't about the biology, it's about the position someone is willing or forced to take with someone they have no intimacy with. This is why straight men in prison f*ck other men. This is why they have 'b*tches'. It's a domination and a degradation to be penetrated by someone you hardly know. A male man would fight tooth and nail to prevent himself being penetrated by another male, a stranger male, because it is such an invasion, and a domination of his entire being. This is male thought, the 'penetrator's' thought, and I assume is very similar to the majority of women's views around rape.

This is why people do NOT f*ck together. Two people can make love together, or have sex with each other, in a relationship based on intimacy, trust, honesty and mutual acceptance. That's the most satisfying and healthy kind of sexual relationship there is. You can play, take turns to be male or female, or whatever, depending on how much variety you enjoy. And you can f*ck too - enjoying the submission and domination dynamic in the safety of knowing you both respect and care for each other. Why do so many people like being dirty-talked to during sex? It's exciting, and feeds directly into the feelings of f*cking or being f*cked by someone. That slight degradation, that feeling of dominating or being dominated verbally, is a turn on. People like to play with those dominating/submitting feelings and experiences.

That kind of relationship is completely different to the f*cking that happens when two people who are not committed to each other and have no shared intimacy get into bed together. It is only ever f*cking, and in order for f*cking to happen, someone is getting f*cked.

Any person, man or woman, who regularly submits, either willingly or through coercion, to being f*cked by people without any true intimacy, automatically loses the respect of the people who are f*cking them and the people who know about it. They are physically and sexually subordinate, and in the case of an 'easy' woman or man, they've willingly put themselves in that position time and again. How debasing!

Imagine a gay man who slept around but was only ever the 'receiver'. What a p*ssy!! Disdain and contempt. And when it's a woman sleeping around with lots of men, the first thought is 'Stupid b*tch doesn't even know she's getting f*cked'. Disdain and contempt. And make no mistake, she is getting f*cked, because a woman cannot f*ck a man with her p*ssy. The closest she can get to it is being on top, and f*cking herself with his c*ck. A woman who has slept with a lot of men has been regularly f*cked in every sense of the word, and the worst thing is she when she doesn't even know it. If she knows it's not making love, she may tell herself she's f*cking him as much as he's f*cking her. And it simply isn't true. That's the naivety and innocence I was talking about. She thinks she was f*cking with them, but each of those guys were just plain f*cking her.
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Don Juan
Jan 7, 2004
Reaction score
PuertoRican_Lover and bp1974 are right on the money. You two wrote two of the most informative posts I have read in a while.

PR_L, I appreciate your pro-male outlook on the situation with women nowadays. It is refreshing to see that there are still a few real men out there who will not give in to the conspiracy of total male emasculation ("metrosexual?" -- get the f*ck outta here with that bullsh*t!).

bp1974, your take on dominating/submissive positions and the penetrator's mindset is so incredibly accurate, and I commend you for explicating it so lucidly. I was blown away!

Outstanding posts, gentlemen.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
london, England
Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
The overwhelming homophobic and heterosexist nature of our society is disturbing, but really has nothing to do with this topic. Just as not all men are the same, and not all women are the same, not all homosexuals are the same and I'm not going to sit here and spout generalizations about the "gay lifestyle". And are you going to tell me that there are no homosexual people who are living repressed lives today, just as there are women repressing their sexual urges? I've heard about "wonderful" church programs that can "cure" homosexuality and oh boy does it work! Please. :rolleyes:

And I'm not simply saying that society is keeping women from having casual sex. I'm saying it's keeping women from admitting to having casual sex. It's keeping women from admitting to having strong sexual desires. How many of your sweet virgins do you think are really "dirty wh*res" like me? :rolleyes:
Hey sexy!

Don't waste engery battling with these guys, You can take the horse to the water but you can't make it drink.

There is sex and there is love.

Be a b!tch like me, do what you want and don't give a damn


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2003
Reaction score
Its all about the connection you have with someone.

I mean if your together, always laughing, feel safe enough to be yourself, and it is blantently obvious your girl is in love with you... then who cares how many people she's been with??

My girlfriend has a past, much more adventureous than mine... but I also know she didn't stay with anyone else because they don't make her feel the way I do. Just like I didn't stay with anyone because they didn't make me feel the way she does.

Her past is what has made her the person she is today, faults and all.... and if you have a great connection your an insecure moron if you let some type of partner # dictate your affections.

The past is the past and is really none of your business.


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2001
Reaction score
Yeah stop battling and wasting your energy over this cause.
In the end, men will end up recovering their initial place in society and *****es with no morals will lose the oportunity they are nowadays given to end up with a nice chump....
A ***** shall never be able to live a decent woman's life, she doesn't deserve a husband, children (in a nutshell a family)