OP, I totally agree with you. While I understand that a single parent's primary responsibility will always be her kids, I have no idea why they have the need to point that out to you. It's like me telling a girl, "you know I really care about you but if I had to pick between who would live you or my mother I would pick my mother." I have no idea why the need to point this out, it should go without saying.
This seemingly contradictory paradox may help explain why there are so many hot single mothers out there who are perpetually single despite constantly getting on and off the c0ck carousel.
Great post Bradd! And for the record I'm glad you actually read and are able to interpret my posts maturely unlike others who just read a few sentences and take it out of context to attack me. I'll always ignore those idiots.
I really appreciate your input on your experience and theories with single moms. As you stated:
1. Single moms, as your relationship gets more intense, expect you to treat their kids as your own. Which means taking lots of interest in them, paying for certain things, going on vacation together, and playing with them. In essence, you become an instant dad without the fun getting there.
I haven't gotten to this stage yet with any of them but I can definitely see this. If you have no interest in being a father to someone else's kid, do you think its best to dump them after you banged them enough times?
2. Speaking of the fun getting there, you will never has as much sex with a single mom as the baby's daddy did. That's because now that they're with you, the single mom is so tired from work and raising a kid on her own that - after that initial period where everything is great - her mask will eventually come off and she will be too tired to fvck you all the time like she did at first.
Very interesting... I would not have thought this.
3. Single moms, contrary to my previous beliefs, are actually often even more drama than the hot single women out there. In fact, being a drama queen is most probably one of the major reasons their past relationships with their husbands/baby daddies didn't work out.
I believe it
4. Plus, single moms come with the added baggage of being treated like dirt, cheated on, humiliated, and left alone to raise a child by their previous men. I find single moms have a sense of mistrust and even hatred of men that single women have not yet developed.
Yes... I'll give a quick synopsis of my recent experience with a single mom that fits this to a tee.
5. With single moms, i always saw the same general pattern: in the first few months there was lots of great kinky sex, great dishes of food made for you whenever you want. Lots of low budget date ideas. These things make you think this type of relationship is actually workable, and you generally are tricked into thinking "wow this is a great girl she's so normal. Too bad she has a kid but hey maybe we can work around this." Single moms are usually very open and let you treat their home as if it's yours. But as time goes on, reality sets in: you become an instant dad to a child you did not father. The sex goes away, as the mom develops new interests and the exciting honeymoon phase of your relationship wears off.
I guess its best to dump them once it gets to this point.
6. The coldest dose of reality was that single moms are actually very very high maintenance.. because they have a child everything you do with them comes with added costs. A "single mom tax" if you will. And not just financially.. I have found that hot single moms, rather than appreciating men more, actually increase the demands they make from a potential mate because now they have a child so they have to be even more picky. So despite the fact that they are getting old, are about to hit the wall in terms of having your kids, come with an expensive little addition, and that their overall market value is now extremely low, their demands for what they want in a man actually increase as they get older. Sounds crazy doesn't it? But yet this is exactly what is going on in the mind of a single mother. Expensive dinners will be required, as will expensive travel plans (often with their kid tagging along, although of course never at first

So because some other guy got to bust a load in them and no longer deals with the BS day in and day out.. I as a single guy will suffer this tax? LOL no thanks!
So the last experience I had with a single mom was about a few months ago. She basically had a kid with a guy who is a DR but because he was Jewish and she wasn't he couldn't marry her. He now has a new girlfriend and picks up his daughter every once in a while (which she complained about him not spending enough time with her)
So we basically went out for drinks... During the date she actually said she wants guys to make the first move and feels guys get turned off when a girl is too aggressive. I told her I didn't agree yada yada yada..... Anyway she ended up driving me to my place and we made out intensely in her car. I don't think she was DTF.... I didn't invite her up to my place because I didn't want to blow a potential future lay since she lived super close to me. I said "I guess I should go" to which she said "yes" and didn't try to stop me.... Whether I had a chance to bang this girl on the first date is debatable but my gut told me she wasn't going for it. Anyway that's another discussion for when I write out my journal.
Anyway so she texted me like the next day telling me how hot of a kisser I was and all this other bs. Being that I have a regular girl who is younger with no baggage I am seeing - I really didn't pay this single mom a lot of attention... I replied to her texts but I didn't come on too strong or anything.
So anyway she didnt text me at all the next few days... I texted her like mid week asking when we were hanging out next and she didn't respond till way later... Her texts no longer seemed affectionate or timely... I ended up saying I could stop by her place and she was like when... I said tomorrow and I think she responded it was ok. The next day she barely responded to me and then said her kid was sick about 5 hours later. I told her I hoped she felt better... I texted her like the next day and again she was lukewarm and took a while to respond etc.... So I finally I texted her "hope your games work on the next guy, peace" She didn't respond
So like a month later I was drinking and for the hell of it I texted her and asked her what the problem was since we had a good time when we went out etc.... She basically responded back that she is very guarded because of her ex and her child was sick and it was her first priority. I told her I understood that but that it doesn't take much effort to respond to a text message.... Then I ended up telling her I met someone awseome and I wanted to thank her because I wouldn't have appreciated this new girl if not for my experience with her. She tried to save face and wish me luck and that was it lol
So I know I could have played it cooler with this single mom and probably gotten some ass... but I have to admit I didn't feel this girl was worth my time or effort since I have someone better.