This is a slippery slope. I can see the point
@sazc is making, but
generally speaking, I think it's a bad idea, especially early on in a relationship maybe up to a year. I'm basing this on decades of dating and many women's reactions to things I've done, good and bad.
Certainly, NAWALT, but, let's say 80% are. I would say the women that do want and desire a more emotive man, are probably more masculine themselves and need someone to balance their dominant tendencies. Certainly you've seen the strong, alpha-confident woman with the quiet, demur man. I have on numerous occasions.
At the DNA/evolutionary level,
women are attracted to strong, assertive, dominant, and confident men. This I think we can all agree on. Showing a lot or even moderate levels of vulnerability or emotion, well, I just can't see how it helps confirm in her mind you're not a wimp. I know there's a HUGE movement about toxic masculinity and the related behaviors today, but it's gone way off the rails in my opinion.
I think slowly, over time, if you're in a LTR you'll have opportunities to sprinkle in a modicum of vulnerability here and there. But use it like ultra hot Tabasco sauce, maybe a drop or two at a time.
With all due respect to the ladies on SS, one thing I have learned is that what a woman
says she wants and what she
actually desires at the genetic level are often two different things.
And BTW, even strong, tough Dash will probably cry like a baby when his beloved Doberman dies. So I do have a heart
