Women want to LOSE the game


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
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Poon King said:
The main problem with your thinking is you still dream of this imaginary Disney princess ("quality woman/ good woman") or whatever you want to call it. This woman exists ONLY in your mind and the idea was planted there by movies, TV and other brain rotting media drivel.

Women today don’t seek out comfort or stability in men like they did in the past. Women's NEED and dependence on man back in the day is what crafted this FALSE idea your average beta moron has in his head of this magical "quality woman". It was her dependence on her man that make her so soft, delicate, submissive, loyal, etc.

Today's women seek entertainment. They seek distraction. They seek hedonistic pleasure. This is why provider men (beta males) are so hopelessly failing today to secure the commitment of beautiful women in their prime, and this is why even lesser alpha males fail to enter relationships with women beyond a few bangs. Once the entertainment or novelty you provide her declines (and it inevitably will).. she moves on to something or someone else.. UNLESS you are the best man she can possibly get and she knows it.

Because a woman showing "quality" behavior depends on her NOT being able to get (AND KEEP) someone better than you. Many a woman can get sport f*cked by an alpha.. but he will never commit.

With that said.. making your life goal to become the best man for ONE woman is a pathetic and ridiculous goal that only a weak co-dependent faggot would aspire to.

How far would human beings have come if men like Eintein, Beethoven, Isaac Newton, etc. decided to flush their lives down the toilet chasing some dumb skank instead of CHANGING THE WORLD? :crackup:

Women are very entertaining and fun to f*ck. They are also essential for reproduction. That is all you need from them and that is all 99% of men will ever get from them. So stop being faggots and find a REAL life purpose outside of chasing this stupid princess you will never find.

Wake up men.

Wrong assumption. I dont dream of her. Im actually being a lot more realistic than you. I know some people are good people. You claim no people are no good people. How can you be serious? You are the one dreaming of disney land fantasies bro.

And no the idea was not planted in my head by tv and media and the such. It was planted there by Reality. And its not an idea, its an observation of that reality. I grew up raised by a good woman, my mother. Granted, most people are not that lucky. And granted, you claim this is a thing of the past. I do see your point, but you are getting too delusional again by generalizing too much. Youre right in the sense that its much more rare these days. But you have to be realistic. Obviously good people are very real and do exist, even if in smaller and smaller numbers by the day.

When you say stuff like "women dont seek comfort from men like they did in the past" you have to realize that you are making delusional statements that are much too generalized. You cant say ANYTHING is true for ALL people of a gender, race, nationality, humanity, etc. To say so, is to show you are ignorant. How you cant comprehend this, is honestly beyond me. But it shows the flaw with your thinking.

Just because some chick broke your heart and crushed it into pieces is not a valid reason or argument for you to lump all women together. Nothing is. Its just silly to speak that way. And youre not going to help wake any men up because of this. And thats a shame because I believe you have a lot of useful information relating to women, and I love a lot of it, and Ive learned a lot from reading some of your posts, they can be extremely accurate and you bring a very crucial attitude and mentality to self improvement and dealing with women.

But you simply cannot take it too far all the time. You lose everyone that way who has a critical mind and can THINK. People are different, poon.

You are referring to GENERAL TRENDS in the modern world, and like ive said I SEE YOUR POINT. You are right in a way because those trends are very real. But they can never define every single person. Can you grasp that???

You would say love is an idea implanted in me by tv too. But get real man. Thats the mentality of a butthurt child, and thats how you come off talking like that. Some women are not going to move on from a man just because the novelty is gone, because some people actually Love eachother. Its not a disney land myth. Whats a myth is that this Love exists AUTOMATICALLY for us if we just find the ONE. Thats a myth. This love takes a lot of hard WORK.

Once again, I was lucky to have been raised by people who are a prime example of this, and who were able to teach me this truth. And trust me, they are not old fashioned by any means, they are infinitely smarter than you and me put together, they know very well where modern society is, and where its headed.

Everything you say is true for MOST people, for most women. But you need to stop making the mistake of assuming that MOST means ALL. Thats simply CHILDISH. And the reason an adult has childish behavior of this sort is usually because of trauma. (yannick ring a bell?)

No, my goal is not to become the best for one woman. It is to become the best for myself. But usually that helps in running into one woman who is then worthy of you.

And buddy, if you think those great men you mentioned changed the world without the influence of the love for a woman, you are dead wrong. Dig into their life stories. And while youre at it, the life story of ANY great man.

Wake up, poon.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
and if youre going to hang up on a definition of good people, its people raised with BALANCE. people with a stable MENTALITY who have been fortunate enough not to have been born into a hell on earth, like most are. To have had a decent upbringing and to have been blessed with an able mind. Ones who have had a few good teachers and have put in the work to LEARN basic human truths (which have been discussed by endless philosophers in all history) how to be FIRM and solid yet gentle and giving, how to be respectful and love yourself and others, and thus how to develop the ability the TRUST others, if they EARN that trust, how to take a blind leap of faith once in a while after OBJECTIVELY and critically analyzing their circumstances. But most of all, its good FRIENDS. have you ever had a good friend? seriously, cuz i havent, and ive never loved any woman (cept the momskis), and i STILL know how that sh it works. (no not from media, but from examples, from real life. and from great philosophical works, written by the likes of those great men you mentioned)

Your mentality is beautiful (no homo) and useful, but focus is it on what its FOUNDATIONAL PURPOSE is: SELF IMPROVEMENT, not philosophical debates about the nature of women. Because you havent read enough philosophy to do that. You cant generalize the way you do its silly. When that mindset is taken as far as you take it (hitler, anybody?), it will only create an alienation and a personal hell for yourself. Like with ANYTHING in life. HOLD ON to the balance.

Id suggest reading some Hegel.

And by the way, you need to graduate into adulthood and maturity and stop LOOKING at women as a lesser being. They are different but they are not phucking dolphins, science has proven them to be human haha. We are all one. You hate them, you hate yourself. HATE is an expression of YOU. Dont be fooled about that, bro. It goes for all of our actions. To be able to LOVE people who have proven WORTHY, is a leap of blind faith, and thus you need to be strong and LOVE yourself. People who cant do that, or wont, dont love themselves. I know cuz i was one of them. That said, you should spin plates and use their sexy little bodies as much as you can, but if something really solid pops up and she holds down for a year, you need to not be a b!tch, analyze your circumstances objectively, and have the power to jump. its not a big deal. you can always change your mind later. so can she. so what? its irrelevant. You say its SUBMISSION. you are not seeing reality objectively man. whats the real reason we dont just go around falling in love with random s l u t s? Umm, cuz we dont like pain bud. It hurts to do it and get burned. so we are opening up our defense, exposing ourselves to pain, and what does that fact show us? that it takes STRENGTH (and some stupidity obviously, a heathy amount though, which is very little). The reason in this community that is OFTEN called BETA is not because you have the strength and power to jump. its because people do it too easily, before they have been shown WORTH by the woman. its because they come from a deceased mentality of seeking to PROVE their worth to HER, instead of the healthy mentality of letting women prove their worth to us. (like i did, i came from that mentality too.)

FOr you to say being able to love in general, is beta, is for you to be on your own, you are changing terms by yourself, no one understands those terms in that way, but you. its mentally unstable territory, bro.

Id suggest reading some Buddhism and Science!!??. (im not a buddhist.)

EDIT: ive been playing around with this lately: picking up girls by insta-friendzoning them works absolute wonders for me. and im not even lying to them when i say i just wana be friends, i genuinely like to meet people and see what the phuck theyve been up to in this phucked up world and who the phuck are they. it lowers their defenses dramatically though if you can do it not too overtly (i just try to stay in a mindset of: i have no romantic interests in this person, so i can exude that) . im also instantly making it not seem like a pick up by not looking at them and not saying hi, but by just stating something from our surroundings to her and moving on from there. She still knows whats up. until you find a way to covertly friendzone her a s s within the first few minutes ahahah. i end up shooting fish in a barrel after that.
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Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Alexandar said:
Wrong assumption. I dont dream of her. Im actually being a lot more realistic than you. I know some people are good people. You claim no people are no good people. How can you be serious? You are the one dreaming of disney land fantasies bro.

And no the idea was not planted in my head by tv and media and the such. It was planted there by Reality. And its not an idea, its an observation of that reality. I grew up raised by a good woman, my mother. Granted, most people are not that lucky. And granted, you claim this is a thing of the past. I do see your point, but you are getting too delusional again by generalizing too much. Youre right in the sense that its much more rare these days. But you have to be realistic. Obviously good people are very real and do exist, even if in smaller and smaller numbers by the day.

When you say stuff like "women dont seek comfort from men like they did in the past" you have to realize that you are making delusional statements that are much too generalized. You cant say ANYTHING is true for ALL people of a gender, race, nationality, humanity, etc. To say so, is to show you are ignorant. How you cant comprehend this, is honestly beyond me. But it shows the flaw with your thinking.

Just because some chick broke your heart and crushed it into pieces is not a valid reason or argument for you to lump all women together. Nothing is. Its just silly to speak that way. And youre not going to help wake any men up because of this. And thats a shame because I believe you have a lot of useful information relating to women, and I love a lot of it, and Ive learned a lot from reading some of your posts, they can be extremely accurate and you bring a very crucial attitude and mentality to self improvement and dealing with women.

But you simply cannot take it too far all the time. You lose everyone that way who has a critical mind and can THINK. People are different, poon.

You are referring to GENERAL TRENDS in the modern world, and like ive said I SEE YOUR POINT. You are right in a way because those trends are very real. But they can never define every single person. Can you grasp that???

You would say love is an idea implanted in me by tv too. But get real man. Thats the mentality of a butthurt child, and thats how you come off talking like that. Some women are not going to move on from a man just because the novelty is gone, because some people actually Love eachother. Its not a disney land myth. Whats a myth is that this Love exists AUTOMATICALLY for us if we just find the ONE. Thats a myth. This love takes a lot of hard WORK.

Once again, I was lucky to have been raised by people who are a prime example of this, and who were able to teach me this truth. And trust me, they are not old fashioned by any means, they are infinitely smarter than you and me put together, they know very well where modern society is, and where its headed.

Everything you say is true for MOST people, for most women. But you need to stop making the mistake of assuming that MOST means ALL. Thats simply CHILDISH. And the reason an adult has childish behavior of this sort is usually because of trauma. (yannick ring a bell?)

No, my goal is not to become the best for one woman. It is to become the best for myself. But usually that helps in running into one woman who is then worthy of you.

And buddy, if you think those great men you mentioned changed the world without the influence of the love for a woman, you are dead wrong. Dig into their life stories. And while youre at it, the life story of ANY great man.

Wake up, poon.

Wise people know that there is no such thing as "good people" and "bad people". The reason for this is simple: Who decides what is good or bad?

In some cultures you are a bad person if you eat pork. To some people you are a bad person if you don't say "thank you" when someone holds a door. Donald Trump recently called a woman a "terrible person" because she breast fed in front of him. So its all based on opinion and NOT fact. If it is not a fact.. then it does not exist. It is simply a perception. Nothing more. What IS fact though.. is women will always go for the best deal they believe they can get. And they will "behave themselves" with a man whom they believe is high value.. while treating lesser men like orbiters, tools and pawns.

The human need to label people is where this idea of "quality woman" comes from. And it does not exist.

Nice try though. I hope you didn't spend too many hours typing that essay. :crackup:


Aug 12, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:

Wise people know that there is no such thing as "good people" and "bad people". The reason for this is simple: Who decides what is good or bad?

In some cultures you are a bad person of you eat pork. To some people you are a bad person if you don't say "thank you" when someone holds a door. Donald Trump recently called a woman a "terrible person" because she breast fed in front of him. So its all based on a opinion and NOT fact. If it is not a fact.. then it does not exist. It is simply a perception. Nothing more. What IS fact though.. is women will always go for the best deal they believe they can get. And they will "behave themselves" with a man whom they believe is high value.. while treating lesser man like orbiters, tools and pawns.

The human need to label people is where this idea of "quality woman" comes from. And it does not exist.

Nice try though. I hope you didn't spend too many hours typing that essay. :crackup:

And your perception is nothing more than that. Not fact.

Everyone goes for the best deal they can get you nitwit. Or do you prefer to live in mediocrity?

You take human traits in every human and put them all on women because you despise them for having power over your insecure beta azz which you project on everyone else but yourself.

You are a weak coward with no power in life so you vent and try too gain virtual power online.

You are a joke Poofter queen. You serve as amusement for those who get women and nothing more than justification and a security blanket for the freaks that serve as your beta incel apostles.

Buffoon Queen A.K.A Buurh0e A.K.A Playswithhimselfman gave me an angry boy neg rep. LMFAO :crackup:

Women want to LOSE the... 08-12-2015 09:46 PM Burroughs


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:

Wise people know that there is no such thing as "good people" and "bad people". The reason for this is simple: Who decides what is good or bad?

In some cultures you are a bad person if you eat pork. To some people you are a bad person if you don't say "thank you" when someone holds a door. Donald Trump recently called a woman a "terrible person" because she breast fed in front of him. So its all based on opinion and NOT fact. If it is not a fact.. then it does not exist. It is simply a perception. Nothing more. What IS fact though.. is women will always go for the best deal they believe they can get. And they will "behave themselves" with a man whom they believe is high value.. while treating lesser men like orbiters, tools and pawns.

The human need to label people is where this idea of "quality woman" comes from. And it does not exist.

Nice try though. I hope you didn't spend too many hours typing that essay. :crackup:

lol no i didnt thanks for your concern brosky.

youre right good and bad anything is simply perception. hence buddhism, it defines this concept well.

and its why you cant deem a woman bad. or a man good. your whole perspective is riddled with this.

and poon, yes they will obviously behave to high value men, this isnt news, but they will always go for the best man they can get? that is not fact man, what world do you live in. how many women have passed on a better deal that they KNEW they could get? countless sounds roughly right.

you keep saying a quality woman, but a quality woman is simply a quality person. yes its perception. but who cares? perception IS reality because we mold reality with our perception. its a scientifically, quantum physically proven fact. we create our reality with our thought and perception. and we have significant control over that creation. (this is where self improvement as a foundation to this forum comes in)

this is where philosophy is key. we have identified certain VIRTUOUS qualities in a human being (read socrates/aristotle/plato) long ago. these are what makes a quality person.

its a good idea to trust those wiser than us. read hegel. (meaning watch youtube videos describing his works for you, not kidding thats what i did, hes notoriously difficult to read)


Aug 12, 2015
Reaction score
Alexandar said:
lol no i didnt thanks for your concern brosky.

youre right good and bad anything is simply perception. hence buddhism, it defines this concept well.

and its why you cant deem a woman bad. or a man good. your whole perspective is riddled with this.

and poon, yes they will obviously behave to high value men, this isnt news, but they will always go for the best man they can get? that is not fact man, what world do you live in. how many women have passed on a better deal that they KNEW they could get? countless sounds roughly right.

you keep saying a quality woman, but a quality woman is simply a quality person. yes its perception. but who cares? perception IS reality because we mold reality with our perception. its a scientifically, quantum physically proven fact. we create our reality with our thought and perception. and we have significant control over that creation.

this is where philosophy is key. we have identified certain VIRTUOUS qualities in a human being (read socrates/aristotle/plato) long ago. these are what makes a quality person.
Poofter queen is a blue pilled transgender.

Princess Poofter despises women because they have the vagina power he wishes he had.

Once her operation is complete she'll get the feels of that true power that women have always hung over her head. And maybe Yank-it will be able to score a date where they "wake up" together. :crackup:

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Alexandar said:
lol no i didnt thanks for your concern brosky.

youre right good and bad anything is simply perception. hence buddhism, it defines this concept well.

and its why you cant deem a woman bad. or a man good. your whole perspective is riddled with this.

and poon, yes they will obviously behave to high value men, this isnt news, but they will always go for the best man they can get? that is not fact man, what world do you live in. how many women have passed on a better deal that they KNEW they could get? countless sounds roughly right.

Women ALWAYS go for the best man they believe they can get. NOT the best man they can f*ck.. the best man they can GET. Learn the difference.

Alexandar said:
you keep saying a quality woman, but a quality woman is simply a quality person. yes its perception. but who cares? perception IS reality because we mold reality with our perception. its a scientifically, quantum physically proven fact. we create our reality with our thought and perception. and we have significant control over that creation.

this is where philosophy is key. we have identified certain VIRTUOUS qualities in a human being (read socrates/aristotle/plato) long ago. these are what makes a quality person.
BUT most men view women through rose colored glasses and see quality when it isn't there because they are desperate co-dependent, lonely faggots.


Aug 12, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:

Women ALWAYS go for the best man they believe they can get. NOT the best man they can f*ck.. the best man they can GET. Learn the difference.

BUT most men view women through rose colored glasses and see quality when it isn't there because they are desperate co-dependent, lonely faggots.
Poof is a rabid rose colored homosexual floral arranger. Poof hums Broadway show tunes while typing away dressed in his sisters panties like a limp wristed fvk boy. :crackup:


Aug 12, 2015
Reaction score
BusterDouglas said:
"Poon King" is a transexual who hates her own female gender after she turned herself into a man.

"Poon King" is So Suave's Dancing Queen. :yes:


Aug 12, 2015
Reaction score
BusterDouglas said:
Yannik is a fairy faggot who worships the ground "Poon King" walks on putting "it" on a pedestal.
Yank-it mentally masturbates to Poofter Queen's posts while he dials up escorts to fall in love with.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Of course women go for the best man they can get, this isnt news either, PEOPLE go for the best person they can get. Wouldnt you want most men here to do the same? I hope so.

When you say women will always go for the best man they can get, it sounds like you are saying they will do this at any point in an LTR. obviously countless women in history have chosen not to do this.

yes most men are desperate and lonely. but calling them faggots will not help them. trust me i learned from personal experience.
but by saying that and only that, it sounds like you are agreeing that quality people exist. alright. cool. good.


Aug 12, 2015
Reaction score
BusterDouglas said:
Yank-it yanks it to Poof Queen the transexual fairy queen and gets rejected by the escorts who refuse to take his money..
Poofter Queen is the Caitlyn De-Jenner-ate of SS. Poof Queen sharts rainbow skittles of posts while Yank-it43 laps it up like a fecal ferret. two girls and a cup.


Aug 12, 2015
Reaction score
BusterDouglas said:
Poof Queen is trying to recruit other disgruntled fags into the world of faggotry. Poof Queen hates women and more so hates men who have women. Only a real fag would find something wrong with that.
Poof Queen is a Butt mud pirate who is trying to use the site to recruit disgruntled men to join the rainbow coalition.

Poof thinks so suave is a brand of anal lube.

She cheated on him with...08-13-2015 05:19 AMDangerMore angry fembots

Women want to LOSE the...08-12-2015 09:59 PMpiranha45

Women want to LOSE the...08-12-2015 09:46 PMBurroughs

Danger the rump ranger and the beta phag brigade are angry. Danger is pissy his lover (.)(.) Got banned as he loved stalking him because (.)(.) Was so autistically good at recognizing patterns in society according to danger the idiot savant :crackup:
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Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Alexandar said:
Of course women go for the best man they can get, this isnt news either, PEOPLE go for the best person they can get. Wouldnt you want most men here to do the same? I hope so.

When you say women will always go for the best man they can get, it sounds like you are saying they will do this at any point in an LTR. obviously countless women in history have chosen not to do this.

yes most men are desperate and lonely. but calling them faggots will not help them. trust me i learned from personal experience.
but by saying that and only that, it sounds like you are agreeing that quality people exist. alright. cool. good.
"Quality" is based on opinion when it comes to PEOPLE. So there is no such thing as a UNIVERSAL quality woman or man. There just isn't. It doesn't exist. What DOES exist is hot young sexy poon and ugly walrus whales. By comparison.. the young hot sexy poon is higher quality from a reproductive perspective.. which is nature's entire reason for sexual attraction. BUT such poon is not necessarily "high quality" outside of sex and reproduction, if she is a b!tch, insane, on drugs, etc.

Also.. YES.. women will ALWAYS go for the best man they BELIEVE they can get and YES at any time. If a woman is in a relationship and realizes she can lock down a much better man.. she will leave her current relationship to do this. Yes she will. And Yes.. every single time. Yes ALWAYS.. unless something is stopping her.. like the man is not available or the man lives in another country/city/state. This is called "hypergamy"

Women always go for the best man they BELIEVE they can get. And only when they are with such a man.. do they behave in a way that most of us would call "quality". There is no such thing as a quality woman.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:
"Quality" is based on opinion when it comes to PEOPLE. So there is no such thing as a UNIVERSAL quality woman or man. There just isn't. It doesn't exist. What DOES exist is hot young sexy poon and ugly walrus whales. By comparison.. the young hot sexy poon is higher quality from a reproductive perspective.. which is nature's entire reason for sexual attraction. BUT such poon is not necessarily "high quality" outside of sex and reproduction, if she is a b!tch, insane, on drugs, etc.

Also.. YES.. women will ALWAYS go for the best man they BELIEVE they can get and YES at any time. If a woman is in a relationship and realizes she can lock down a much better man.. she will leave her current relationship to do this. Yes she will. And Yes.. every single time. Yes ALWAYS.. unless something is stopping her.. like the man is not available or the man lives in another country/city/state. This is called "hypergamy"

Women always go for the best man they BELIEVE they can get. And only when they are with such a man.. do they behave in a way that most of us would call "quality". There is no such thing as a quality woman.

no. a few women are loyal as dogs. its a nonargument lol no point discussing but i love your whole mentality in general. its very healthy and solid and ive learned from it. all your threads are straight up and every man should aim to adopt that mentality of strength, self-acceptance, and most of all, self-reliance. thank you.


Aug 17, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:
"Quality" is based on opinion when it comes to PEOPLE. So there is no such thing as a UNIVERSAL quality woman or man. There just isn't. It doesn't exist. What DOES exist is hot young sexy poon and ugly walrus whales. By comparison.. the young hot sexy poon is higher quality from a reproductive perspective.. which is nature's entire reason for sexual attraction. BUT such poon is not necessarily "high quality" outside of sex and reproduction, if she is a b!tch, insane, on drugs, etc.

Also.. YES.. women will ALWAYS go for the best man they BELIEVE they can get and YES at any time. If a woman is in a relationship and realizes she can lock down a much better man.. she will leave her current relationship to do this. Yes she will. And Yes.. every single time. Yes ALWAYS.. unless something is stopping her.. like the man is not available or the man lives in another country/city/state. This is called "hypergamy"

Women always go for the best man they BELIEVE they can get. And only when they are with such a man.. do they behave in a way that most of us would call "quality". There is no such thing as a quality woman.
Has Master "Poon King" met every woman in the world to determine "there is no such thing as a quality woman"?

You sound like a buffoon :crackup:

Edit: illogicallefty keeps deleting my posts protecting his prized red pill pet "Poon King"


Aug 17, 2015
Reaction score
PrizePick said:
Has Master "Poon King" met every woman in the world to determine "there is no such thing as a quality woman"?

You sound like a buffoon :crackup:

Edit: illogicallefty keeps deleting my posts protecting his prized red pill pet "Poon King"
Illogical leftard is poof queens fluffer.