Women want to LOSE the game

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
YES.. women want to LOSE the game.

Its been said many times that women want to be lead and dominated by strong men. It makes them feel safe, secure and feminine.

Which is why women respect and gravitate to POWER in all forms:

-Physical strength

Power makes women wet. Another reason the bad boy is so sexy. Its the power he has over others.. the ability to intimidate.. not the jerk-off behavior that make him attractive.

So where am I going with this? It comes down to women acting like c*nts and b!tches. Flaking, being rude, being bossy, etc. These are all attempts by her to challenge the man and give him an opportunity to dominate her. Because this domination turns her on. Angry sex comes to mind. Most men FAIL the test because most men are weak, co-dependent, approval seeking faggots.

When women challenge you.. they want to lose. They want you to win so they can get wet and f*ck you. But most men flush these opportunities down the toilet by being needy, weak, beta b!tches.

And so over time women realize the strong men are almost impossible to tie down in relationships and the only "marriage material" are weak betas. So they marry these men and rule over them. But they are not happy in these marriages and so.. 50% divorce rate. :yes:

I try to wake men up and exercise tough love. Most losers can't even handle some of the insults I dish out... let alone the sh!t a woman will throw at them. :crackup:

Wake up men. Wake up. STOP being weak b!tches. Reclaim your thrown as the dominate sex.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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OMG, something I actually agree with from Poon King...

Women want to submit to you, but only if they find you worthy of submitting to.


Aug 7, 2015
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marmel75 said:
OMG, something I actually agree with from Poon King...

Women want to submit to you, but only if they find you worthy of submitting to.

Then again there's countless examples to the contrary. You cant sit there and say only intelligent, strong, famous, etc. men are the only men who get women because anyone who goes out will see a lot of dudes who arent on that list still dating women.

There is no one size fits all. If all women were the same they'd either be all dating bad boys, intelligent men, athletic, famous etc. and only those men with those qualities would have a lock on every woman.

All one has to do is go to a crowded couples place to see different types dating different types.

Though always trying to be your personal best in all aspects of your life is never a bad thing. Its only going to maximize your results.

The one size fits all peddling is ridiculous at best.

On one hand poon will say women gravitate towards power then say that if the man gets married hes a "beta". Yeah I'm sure Bradd Pitt, George Clooney, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Prince William etc. Etc. Are real "betas" in "submission" because they got married. As if they cant get anyone else if they ever got divorced and a woman will completely erase who they are in the worlds eyes and other womens by being married or if they get divorced. Pure nonsense.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Ruler said:
Ok Poon King, I liked the post. But what, exactly, is the formula to win? I'd like you to explain in your own words.
If you REALLY want to know the formula then read ALL my posts and you will find it. Its right in plain sight.

TNB said:

Then again there's countless examples to the contrary. You cant sit there and say only intelligent, strong, famous, etc. men are the only men who get women because anyone who goes out will see a lot of dudes who arent on that list still dating women.

There is no one size fits all. If all women were the same they'd either be all dating bad boys, intelligent men, athletic, famous etc. and only those men with those qualities would have a lock on every woman.

All one has to do is go to a crowded couples place to see different types dating different types.

Though always trying to be your personal best in all aspects of your life is never a bad thing. Its only going to maximize your results.

The one size fits all peddling is ridiculous at best.
If you actually READ the post you will see that I never made any of the claims you are saying I made.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Poon King said:
Reclaim your thrown as the dominate sex.
That's throne Poon King, not thrown.

Hard for you to claim that when you fear women, acting inferior to them making them superior over you.

Poon King said:
YES.. women want to LOSE the game.

Its been said many times that women want to be lead and dominated by strong men. It makes them feel safe, secure and feminine.

Which is why women respect and gravitate to POWER in all forms:
So, strong men dominating the woman won't be a beta in a relationship like you claim every man is. You're wrong Poon King contradicting yourself.

Men in relationships are not betas when they are leading women making them feel safe, secure and feminine. You're contradicting yourself in all your posts.

Poon King said:
Power makes women wet. Another reason the bad boy is so sexy. Its the power he has over others.. the ability to intimidate.. not the jerk-off behavior that make him attractive.
Bill Gates has power, but you call him a beta. Define "bad boy". A bad boy can be a criminal that does nothing for women. A man has to physically turn the woman on for her to get wet. Having "power" or being a "bad boy" isn't going to make a woman wet when the dude is ugly as fvck.

Poon King said:
So where am I going with this? It comes down to women acting like c*nts and b!tches. Flaking, being rude, being bossy, etc. These are all attempts by her to challenge the man and give him an opportunity to dominate her. Because this domination turns her on. Angry sex comes to mind. Most men FAIL the test because most men are weak, co-dependent, approval seeking faggots.

You're just insulting men adding nothing of value. Why don't you provide information on what men should be doing instead of just typing?

Poon King said:
I try to wake men up and exercise tough love. Most losers can't even handle some of the insults I dish out... let alone the sh!t a woman will throw at them. :crackup:
That's funny because when posters call you out on your bad advice, you start crying, whining, insulting people.

Why are you able to get away with insuting posters?


Jun 23, 2014
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I agree with Poon King in theory and in trying to get guys to take on a different mindset, but in terms of the actual REALITY of the market, I'm not sure it's all about "Power" and being "The Dominant/Alpha Male".

Guys, let's face reality, women are getting degrees on par or in higher numbers than men, with a good amount of relationships having the woman actually making more MONEY than the man does. It's kind of hard for her to get wet over your $45,000 a year when she's pulling $85,000 a year.

In terms of being the Alpha Male, the Leader, the Dominant one, etc., I mean again all of this is great in theory but in reality, there's no way you can be the Alpha Male in over 50% of your situations. You just can't. Everybody has someone they have to take a backseat to, it might be a Boss, a Manager, a Client, your Banker, etc. This image of a "bad a.ss" just going through life doing whatever the HELL he wants and always on HIS terms is just that, "an image in your head" mostly put there by Hollywood. In reality, the only guys that are true "bad a.sses" that don't follow any rules are those who are locked up in Prison because that's the only place for ANIMALS with no order to exist.

I always believed (and still believe) women are turned on by a variety of traits and your job is to be efficient in each main category. It's Looks, Personality and Finances, with Looks and Personality carrying the biggest weight. You want to have a collective average of at least a 6, once you are there, you can go out and get a consistent amount of new women and new plates.

So you might be a 5 in Looks, 7 in Personality and 6 in Finances, for a collective average of 6, which means you should be able to go out and round up a decent level of new plates.

Looks are all about your face, your smell, your fitness level, your clothing style, etc. Personality is all about your conversation, if you can lead a woman into being horny from that conversation, having a form of charisma, etc. Finances are of course your financial status in terms of having your shyt together.

Seek to be a 6 - 7 in EACH of these categories and you shouldn't have an issue rounding up new plates as long as you go out and do the Numbers Game either in person, online, wherever.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
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Poon King said:
YES.. women want to LOSE the game.

Its been said many times that women want to be lead and dominated by strong men. It makes them feel safe, secure and feminine.

Which is why women respect and gravitate to POWER in all forms:

-Physical strength

Power makes women wet. Another reason the bad boy is so sexy. Its the power he has over others.. the ability to intimidate.. not the jerk-off behavior that make him attractive.

So where am I going with this? It comes down to women acting like c*nts and b!tches. Flaking, being rude, being bossy, etc. These are all attempts by her to challenge the man and give him an opportunity to dominate her. Because this domination turns her on. Angry sex comes to mind. Most men FAIL the test because most men are weak, co-dependent, approval seeking faggots.

When women challenge you.. they want to lose. They want you to win so they can get wet and f*ck you. But most men flush these opportunities down the toilet by being needy, weak, beta b!tches.

And so over time women realize the strong men are almost impossible to tie down in relationships and the only "marriage material" are weak betas. So they marry these men and rule over them. But they are not happy in these marriages and so.. 50% divorce rate. :yes:

I try to wake men up and exercise tough love. Most losers can't even handle some of the insults I dish out... let alone the sh!t a woman will throw at them. :crackup:

Wake up men. Wake up. STOP being weak b!tches. Reclaim your thrown as the dominate sex.

buddy this is a great post. its laid out very direct and simple and is absolutely true.

you do go too far with the tough love though, and so do i sometimes. For example you dont believe in LTR without plates. and thats fine, to each his own. But when we try to push these more specific personal viewpoints too far, we lose the ear of many men we are trying to wake up. And it doesnt make them f a g g o t s. Its okay for people to have different perspectives on specifics like that. In general, Ive found we are better off sticking to the broader perspectives, like this post, to gain that ear so we can "slowly" take them further down the rabbit hole.

Once men nail these broad fundamentals down, it really isnt going to be a problem to have a healthy LTR. People are built differently. Some of them actually find the greatest degree of happiness and ultimate self-actualization in a healthy LTR/marriage. Just because its rare doesnt mean its a myth.

Also this just came to mind some women hate being dominated (too much), im guessing they were abused as children, and a couple of my plates are actually much more turned on by dominating me, athough I still hold all of the frame outside the bedroom, and still some in the bedroom too but I willingly give most of it up to watch the lust and pleasure in their slutty little eyes haha, it can be pretty hot. Anyways thats just a relatively irrelevant side point. It doesnt mean I think that giving up frame outside the bedroom to these women could ever work healthy for a guy. It definitely wont.

That said, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZaJYDPY-YQ&index=5&list=FL3G5kb9uakf2iWxBy64p_6A



Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Looks are all about your face, your smell, your fitness level, your clothing style, etc. Personality is all about your conversation, if you can lead a woman into being horny from that conversation, having a form of charisma, etc. Finances are of course your financial status in terms of having your shyt together.
I posted a link, a survey of women and men and what is most important to them. Face was ranked low surprisingly. Body was ranked first for both sexes, hell hair was right in the middle which surprised me even more


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
Tenacity said:
I agree with Poon King in theory and in trying to get guys to take on a different mindset, but in terms of the actual REALITY of the market, I'm not sure it's all about "Power" and being "The Dominant/Alpha Male".

Guys, let's face reality, women are getting degrees on par or in higher numbers than men, with a good amount of relationships having the woman actually making more MONEY than the man does. It's kind of hard for her to get wet over your $45,000 a year when she's pulling $85,000 a year.

In terms of being the Alpha Male, the Leader, the Dominant one, etc., I mean again all of this is great in theory but in reality, there's no way you can be the Alpha Male in over 50% of your situations. You just can't. Everybody has someone they have to take a backseat to, it might be a Boss, a Manager, a Client, your Banker, etc. This image of a "bad a.ss" just going through life doing whatever the HELL he wants and always on HIS terms is just that, "an image in your head" mostly put there by Hollywood. In reality, the only guys that are true "bad a.sses" that don't follow any rules are those who are locked up in Prison because that's the only place for ANIMALS with no order to exist.

I always believed (and still believe) women are turned on by a variety of traits and your job is to be efficient in each main category. It's Looks, Personality and Finances, with Looks and Personality carrying the biggest weight. You want to have a collective average of at least a 6, once you are there, you can go out and get a consistent amount of new women and new plates.

So you might be a 5 in Looks, 7 in Personality and 6 in Finances, for a collective average of 6, which means you should be able to go out and round up a decent level of new plates.

Looks are all about your face, your smell, your fitness level, your clothing style, etc. Personality is all about your conversation, if you can lead a woman into being horny from that conversation, having a form of charisma, etc. Finances are of course your financial status in terms of having your shyt together.

Seek to be a 6 - 7 in EACH of these categories and you shouldn't have an issue rounding up new plates as long as you go out and do the Numbers Game either in person, online, wherever.
You're quickly becoming one of my favorite posters here. I agree with a lot of your political and even dating views, "You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Tenacity again."

As for PHM, great post man. Seems a little light for your taste but nonetheless, I agree as usual. And Ruler, his posts do tell you the formula to win at all of a woman's games, you just have to recognize the game playing to begin with. Winning is the easy part in my opinion.


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2010
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Interesting post, PK.

I have to admit, however, that natural social circles are the best way to meet women and get girlfriends. I've met most of my girlfriends this way. You can be yourself, there's little to no drama.

Outside of social circles, when people don't know each other well, then yes, this type of "testing" as pua's call it, is probably far more prevalent.

I don't even think of it as "testing." it's really just teasing behavior, sometimes drunken behavior or just fun.

The key (at least for me) is not to take it so seriously. There's nothing at stake really. It is if you make it out to be a big deal and get upset about it.

Have fun with it. Let girls tease you, and "test" you if they wish. Just realize it's all in good fun and relax and let down your guard.

It's great to be "alpha" and such, but that can just mean not making a big deal out of things.
Jul 15, 2015
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I agree that women want men who will stand up to them. I've read stories of men in miserable marriages. Finally they seek a self-help group, learn to stand up to their wives, and they very first night they decide to go out on their own the wife gets very angry and upset, but yet when he returns home she initiates sleeping with him for the first time in months or years.

I would say that women are attracted to masculine and assertive men. The best way I've heard it explained is by Dr. Robert Glover. The universal thing that turns women on is tension or uncertainty. When a woman has drama or uncertainty in her life she gets curious, anxious, and goes and talks to her girlfriends about it.

When you tell a woman on Monday that you're talking her out for some fun Saturday evening and to put on her sexiest outfit, she's gonna be thinking about what you two are going to do together the entire time in between. Or when she texts you and you're busy and don't reply for several hours, she's going to keep checking her phone, and when you finally reply with a teasing, playful, mysterious response she'll wonder even more and ask her girlfriends what it means. Things like that build positive tension and make her really attracted to you because she's thinking about you all the time.

On the other hand, when you're too predictable, sharing your feelings with her when she's not asking to hear them, giving her detailed date plans, texting her back right away, doing everything she tells you, that doesn't build any tension. To compensate for the lack of tension you're creating, she creates her own tension. She'll nag, complain, try to boss you around, blow you off, and in extreme cases she might even cheat. This creates the uncertainty and unpredictability in the relationship she craves, however this is a negative kind of tension that makes neither of you happy.

Being masculine and assertive often does result in a guy being successful, wealthy, in a position of leadership, intelligence, and physical strength, but those are things are not what attract a woman. A woman will see those things and make the assumption you are masculine and assertive, but there are many guys out there who are successful in the business world, but timid and afraid of women. There are also many unsuccessful guys who know how to be very masculine and assertive with women and so they are able to attract them easily. Being masculine, assertive, and creating that positive tension with a woman is what will have her chasing you and falling in love with you.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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Great post as usual but I would also add that you don't have to be dominant in the stereotypical way, like a caricature of a bad guy in a movie, say Scarface.

Being dominant simply means not being a doormat. You really need to be comfortable in your own skin and be able to walk away from any woman who's being unreasonable. Don't ever feel like you're walking on eggshells or end up like one of those guys who has to sleep on the couch just because your chick is angry.

You need to be able to let your chick get upset and deal with her own anger, particularly when you know you did nothing wrong.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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new_hotness said:
Interesting post, PK.

I have to admit, however, that natural social circles are the best way to meet women and get girlfriends. I've met most of my girlfriends this way. You can be yourself, there's little to no drama.

Outside of social circles, when people don't know each other well, then yes, this type of "testing" as pua's call it, is probably far more prevalent.

I don't even think of it as "testing." it's really just teasing behavior, sometimes drunken behavior or just fun.

The key (at least for me) is not to take it so seriously. There's nothing at stake really. It is if you make it out to be a big deal and get upset about it.

Have fun with it. Let girls tease you, and "test" you if they wish. Just realize it's all in good fun and relax and let down your guard.

It's great to be "alpha" and such, but that can just mean not making a big deal out of things.
Men need to get off this "social circle" bullsh!t. Its a very weak, timid and non-masculine approach to meeting women.

All women care about is what you can do for them. If you have what a woman wants.. she doesn't care if you're part of her social circle or some guy sitting next to her on the train.

I actually prefer to ONLY date and smash women who are NOT part of my social circle. This way.. if the relationship goes to hell.. my social circle is still intact.

Does Ryan Reynolds need to be in a woman's "social circle" to f*ck her? NOPE. Why is that? Because he has something women want.

I have met women in all types of situations. Men stuck on social circle are both limiting themselves AND afraid of rejection. Only FEAR of rejection would make a man worry about HOW he meets a woman.


Aug 10, 2015
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yannick43 said:
Men today have sunk to the highest level, i used to be part of a social circle on facebook a type of meet and greet thing.

There where more men then women, but each time a women came in the group the men went crazy with the emails and texting.

When i met this 50y old chick she really got me into the world of online dating and all these social circle, that women was an alpha, she was not shy went straight to the point etc.

We went out a few times me and her and she often brought men or met men where we went. A lot of men just walked away because they where jealous, i was with her, and we where having so much fun, just because they could not be like me, funny ****y and so on.

Its quit amazing how men get screwed up in the head when they stick to one women, all the mental emotions they will go true and worst just for one women.

In the 3 months i was with her she showed me messages, and text of men desperate to meet her, they where single older and where ready to do anything to be in a relationship.

They where living and focusing 110% on women.

To be quit honest at my age if i would really want to get back into a LTR a part online dating i would not know where to look for it.

I worked with a new guy at my job yesterday he is 49 and he told me that lots of is friend who got divorced or separated prefer to remain single.

They started to enjoy life, do things they love, build different passions and really stop focusing on women. And they are a lot happier.

You see life in a whole different way when you realize that women won't bring you happiness, they will manipulate men every women does that to a certain extend.

Its really hard for me at 43, i dated so many women spoke to so many, seen so many things to really think that somewhere somehow i will meet my women and we will be happy together.

Pure Disney bullcrap right there, a women brings nothing absolutely nothing into a men life, a part from sex and maybe share the bills, a LTR in the long run will become boring.
Yannik because you are a failure with women doesn't mean others are.

You and Poon should get a room and just come out of the closet.

It should be clear to anyone your agenda here. You can't succeed with women so you want to drag down anyone looking to in order to keep your comfort zone.

Fvk off already and go your own way. You won't. Because you're a fraud wearing a "MGTOW" Halloween costume.

True MGTOW would be ashamed of your pathetic act.


Aug 10, 2015
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yannick43 said:
Hey you created another fake account good for you, soon to be banned again

Ha all men are failure with women you numb nuts.... great insult BTW.
Still the same dude you and poon fear. Whats up? Wheres poon at? Hiding? Prefers to talk the walk online? Tell your man to show and prove. Is he scared?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
It sounds like you get a LOT of hate on this board, but asides from that this post was good.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
OP although slightly radical in his ways has brought an interesting topic up and i am on the same wavelength

Women are just as confused about what they want as men are

They too have been spoon fed the Disney bull$hit by society that we have

Women are told to love men who will protect them and provide for them but the worlds changed

Women don’t need men to protect them or to provide for them anymore society has allowed them to do that for themselves , all they need men to do is to get them excited and to pleasure their pu$$ies

They realise this deep down but society has conditioned them to think this makes them sluts and they are scared to be outcasted by their peers so they play along and settle down with a pathetic excuse of a man

But in the back of their little minds their always wondering what it would be like to get screwed over the washing machine by that guy who lives across the street that doesn’t give a fvck for no one

Once you realise women are quite easily manipulated providing you plant the right ideas in her head the game becomes a piece of pi$$

Money , muscles , cars , clothes are all attributes of your game but they really only serve to increase your confidence having them doesn’t really make a blind bit of difference when it comes to getting girls

All you really need to be able to do is see through all the bull$hit youve already been taught


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
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yannick43 said:
Men today have SUNK to the HIGHEST level

your utter stupidity has now also SUNK to the highest level.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
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And i know you are too ignorant to understand this, but a good woman brings priceless SUPPORT into a mans life.