Thank you for that quote, and the YouTube clip, Lovely Lady.
I remember seeing it a few times growing up, but never really appreciated some of the finer details that you have brought to light. You always bring something thought provoking to the table, LL.Thank you for that.
I believe that instead of women and men competing against each other and trying to one up each other, each gender shoudl strive for self improvement , even if it is at the cost of not being selfish..
but strong enough to accept the circumstance, learn from it, and then be able to create a more favorable circumstance oneself.
Especially so..
It is true that many women do not grow up having a clear understanding of what a man would truly enjoy and expect form them, so many women dont really appreciate the concept of self improvement from a stance of Femenine strength. Meaning, most women grow up thinking that 'just showing up' is good enough.
Truth is, many Femenists look at Femeninity as a weakness, to be looked down upon. They look up to masculine strength and characteristics, strangely.
So for many women, it is not self improvement, in becoming a better , more mature and powerfully radiant femenine women, it isimply Self EMPOWERMENT, with the idea of becoming a truly nurturing sexual woman left by the wayside.
I think its great to become a better woman, a better mother, better professional career woman, better cook, but like Latinoman said..what about a better Wife or even GF?
Ask men anywhere if they ever hear women complaining about how they wish they were better women and wives, as opposed to how bad men are and that men are all 'dogs', and 'there are no good men left'.
Its heartbreaking. The blindness.
There is a huge emphasis on men to step up to the plate, and deliver to women. And in many cases it is warranted, but it becomes a very strong divisor when it is a double standard that does not apply to women, especially when women try to actually flaunt an air of superiorty over men's heads.
It does no one any good.
It helps no one's 'cause' here.
Is there anything inherently WRONG with self empowerment?
No. Not at all.
But it is a let down when you leave your femenine identity and the deepest role you wish to feel and fulfill behind...
The same is true for Men.
Men should learn how to develop a harmony and softness while out building empires, cutting heads, and competing against each other...
Being a better lover, or how to invest , is great..but what abou tunderstanding how to be a better husband?
Many men have no idea.
Especially when they have never been in a relationship with a woman who truly appreciates them.
Theres very little fun when both men and women are competing for the same gender role.
Most men are simply NOT turned on by Manly females.
Most men are simply not attracted to women who do not embrace their vulnerability and femeninity.
"Its a dog eat dog" world.
Yeah, but ask yourself if it's really all worth it. And are you happy with yourself and your life at the end of the day.
Its important to have an enjoyable career, and work toward a career by going to school and pursuing a degree. But if you are not in balance, then it may be less fruitful than you may have hoped.
So it is important to develop oneself in as many areas as possible, as often as possible.
This goes for men as well.
As women cannot feel attraction for a man who is still in an extended adolescence. If he uses boy psychology. If he hasnt developed that internal strength and emotional strength and resources, tensile and flexible.
If he is not facing himself and his fears. If he doesnt know WHO he is and WHAT he wants.
Women may find you attractive, but you may NEVER gain her interest.
Women can accept a man's vulnerability,but they cannot embrace his denial of it.
And many men, growing up without postive and encouraging masculine role models, also grow up somewhat haphazardly, wandering from place to place.
Not knowing their own true self and what they want in life,and less from a woman.
Many men have never even MET a truly femenine , and nurturing classy woman, let alone actually having been Loved by one.
Its a Man's dream to be in a relationship with a woman who truly cares for him and knows 'how to take care of her man.'
Sadly, for many men, its not even in their paradigm of reality.
I think it is important for many women to not be too quick to judge men in certain cases, when they have never even really experienced love in the first place.
A woman actually loving you for who you are?
Nonsense.Never happens. Doesnt exist.
This is why it is important for both men and women to truly take a deeper look at themselves, and ask themselves the hard questions.
Even if it HURTS you to ask them.
And answer them honestly.
If they are being directed by someone else other than them.
The only thing that ultimately matters is your happiness.
But your happiness will not exist in void.
And the sooner men and women yield to the idea that they truly do NEED each other, perhaps the more peace and harmony and fulfillment each of us will find...
My centavos..
mind dump off.