Maybe the author of the article used some bad examples but the women featured in it aren't attractive, even behind thick layers of makeup and favourable camera angles & lighting. If they exaggerate their claim of attractiveness, I'm sure they'll have no problem doing that with their success, intelligence, strength and independence.
This is projection. Those women dig wealth & status in their mates, and assume that men are after the same things. They see that successful, wealthy, intelligent men have their picks of women and assume that if they were to become like those men, they'd have plenty of mates. Hah! To borrow their favourite shaming language, men aren't that "shallow".
Also, if they so want to be independent, why are they desperate for a relationship? People in a relationship are
interdependent of each other. Live alone if you want to be independent.
One woman in that article reveals why she's single. She's way too busy with her job...I mean, career. She's out every night spending all of her time on it. And she expects a good relationship to fall out of thin air and drop on her lap while she spends zero effort on trying to find it? :crackup:
Whoever said women can multi-task really did them a huge disservice.
Also, what's with those strong independent women wanting challenges from their men all the time? If men want constant d!ck-size comparisons, we would either turn gay or stay in our corporate office 24/7.
How's that different to the strong independent career women in that article whining about not being able to find a man? To me, that sounds like:
- They have no identity / life outside of their own career.
- They expect a man to complete themselves. Because they "have it all" BUT a man.