Bvbidd, your post may get flamed because it's not what most guys want to hear, but I totally agree.
ChrizZ said:
Only the ugly chicks approach unless you´re the life of the party or have a maximum of social status.
Not true. I used to have those to qualities, but lately my confidence has been very low. Even without them, girls still make moves on me. Types of things they do...sit right next to me when there's tons of empty seating around, stare from a short distance while sticking out ass/tits, follow me or linger close by, get in my personal space, bump into me or try to, dance to their music (on their ipod) while standing close and throwing glances...etc. I'm talking really hot girls that turn heads. Of course, being confident would definitely help me do better in the situations though since I haven't really taken advantage of most of them - and that's because I've kept thinking, why are these hot girls doing this, I don't look that good do I? I've been really low self-esteem lately, but I'm getting better.
I think the problem most guys here have is that girls probably do make moves on them, but they don't notice it. But then again, I notice it and chicken out lots of times, so the key is being confident and noticing it.
I can't really give advice on doing anything about it, but for observational skills, try picking up a book on body language. It's also good if you have good body language yourself to convey certain things by the way you hold yourself.