Women make moves when they ACTUALLY like you.

Oct 16, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah it's true. Women do make moves. Some have guts and can be forward if they want you bad enough. Others will be as obvious as they can be without actually putting their egos on the line.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
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Inyurvij Eina
You idiots ever think that a women's propensity to approach or hit on a man isn't so much based on her looks as it is her confidence, personality and level of desperation and/or horniness?

Some here claim hot women never approach; others claim hot women approach them all the time. My guess is some of you are smelly, or just not that attractive, or put off a "don't talk to me" vibe. Whatever it is, reasons for women hitting on guys or not isn't as black and white as some of you make it seem.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Scrumtulescence said:
You idiots ever think that a women's propensity to approach or hit on a man isn't so much based on her looks as it is her confidence, personality and level of desperation and/or horniness?

Some here claim hot women never approach; others claim hot women approach them all the time. My guess is some of you are smelly, or just not that attractive, or put off a "don't talk to me" vibe. Whatever it is, reasons for women hitting on guys or not isn't as black and white as some of you make it seem.


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
i think u guess r using women not approachin u as an excuse for your AFCness. ur using this theory to hide ur own fear of approachin her. ur like "oh she didnt approach me, but i like her, she must not like me so i dont have a chance at all with her so ill jus give up and go home to play WOW". u'll never get chicks if i jus sit around and wait for them to approach u. the guys that did get approached r jus lucky, or extremely sexy lol


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple
:rolleyes: how's this post any different from all those thousands of "If you're hot enough you'll get approached" posts?

Mystery says himself that girls "rarely" act on their attraction. So how do you know if a girl wants to approach you but is just very shy? Does that not happen in your world? There are also many girls that I hear say "If a man isn't confident enough to approach me he doesn't deserve a shot" Get serious people stop being a bltch and do your job. Or you can just sit around and wait for girls to start hitting on you....:rolleyes: Oh and trust me, I get approached farily often, and I still say a MAJORITY of girls that like you won't approach you!​


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
so when you all are at clubs with your bros, you will have women come out of nowhere and start talking to you? how often does this happen?


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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Contrary to the belief that women want guys to approach them thats half true. The ones that dont have the confidence to approach the guy are very much limited to the choice of guys that DO approach her. Which she may or may not like, or make a struggle to lie to themselves that if they give them a chance they 'might' grow to like the guy.

as a result for us guys, PU/dating is a numbers game and flaking occurs no matter how smooth you think you may be.

So back to what i was saying, as much as they like (or dont like) to be approached by guys...Women would much prefer to chase a guy they actually do like. Or at least leave an indication/opening to the guy that they are open to dating them.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Juan_Man said:
No offense, but this is the dumbest thread I've read. How many guys here have been afraid of approaching girls you liked? Did that mean you weren't interested? I don't think so.
true guys here are funny they get happy because one girl approaches them they make a thread out of it. thinking all women will approach them.


New Member
Sep 30, 2006
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Is it me or Bvbidd theads are too negative and/or stupid. I am no hater but all his posts suck or don't add anything of value. I am pointing out the obvious so no one gets hurt by his venom.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
This is actually quite true recently I've been a mansl*t at school and wow every girl I make eye-contact with approaches me, it actually gets a little annoying cuz even the ugly ones try to pick me up but since I'm not a complete a-hole I befriend them :D so I get to meet their hot friends later! In rare cases girls can actually ASK YOU OUT if they REALLY WANT YOU this happened to be 5 times.


New Member
Oct 19, 2006
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I'd like to add my own experience to the discussion.

Last June I had my first kiss and also my first lay with a woman at the age of 22. The natural conclusion I'm sure many of you will reach is that I'm goddam ugly--however, I would consider myself attractive, intelligent blah blah blah, and blame my lack of experience squarely on the fact that I'm fundamentally a social loner. Anyway, that is neither here nor there, I'm just setting the context.

So, I'm in a pub/bar with a close friend one night, after playing in a poker tournament. Also there are two other guys he knows, not very high quality, which i can clearly see in the way they keep getting brushed off by any women they approach. So these two guys try to get talking to 3 French girls, and my friend and I sort of interject and take over the conversation. Two of the girls aren't really much to look at, but the third is very cute...slim, brunette about 5'5. I can tell immediately that there's chemistry between the brunnette and myself. However, my friend is telling me about this house game he's heard of, and in the meantime the three girls have drifted off to another part of the bar...which one might interpret as a sign of disinterest.

So, we leave the bar and are walking down the street, when we get a phone call saying where this poker game is on...completely on the other side of town. We decide to go back to the bar and see if we can find the french girls again. So, we return, and see them outside smoking...we get chatting, and it's quite obvious to everyone in the group that the brunnette and I have sort of paired up even though nothing as yet had happened, apart from some hand-holding.

Anyway, we convince them to come back to my friends house for some drinks, and to play cards. So basically that's what we did till 5 in the morning. At this point I had made no explicit move whatsoever, whereas the brunnette had run her hand up my thigh whilst sitting on a couch etc. Looking back I should have done the obvious thing and tried to isolate her, bring her outside for some "fresh air", but due to my inexperience I sort of just froze. So the three girls eventually make like they're leaving...and I'm thinking to myself damn what should I do. Even when they're at the front door, I still do nothing. But , praise be to God, as two of them are leaving, the brunnette turns to me and says "I'm tired", and walks back into the house...and we both go up to one of the bedrooms. After that things took their natural course :)

The few things I think to be learned from this are
(1) Women can be sexually aggressive too, even if they don't make the very, very first move of actually striking up conversation

(2) Experience counts for a lot...at least in terms of confidence. When all this was happening to me my gut was basically telling me the right things, but I lacked the confidence and courage to act on that instinct.