Women do want sex, but as RE put it, WITH A PARTNER.
There are some women bold enough to buy sex toys w/out the companionship of a guy. And then there are other girls who DO IT FOR a guy because THAT is what makes them Sexy.
A girl has no looks until a MAN is there to confirm those looks. Just like a tree falling in the forest doesn't make a sound unless something is there to hear it. So too does a woman possess no sexuality until a man is there to confirm or deny it.
The "better" girls are those whom you meet who are less experienced but willing because you can grow and experience with them. They gain trust with you and learn to experiment on their own. This only serves to multiply the sexual pleasure you feel because it's like an AIR or AURA of sexuality surrounding you.
I always disliked walking into women who had some prior experience with guys and said "I like this, I don't like this, I hate that." WTF...??
Women preach relationship mantra b.s., yet they have a laundry list of sexual delights already on their headboard. How fun is that??
Why is this so???
Because if a girl has a bad initial experience in ANYTHING, she is likely to ALWAYS remember it THAT way FOREVER. BUT, if you are there to guide her to a GOOD emotional, initial experience, then she is likely to enjoy it and build upon it. I'm never one for first impressions but for women and sexy THIS is a biggy.
I recall one night I brought my girl to the local watering hole that I used to frequent with my crew. Before going, we'd had an arguement. While we were there, I got smashed. And afterwards, we had a fight. Now, everytime we cruise by, she's very negative on ever going there again as it "anchored" the memory of what that place meant.
When you don't have a "definition" in your memory bank for something, how it goes will tell you your level of interest going forward. And people who have negative definitions in their mind of experiences will relate to things in this manner and always fear that until they change the meaning of it in their mind. This is how society has achieved its control over women's emotions and marriage.
A woman has a home life. It goes sour or sweet depending on her parent's marriage. Her relationships are bad or good throughout school. Perhaps she is cheated, perhaps not. Then she views Cosmo, MTV, the Real World, Desperate Housewives, etc. She's her friends around her doing poorly in relationships. Her own success is minimal at best. How can she be positive unless she is tremendously strong??? All her definitions of relationships and marriages are bad, and this is why some girls who hail from broken homes will never change, because their mind says "at some point this gets all fvcked up, so don't get your hopes up, girl."
Becoming her partner is not ABOUT goals, it's not about saying..."ok, i want to be her partner to get sex." Your goal is still sex. Or your goal is being her friend/sex buddy, which is still a goal that is empty. Which means you will bend your will to that goal and supplicate. It's the only thing you can do. To get things, we sacrifice. Usually we sacrifice time to create wealth. To get a goal like sex, men used to sacrifice all other women for the sake of sex with 1 woman. Sacrificing anything to get something is a net loss in terms of life. You gave something to get something, that most likely the other person didn't want to do. But because psychologically deep inside of us we have a guilt/sacrifice gene, we all cave, the majority of the time.
Touching or becoming a partner is about being genuine. Being yourself. But being your MALE SELF. Too many guys are not themselves but are AFC pvssies ready to supplicate and pander like a true beta. You can be who you are if you are true to yourself. Even the guy who is masculine and veral will still lose things, he will still fail, he will lose hot girls, but he is true to himself AND loses not because of him changing, but because HE DOES NOT CHANGE.
There's no tactics. In fact, the opposite of tactics is genuineness. A genuine guy does what he wants, when he wants, by no tactical routine, that way she knows what kind of guy he is.
If you're dating a girl and she's washing your dishes or her's, and she's bending over the sink in a cute skirt, lift it up. Wrap your arms around her and kiss her neck. Help her wash those dishes while standing close behind her. There's no signal there, and you shouldn't look for one. And if she was somewhat cross, fvck her. Laugh about it. Be playful. Life is short for certain and too short to deal with all this uptightness especially with someone you're dating/seeing. Doing such things gives you a glimpse of the future. If she's so uptight, how will a longer relationship unfold?? And if it's not a LTR, then why are you dating the prude anyways when there's more open, and sexual women waiting???
Your time is fixed. It is your currency to give out and invest. It is more valuable than money. And investing 1 hour of time our of your 24 better be used properly otherwise it is gone and lost forever. Think in these terms, so you are not wasting dates or money on girls not worth your time. An hour lost to a bad girl could have been invested in yourself, your family, or a better one.