Women don't desire men, they desire power over them

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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FCB said:
I think a lot of the interactions in relationships come down to a pack mentality. We are social animals and evolved due to and as a species that relies on our pack to pass on our DNA or protect ourselves, get food etc. Dogs are a good example of this behavior and the alpha/beta analogy fits perfectly and is down to pack dynamics. In a pack of dogs there will be one alpha, in a healthy pack the other dogs will test the alpha once in a while to make sure that he is still able to be the alpha and protect the pack/lead them in the right direction. When the alpha shows behaviour consistent with being an alpha the other dogs are calm and can do their job and feel confident in their ranks, when the alpha is getting old or sick if the pack isn't probing and pushing then they could well have an alpha that has lost his alpha qualities and the pack will suffer. I think this is where the games and tests originated, in humans case most packs are down to a man and a woman and the drive to have an alpha lead is still somewhat ingrained, and the probing goes along with it.

If you watch dog's social dynamics the patterns are very apparent, a strong owner of a dog has a dog obedient and confident he will be taken care of and won't act out as much, week beta owners who let their dog run wild have a dog that is not comfortable and is acting out because they think they need to protect the pack/and themselves by assuming the alpha role. So in that sense the women needs to be reassured of our leading qualities to make them feel safe, if we are faking it or are weak then I think there is a genetic push to test and expose that, ie all the weird games and tests.

To be clear I don't think in modern human society its necessary to have the same basic dynamic due to the safety nets of an organized intelligent species. Sure the dynamic of a male alpha and content woman falling into the original pack dynamics may work easiest but other dynamics with people who are intelligent enough to overlook the animistic ingrained instincts can still thrive, but its probably best not to try to swim upstream vs that drive.
These are interesting points. The only problem is.. in the animal world (and even the human world) real alphas lead and protect a group without ever bending to the rules or whims of the subordinates unless they support and agree with those rules and whims themselves.

As such.. a man committing to ONE woman he is an act of submission, not leadership. Submission is not an alpha act. Therefore, no man can be in a relationship with ONE woman and be an alpha at the same time unless he is giving up his sexual alternatives out of personal preference/conviction and NOT out of fear or a need to please.

I would say most men would prefer to f*ck more than one woman. Therefore, most men who commit are only doing it to please ONE woman out of fear she might create drama or leave him if he shows interest in others. This change of behavior to please ONE woman is a form of submission and thus... 100% beta.

Which is why.. while woman love beta slaves.. they never really respect them. Also.. this is why women have a love/hate thing for alphas.. (as mentioned earlier by stevo). They love and respect alphas because they feel safe and feminine around them. They hate alphas because they have no control in their relationships with them. Alphas are the heartbreakers.

Again.. this is why I always tell men to do what they want 24/7 and never do things JUST to make women happy unless its something you personally believe in. Every time you follow a rule you don't agree with just to keep a woman happy you are engaging in beta submission. Submission proves you have weak values and no integrity. Such men are only fit to be tools to help improve a woman's life (that's how women see it). To be used and disgarded as needed. Like Mel Gibson, Paul McCartney and many others. If you think money and fame make you alpha, think again. Doesn't matter what you have accomplished in life.. the minute you submit to a woman is the minute you're beta b!tch. And not to be respected. True for dogs, wolves and lions too.

Again you must live ONLY by your own personal values and never anyone else's.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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new_hotness said:
Man, so much negative energy and woman hating on this board.

Men and women are NOT enemies!
You are naive like little child.Of course everybody is plushy friend of you.

Nobody said they are enemies, you just seem to lack to understand power is underling core reason of every relationship.When we say we love we actually always WANT something from somebody ... sex ... attention ... care , if you have no power over other person you can get nothing.

Women are skilled in extracting power from men,without these skills they would be doomed.
Men are skilled to extract power from other men or nature.

'Men manipulate the world,women manipulate the men'.

'All wars could be stopped in one day if women would refuse to have sex with men'


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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Poon King said:
I would say most men would prefer to f*ck more than one woman. Therefore, most men who commit are only doing it to please ONE woman out of fear she might create drama or leave him if he shows interest in others. This change of behavior to please ONE woman is a form of submission and thus... 100% beta.
Very good point.Fear of being alone.Fear of not attracting other woman.Fear of no having children.

The higher prize of pvssy the better for woman because nobody like to lose investments.For some to win a woman is such quest they will stay desperate state forever not to loose it, and desperate man is always open for abuse.

Many men want ltrs but i have seen countless times man is in ltr because he sees no choice for himself.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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This site has taught me a lot, the different views and perspectives and advice, and I only read half of the DJ bible. This site has opened my eyes and I have had my own personal awakenings in my life about life and women, but truth be told as much as this site helps I feel like women are still being put on a pedestal.

Think about it a site dedicated more so for self improvement, but always gaming and understanding females biology. I love being around women, flirting, checking them out, gaming them, sleeping with them.

But they are not my ultimate end all be all life long dream or goal. If I can't make myself happy nobody can. I just want to travel, eat good, live out my dreams, laugh and sleep with beautiful interesting women. I don't want to take life seriously like generations pasts. I just want to be free and be able to sleep with any women I want or can game and have a mutual understanding.

I don't want to get married, I do want children, but I prefer to be alone when I need to, stop taking women so seriously, those hot women you worship or game....yea they crap,pee burp and have bad breathe just like us. We need to relax and see the bigger picture
Apr 23, 2015
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Poon King said:
These are interesting points. The only problem is.. in the animal world (and even the human world) real alphas lead and protect a group without ever bending to the rules or whims of the subordinates unless they support and agree with those rules and whims themselves.

As such.. a man committing to ONE woman he is an act of submission, not leadership. Submission is not an alpha act. Therefore, no man can be in a relationship with ONE woman and be an alpha at the same time unless he is giving up his sexual alternatives out of personal preference/conviction and NOT out of fear or a need to please.
It's not an act of submission unless your preference is dealing with multiple women. Some of us do not want to waste the time dealing with multiple women.

Poon King said:
I would say most men would prefer to f*ck more than one woman. Therefore, most men who commit are only doing it to please ONE woman out of fear she might create drama or leave him if he shows interest in others. This change of behavior to please ONE woman is a form of submission and thus... 100% beta.
Some of us do not want to f*ck multiple women because it brings additional drama, we do not need it in our life. We need a woman who meets our needs, because if we need more than one than she must not be doing her job... Also multiple women increase your chance for STD's, some of us care about that.

Poon King said:
Which is why.. while woman love beta slaves.. they never really respect them. Also.. this is why women have a love/hate thing for alphas.. (as mentioned earlier by stevo). They love and respect alphas because they feel safe and feminine around them. They hate alphas because they have no control in their relationships with them. Alphas are the heartbreakers.
Beta slave is a stupid position to be in. And you end up sexless. Some slaves are fed, but after a while the b1tch might figure out she doesn't even have to do this because he won't go anywhere. Beta slave is a real thing and not a fabrication of Poon King.

Poon King said:
Again.. this is why I always tell men to do what they want 24/7 and never do things JUST to make women happy unless its something you personally believe in. Every time you follow a rule you don't agree with just to keep a woman happy you are engaging in beta submission. Submission proves you have weak values and no integrity. Such men are only fit to be tools to help improve a woman's life (that's how women see it). To be used and disgarded as needed. Like Mel Gibson, Paul McCartney and many others. If you think money and fame make you alpha, think again. Doesn't matter what you have accomplished in life.. the minute you submit to a woman is the minute you're beta b!tch. And not to be respected. True for dogs, wolves and lions too.
Money or fame does not equal Alpha. But someone who accomplishes in life is better than someone who does not in my book. We cannot do things just to keep a women happy. Some of us men LIKE our women happy, but it cannot come about through submission. There is mutual reciprocation that goes along in relationships.

Poon King said:
Again you must live ONLY by your own personal values and never anyone else's.
Your personal values might be so far out the norm that you decrease your odds for success in life. So you do have to be somewhat considerate of society around you. Within society there is a huge margin for where you align your values.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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They desire to destroy and break down the alpha males by making them submissive betas.
Apr 23, 2015
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mikey2012 said:
They desire to destroy and break down the alpha males by making them submissive betas.
And if your naïve to this, they can. They have a lot of tools to use to do it. It's not always them alone. Triangulation and social groups are a great way to help get it done.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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DaddyLongShanks said:
And if your naïve to this, they can. They have a lot of tools to use to do it. It's not always them alone. Triangulation and social groups are a great way to help get it done.
Most of us at one time Or another have fallen into the pvssy trap...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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DaddyLongShanks said:
Also multiple women increase your chance for STD's, some of us care about that.
You can fvck 1 woman and get STD too_Or die in car accident.Life is deadly disease so this argument is pointless.It's just comfortable to have pvssy nearby your hand and not have to be competive, you can drink beer,eat pizza,wear crappy clothing and your puz is still here, it's a path taken by many for some it works for some it doesn't.

If someone is truly attractive and magnet for girls comitting to one sounds like agreement to eat only nutella for the rest of your life but you have less options well better nutella than nothing.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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mikey2012 said:
They desire to destroy and break down the alpha males by making them submissive betas.
If an "alpha male" is broken down turned into a submissive beta by a woman, that man was never a real alpha to begin with. Alphas don't become betas by the weaker submissive woman. If you guys are betas with women, you need to work on yourselves. Quit trying to give women power making them superior to men because they are not. Your beta mindsets makes you betas right out of the gate, believing that women are better than you. Better fix that sh1tty mindset right away.

Poon King said:
These are interesting points. The only problem is.. in the animal world (and even the human world) real alphas lead and protect a group without ever bending to the rules or whims of the subordinates unless they support and agree with those rules and whims themselves.
If a guy is a real alpha, he can lead one woman without bending to her rules becoming a subordinate. If he becomes one, he was never a real alpha to begin with. Just a fake who has no clue what it means to be an alpha. Real alphas don't become submissive to the weaker woman. Learn something about what a real alpha is. You're no alpha with this weak beta submissive attitude you have thinking women are superior to you.

Poon King said:
As such.. a man committing to ONE woman he is an act of submission, not leadership. Submission is not an alpha act. Therefore, no man can be in a relationship with ONE woman and be an alpha at the same time unless he is giving up his sexual alternatives out of personal preference/conviction and NOT out of fear or a need to please.
Basically you're saying women are superior to men. The man is submissive to the woman in a relationship. Women will dominate and control men according to you. Women are not superior to men. You're giving women power they don't have with this KJ crap. Might as well lop off your balls and hand them over to women on a silver platter with this weak beta mindset you have.

A real alpha can lead 50 people or just 1 person. Leading 1 woman is not submission when the man is in control. Real alphas can bang whoever they want. They just choose to be with that 1 woman at that time. He can go back to banging several women the next day if he wants to. The woman knows that too and doesn't want to lose him. He is not giving up anything when he is getting plenty in return. A lot of KJ crap you're talking about.

Poon King said:
I would say most men would prefer to f*ck more than one woman. Therefore, most men who commit are only doing it to please ONE woman out of fear she might create drama or leave him if he shows interest in others. This change of behavior to please ONE woman is a form of submission and thus... 100% beta.
I would say most men would want a better deal. Wouldn't you? If the man has better alternatives, he isn't going live in fear trying to please her. He is going to get the better deal leaving the woman who is less in value. Men upgrade their girlfriends or dump their older wives for younger women all the time. Learn how to raise your value so you can upgrade instead of fearing you're a submissive beta with women.

Poon King said:
Which is why.. while woman love beta slaves.. they never really respect them. Also.. this is why women have a love/hate thing for alphas.. (as mentioned earlier by stevo). They love and respect alphas because they feel safe and feminine around them. They hate alphas because they have no control in their relationships with them. Alphas are the heartbreakers.
Looks like you're admitting women can't control alphas in relationships. So all that crap you just wrote about alphas being submissive betas being the subordinate in a relationship is all bullsh1t like I said. That would mean Bill Gates isn't a beta like you claim when the wife feels feminine and safe around him. You're a KJ bro, going all over the place with your claims.

Poon King said:
Again.. this is why I always tell men to do what they want 24/7 and never do things JUST to make women happy unless its something you personally believe in. Every time you follow a rule you don't agree with just to keep a woman happy you are engaging in beta submission. Submission proves you have weak values and no integrity. Such men are only fit to be tools to help improve a woman's life (that's how women see it). To be used and disgarded as needed. Like Mel Gibson, Paul McCartney and many others. If you think money and fame make you alpha, think again. Doesn't matter what you have accomplished in life.. the minute you submit to a woman is the minute you're beta b!tch. And not to be respected. True for dogs, wolves and lions too.
Mel Gibson, Bill Gates, and Paul McCartney are respected rich and famous men who are not betas. They can take their private jet going whever they want to go. Can you? Those dudes have fvcked the most beautiful women on the planet. Have you? Those dudes can fvck whoever and do whetever they want 24/7 unlike you. They tell other people and women how it is since they all have power. I'm sure they really care about your opinion. They would all laugh in your face. :crackup:
May 25, 2015
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SOME of us marry a VALUABLE, woman, one who gives us all sorts of stuff. You guys are too cheap and lazy to look in the right place for women, that's all. Look to China and SE Asia.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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MAYALL said:
If an "alpha male" is broken down turned into a submissive beta by a woman, that man was never a real alpha to begin with. Alphas don't become betas by the weaker submissive woman. If you guys are betas with women, you need to work on yourselves. Quit trying to give women power making them superior to men because they are not. Your beta mindsets makes you betas right out of the gate, believing that women are better than you. Better fix that sh1tty mindset right away.

If a guy is a real alpha, he can lead one woman without bending to her rules becoming a subordinate. If he becomes one, he was never a real alpha to begin with. Just a fake who has no clue what it means to be an alpha. Real alphas don't become submissive to the weaker woman. Learn something about what a real alpha is. You're no alpha with this weak beta submissive attitude you have thinking women are superior to you.

Basically you're saying women are superior to men. The man is submissive to the woman in a relationship. Women will dominate and control men according to you. Women are not superior to men. You're giving women power they don't have with this KJ crap. Might as well lop off your balls and hand them over to women on a silver platter with this weak beta mindset you have.

A real alpha can lead 50 people or just 1 person. Leading 1 woman is not submission when the man is in control. Real alphas can bang whoever they want. They just choose to be with that 1 woman at that time. He can go back to banging several women the next day if he wants to. The woman knows that too and doesn't want to lose him. He is not giving up anything when he is getting plenty in return. A lot of KJ crap you're talking about.

I would say most men would want a better deal. Wouldn't you? If the man has better alternatives, he isn't going live in fear trying to please her. He is going to get the better deal leaving the woman who is less in value. Men upgrade their girlfriends or dump their older wives for younger women all the time. Learn how to raise your value so you can upgrade instead of fearing you're a submissive beta with women.

Looks like you're admitting women can't control alphas in relationships. So all that crap you just wrote about alphas being submissive betas being the subordinate in a relationship is all bullsh1t like I said. That would mean Bill Gates isn't a beta like you claim when the wife feels feminine and safe around him. You're a KJ bro, going all over the place with your claims.

Mel Gibson, Bill Gates, and Paul McCartney are respected rich and famous men who are not betas. They can take their private jet going whever they want to go. Can you? Those dudes have fvcked the most beautiful women on the planet. Have you? Those dudes can fvck whoever and do whetever they want 24/7 unlike you. They tell other people and women how it is since they all have power. I'm sure they really care about your opinion. They would all laugh in your face. :crackup:
Being rich and famous doesn't make you "alpha" jackass. We have been over this 200 times.

You must be mentally retarded because you don't seem capable of learning new things. :crackup:


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Poon King said:
Being rich and famous doesn't make you "alpha" jackass. We have been over this 200 times.
Never said being rich makes you "alpha". Where did you get that from? You have no concept of the term "alpha" since you believe all men in relationships and marriages are betas. Alpha men are never controlled by women and will never be. You admitted that in your post. Alpha men in relationships are not betas like you are trying to claim. You're a KJ bro talking about things you don't know.

Poon King said:
You must be mentally retarded because you don't seem capable of learning new things. :crackup:
You're proving that you are retarded in your ridiculous posts believing women are superior to men with your beta mindset feeling powerless to the weaker woman. Only a retard would think you will only be a beta in a relationship and not in any other form of relations with women. Betas are betas and will be a beta in a relationship, fvck buddy relationship, trying to get plates, trying to get a date. Alphas will always be an alpha no matter what. Learn something about what those concepts mean not being a KJ.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
MAYALL said:
Never said being rich makes you "alpha". Where did you get that from? You have no concept of the term "alpha" since you believe all men in relationships and marriages are betas. Alpha men are never controlled by women and will never be. You admitted that in your post. Alpha men in relationships are not betas like you are trying to claim. You're a KJ bro talking about things you don't know.

You're proving that you are retarded in your ridiculous posts believing women are superior to men with your beta mindset feeling powerless to the weaker woman. Only a retard would think you will only be a beta in a relationship and not in any other form of relations with women. Betas are betas and will be a beta in a relationship, fvck buddy relationship, trying to get plates, trying to get a date. Alphas will always be an alpha no matter what. Learn something about what those concepts mean not being a KJ.
You sound like a buffoon.

Your beta whining proves your beta status. You reek of estrogen too.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Poon King said:
You sound like a buffoon.

Your beta whining proves your beta status. You reek of estrogen too.

You're the buffoon with estrogen whining about women being superior to you. No alpha in the world would have that mindset. No man should think that way. Alphas and men are superior to women. You believe women are superior to men whining about being powerless to them. You're a weak KJ with your sh1tty mindset.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2015
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Poon King said:
These are interesting points. The only problem is.. in the animal world (and even the human world) real alphas lead and protect a group without ever bending to the rules or whims of the subordinates unless they support and agree with those rules and whims themselves.

As such.. a man committing to ONE woman he is an act of submission, not leadership. Submission is not an alpha act. Therefore, no man can be in a relationship with ONE woman and be an alpha at the same time unless he is giving up his sexual alternatives out of personal preference/conviction and NOT out of fear or a need to please.

I would say most men would prefer to f*ck more than one woman. Therefore, most men who commit are only doing it to please ONE woman out of fear she might create drama or leave him if he shows interest in others. This change of behavior to please ONE woman is a form of submission and thus... 100% beta.

Which is why.. while woman love beta slaves.. they never really respect them. Also.. this is why women have a love/hate thing for alphas.. (as mentioned earlier by stevo). They love and respect alphas because they feel safe and feminine around them. They hate alphas because they have no control in their relationships with them. Alphas are the heartbreakers.

Again.. this is why I always tell men to do what they want 24/7 and never do things JUST to make women happy unless its something you personally believe in. Every time you follow a rule you don't agree with just to keep a woman happy you are engaging in beta submission. Submission proves you have weak values and no integrity. Such men are only fit to be tools to help improve a woman's life (that's how women see it). To be used and disgarded as needed. Like Mel Gibson, Paul McCartney and many others. If you think money and fame make you alpha, think again. Doesn't matter what you have accomplished in life.. the minute you submit to a woman is the minute you're beta b!tch. And not to be respected. True for dogs, wolves and lions too.

Again you must live ONLY by your own personal values and never anyone else's.
I think you should live by your own personal values, but if your own personal values are extremely anti social and lack any compromise then you will most likely not live the best life possible. The key point as I see it is that being an alpha in the strictest evolutionary sense is not needed for survival or to pass on your DNA anymore. That is what drove evolution, we still have those instincts for reasons that aren't particularly must haves anymore, you don't need to survive and forage and physically fight off packs consistently.

You shouldn't submit or do things out of fear, that's clearly a mistake but fear and submitting to women is defined by each individual. If someone fears a woman working at all then he isn't being very rational or realistic for today's society and will suffer, and should bend. If a woman is humiliating or treating him like **** then he shouldn't bend, but there is no true definition of alpha behaviour or decisions for every scenario. Being committed in a relationship and holding your line and not being walked all over yet not ****ing other women isn't un-alpha, ****ing other women may give you power but you should look to keep that power without ****ing women if a healthy monogamous relationship is what will make you happy.

I think the key point is alpha's and their attraction arose because of their evolutionary advantage in a time of competition to survive and keep a species going. We can learn from that and we can tap into that animalistic preferences but we should also understand that its a inherent drive and not necessarily something that has to be followed to a T, learn and evolve.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
FCB said:
I think you should live by your own personal values, but if your own personal values are extremely anti social and lack any compromise then you will most likely not live the best life possible. The key point as I see it is that being an alpha in the strictest evolutionary sense is not needed for survival or to pass on your DNA anymore. That is what drove evolution, we still have those instincts for reasons that aren't particularly must haves anymore, you don't need to survive and forage and physically fight off packs consistently.

You shouldn't submit or do things out of fear, that's clearly a mistake but fear and submitting to women is defined by each individual. If someone fears a woman working at all then he isn't being very rational or realistic for today's society and will suffer, and should bend. If a woman is humiliating or treating him like **** then he shouldn't bend, but there is no true definition of alpha behaviour or decisions for every scenario. Being committed in a relationship and holding your line and not being walked all over yet not ****ing other women isn't un-alpha, ****ing other women may give you power but you should look to keep that power without ****ing women if a healthy monogamous relationship is what will make you happy.

I think the key point is alpha's and their attraction arose because of their evolutionary advantage in a time of competition to survive and keep a species going. We can learn from that and we can tap into that animalistic preferences but we should also understand that its a inherent drive and not necessarily something that has to be followed to a T, learn and evolve.

The vast majority of men in monogamous relationships would like to sleep with woman other than their girlfriends or wives. The only reason they don't do it is FEAR that if they get caught they will ruin their current relationship.

This FEAR exists because they have put that ONE woman and that ONE relationship on a pedestal. This is called beta submission.

Submission is not alpha.

No one here wants to think of themselves as a beta male, but if you let a woman dictate your behavior you are a beta. If you fear losing a woman you are a beta.

Fearing losing a woman is idiotic because few women offer something other women don't. Women as a whole pretty much all offer the same thing. Its only insecure blue pillers and men with no options who rush into commitment.

There is a reason women brag about having "husbands" while men brag about "sport f*cking" lots of women. Its the power dynamic. In marriage the woman clearly has the power so men don't brag about being married. Why would you brag about engaging in submission? With sport f*cking the man is clearly in control. Women don't brag about sport f*cking men for this reason since they are the ones engaging in submission.

Wake up men.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Relationships rarely last. Average marriage lasts 11 years before separation. People who are still married then are unhappy since they have no options and accept the status quo.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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mikey2012 said:
Relationships rarely last. Average marriage lasts 11 years before separation. People who are still married then are unhappy since they have no options and accept the status quo.
Nobody really expects a relationship to last. After you get bored, move on to the next woman. 11 years? Most marriages only make it 4 years dude. Every man worth something has options bro. Men who don't have options will never have them in a relationship or not.

Poon King said:
The vast majority of men in monogamous relationships would like to sleep with woman other than their girlfriends or wives. The only reason they don't do it is FEAR that if they get caught they will ruin their current relationship.
Men will still sleep with other women while in a relationship. They don't fear ruining a relationship when they can obtain a better woman. It appears you're not aware of that. Alphas have already slept with tons of women. They might have one consistent woman they sleep with at the moment, but nothing stops them from sleeping with others. A KJ like you believe those men are bound to one woman doing everything she says in submission. :crackup:

Poon King said:
This FEAR exists because they have put that ONE woman and that ONE relationship on a pedestal. This is called beta submission.

Submission is not alpha.
Beta submission is a term for guys like you who feel inferior to women believing they are superior. Just because a man is in a relationship doesn't mean he is putting the woman on a pedestal. Betas will always put women on a pedestal or feel inferior in or out of a relationship. You fear women and are afraid of them being more powerful than you. That's putting women on the ultimate pedestal.

Poon King said:
No one here wants to think of themselves as a beta male, but if you let a woman dictate your behavior you are a beta. If you fear losing a woman you are a beta.

Fearing losing a woman is idiotic because few women offer something other women don't. Women as a whole pretty much all offer the same thing. Its only insecure blue pillers and men with no options who rush into commitment.
You're already letting women dictate your behavior feeling powerless to the weaker woman. You are a beta allowing women to control your mind even before you meet them or enter into a relationship. Sounds very insecure and blue pill to me. You need to fix that inferior mindset or you will never be successful with women letting them always control you. Just because a man is in a relationship doesn't mean he fears losing her. Stop with the KJing about things you don't know.

Poon King said:
There is a reason women brag about having "husbands" while men brag about "sport f*cking" lots of women. Its the power dynamic. In marriage the woman clearly has the power so men don't brag about being married. Why would you brag about engaging in submission? With sport f*cking the man is clearly in control. Women don't brag about sport f*cking men for this reason since they are the ones engaging in submission.
No surprise that you still talk about women having power over men. Only a beta who is weak and powerless would ever repeat that constantly. Alphas never engage into submission. Only a beta like you who believes women have more power over you will. That's an awful mindset to have fearing the "powerful woman" you put on a pedestal. No alpha would even repeat that crap. :crackup: