Women don't desire men, they desire power over them


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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Well from my only 3 y old LTR I can tell that it goes two ways:

1. The "hopeless mofo" - that was me, the whole thing was like, "Gimme power, gimme power, gimme power", while I was like "Nope nope nope nope". She was always the one chasing my ass.

In the end she got tired of it, started taking good care of her looks, hanging out with "friends", she was getting a hold on a new branch, so I bailed out.

2. The "faggot mofo" - its the same result in the end, Ive seen it, the man gives away the power and the same thing happens, although this is a fool who is hopeless, couse he will not bail out in time, and you know how gracefull females approach these matters...

In the end, even if I have the best girl in the world, if another pretty boy smiles at her and put his hand around her waist she wont say no - this is how they are. You can put all the imaginary boundaries to make yourself feel better, I still come and make sweet love to your girl. This is why its always good to NOT GO SHERLOCK HOLMES ON THE *****, and just lay back and enjoy the good part if you have a LTR. Like this dude says "None of my GFs cheated on me (THAT I KNOW OF)"... yeah good keep it that way... Us can serious the fuk up when we have to, they remain sluts. Ofc it all stems from brainwash that tells them that having casual sex is OK - for them its not and it causes irreversable brain damage in an age as early as their teens.

The only way to do it is become filthy rich, go to a virgin's father and explain to him that you mean bussiness, then you buy a desert island and go there with her. Simple. YEah...

I oftentimes am on the virge of losing this helathy attitude and go oneitis, but I have a very strong weapon:


Everytime you slip, read this, and read it thoroughly and laugh, not at the guy whos offending them, but mostly at the WEAK and FLAWED arguments the hoes there have against him.

In the end I think if there is such a thing as Beta and Alpha, the difference is one lives in a fairytale, and the other stays blunted on reality, no matter how harsh it is, no matter how sad and wrong it is. Keep it real.
May 25, 2015
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ok, dipsheets. Fvck up your marriage cause you want some strange. that's really bright. Lose your kids, wife, half of everything you own, cause you can't control your little head.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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menbetterthanwomen.com? I skipped through that site what kind of junk is that? And people complaining about the MGTOW movement. That site iseven be worse


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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I have also developed a strategy for when I decide I want a family

Dig this:

1. Find a ho.

2. Marry the ho and make a child.

3. Keep a close eye untill she cheats and crush her with evidence so she cant say ****.

4. Proceed to turn her in a sexual slave while having pssy on the side.

5. Profit?

This guilt trip will work I think she cant just leave her child, and she cant lie, if she has parents and friends who are decent people she will choose to keep quiet and swallow. The problem a woman cannot feel guilt towards a man so u gotta think outside the box. But I think its basic to accept the fact that every woman is a ho as a rule, not because it is easy, but because it is true.

Now I may be sick, but Im liking this idea more and more.
Apr 23, 2015
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BrainDamage92 said:
I have also developed a strategy for when I decide I want a family

Dig this:

1. Find a ho.

2. Marry the ho and make a child.

3. Keep a close eye untill she cheats and crush her with evidence so she cant say ****.

4. Proceed to turn her in a sexual slave while having pssy on the side.

5. Profit?

This guilt trip will work I think she cant just leave her child, and she cant lie, if she has parents and friends who are decent people she will choose to keep quiet and swallow. The problem a woman cannot feel guilt towards a man so u gotta think outside the box. But I think its basic to accept the fact that every woman is a ho as a rule, not because it is easy, but because it is true.

Now I may be sick, but Im liking this idea more and more.
Unfortunately "h0s" have support systems. And it's likely their friends and family who are ok and/or condone their care free lifestyle. So you won't get a lot of support out of that.
May 25, 2015
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you have experienced only trash women. None and I mean NONE of the ladies (3) that I have lived with are going to do anything but slap that guy silly for putting his hand on her (while I"m living with her).

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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prison/con.net said:
ok, dipsheets. Fvck up your marriage cause you want some strange. that's really bright. Lose your kids, wife, half of everything you own, cause you can't control your little head.
The words of a man who accepts slavery under a woman as an acceptable way to live. This is weak beta sh!t.

All I hear is FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. And this fear is what women use to rule over betas like yourself. :crackup:

prison/con.net said:
you have experienced only trash women. None and I mean NONE of the ladies (3) that I have lived with are going to do anything but slap that guy silly for putting his hand on her (while I"m living with her).
Sounds like you have your head up their asses. If these women are so amazing why are none of them your wife? :crackup:

You place women on a pedestal even after you end your relations with them. It doesn't get more pathetic than this.

You will spend your life as a white knight servant to woman and that is all you deserve.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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DaddyLongShanks said:
Some of us do not want to f*ck multiple women because it brings additional drama, we do not need it in our life. We need a woman who meets our needs, because if we need more than one than she must not be doing her job... Also multiple women increase your chance for STD's, some of us care about that.
These Keyboard Jockeys don't seem to undestansd that women bring drama no matter what. Drama will happen with women in or out of relationships. If you're a weak minded beta, women will walk all over you spinning plates or in a relationship. Alphas and men who know how to handle women won't be a beta in or out of relationships. That's just the way it is, but these KJ's think spinning plates will solve all your problems. What will solve your problems is fixing your problems. If you don't, you will never succeed at all.

Suspens said:
If you commit your time, attention, resources and emotions to one woman you are trapped into thinking that she is special. A beta white knight such as yourself can't dig this.
Another guy with a weak beta mindset who feels powerless towards women. Why else would you be talking like this? Unless you're taking more than one woman out for the night, you're going to commit your time, attention, resources and emotions to one woman spinning plates. KJ's betas like you will always give women more power feeling inferior in or out of relationships.

Poon King said:
All I hear is FEAR, FEAR, FEAR.
I agree with you. All your posts talk about fearing women and women being more powerful than you. It's an awful inferior beta mindset to have. Change your beta mindset so you can become sucessful with women in or out of relatonships.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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MAYALL said:
I agree with you. All your posts talk about fearing women and women being more powerful than you. It's an awful inferior beta mindset to have. Change your beta mindset so you can become sucessful with women in or out of relatonships.
Wrong, d!ck face.

But your learning disability seems to keep you from taking in new information. I have never said in any post EVER that women are superior to men.

If you want to have a real debate then do it. Don't be a lying b!tch though.. making sh!t up to cause drama. Like a woman. :crackup:

If a man commits to ONE woman when he would rather be f*cking many... then he is engaging in beta submission. There is nothing you can say to change that and there is no way to twist this into being "alpha". There is nothing alpha about submission.


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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Poon King said:
But your learning disability seems to keep you from taking in new information. I have never said in any post EVER that women are superior to men.
You're constantly whining about women having more power than men. You're constantly whining about women having more power over you. You're constantly whining about men being betas in relationships. Your weak minded beta mindset believes women are superior to men when you constantly whine about women having it better. You're relinquishing any power you have over women right out of the gate with your inferior weak beta mindset. You're terrified of relationships thinking you will be a submissive beta. That means you believe women are superior to you.

Poon King said:
If a man commits to ONE woman when he would rather be f*cking many... then he is engaging in beta submission.
I wouldn't expect a Keyboard Jockey like you to understand this, but here it goes... Did it ever occur to you that when the man commits to one woman he will still fvck many other women anyway? Did it ever occur to you that he can dump that one woman so he can fvck many other women? Did it ever occur to you that the man has already fvcked many other women before and wants just to fvck one woman for the moment? Nothing about that is beta submission at all, when the man is playing by his own terms.

All you do is throw out KJ crap not underatanding what men actually do. You call all men who is with one woman at the moment a beta, when you have no clue how the man operates. That's what you call a Keyboard Jockey and you are it dude.

Beta submission is what you partake in believing women are superior to you in relationships which is why you're terrified of being in one.

Poon King said:
There is nothing you can say to change that and there is no way to twist this into being "alpha". There is nothing alpha about submission.
Alphas never submit to women in or out of relationships. If they do, they were never an alpha to begin with. You're a Keyboard Jockey and you have no clue what it means to be an alpha with your weak minded inferior beta thinking. Change your weak mindset dude, or you will always have trouble with women.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Fearing a woman who might leave you is beta. Thing is some men are born betas. Some are beta and then learn then become alpha. Some are natural alphas. Best policy is never trust a woman .


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
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MAYALL said:
Another guy with a weak beta mindset who feels powerless towards women. Why else would you be talking like this? Unless you're taking more than one woman out for the night, you're going to commit your time, attention, resources and emotions to one woman spinning plates. KJ's betas like you will always give women more power feeling inferior in or out of relationships.
Like what? If you are dedicating your time, resources, attention and life to one single chick then that means she is special to you and you've put her on the pedestal in you little tiny mind. You are the one using labels and accusations.

You sound like a hoe who has been burnt by DJs/Alphas in the past and now has turned into a zealous feminazi dog and decided to dedicate her pettish life to crusading against Aholes on ze indernets:crackup:


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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mikey2012 said:
Fearing a woman who might leave you is beta. Thing is some men are born betas. Some are beta and then learn then become alpha. Some are natural alphas. Best policy is never trust a woman .
Yes, fearing losing a woman is beta, so is fearing not being able to trust them. Fear is a terrible mindset to have which will make youi feel inferior. Most of these comments are all based on fearing women. That is beta and giving women more power making them superior.

Suspens said:
Like what? If you are dedicating your time, resources, attention and life to one single chick then that means she is special to you and you've put her on the pedestal in you little tiny mind. You are the one using labels and accusations.

You sound like a hoe who has been burnt by DJs/Alphas in the past and now has decided to launch a feminist crusade against Aholes on ze indernets:crackup:

Only a true beta would feel that way since he behaves that way normally. Betas are betas in or out of relationships. Alphas and men who know how to handle women won't do that. Make the necessary changes so you won't be a beta terrified of putting women on a pedestal in relationships. A KJ like you always assumes without knowing how things actually work.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
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Replying to my post after 7 minutes. Indicator of High Interest.

Btw, I am a true beta.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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MAYALL said:
You're constantly whining about women having more power than men. You're constantly whining about women having more power over you. You're constantly whining about men being betas in relationships. Your weak minded beta mindset believes women are superior to men when you constantly whine about women having it better. You're relinquishing any power you have over women right out of the gate with your inferior weak beta mindset. You're terrified of relationships thinking you will be a submissive beta. That means you believe women are superior to you.

I wouldn't expect a Keyboard Jockey like you to understand this, but here it goes... Did it ever occur to you that when the man commits to one woman he will still fvck many other women anyway? Did it ever occur to you that he can dump that one woman so he can fvck many other women? Did it ever occur to you that the man has already fvcked many other women before and wants just to fvck one woman for the moment? Nothing about that is beta submission at all, when the man is playing by his own terms.

All you do is throw out KJ crap not underatanding what men actually do. You call all men who is with one woman at the moment a beta, when you have no clue how the man operates. That's what you call a Keyboard Jockey and you are it dude.

Beta submission is what you partake in believing women are superior to you in relationships which is why you're terrified of being in one.

Alphas never submit to women in or out of relationships. If they do, they were never an alpha to begin with. You're a Keyboard Jockey and you have no clue what it means to be an alpha with your weak minded inferior beta thinking. Change your weak mindset dude, or you will always have trouble with women.
Your beta anger proves your beta status. You argue like someone who drinks estrogen every day.

Man up and stop whining, moaning and b!tching when someone doesn't agree with you like a 12 year old girl. :crackup:


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
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JohnyTheArrow said:
Why women tolerate betas? They arent powerful but still useful as a slave.
Women dump weak useless betas for the powerful man.

Poon King said:
Your beta anger proves your beta status. You argue like someone who drinks estrogen every day.

Man up and stop whining, moaning and b!tching when someone doesn't agree with you like a 12 year old girl. :crackup:
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

You're funny as hell dude. Keep your KJ posts coming. Thanks for the laugh.