Women Are Simple, Not Computers


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
New York
This thread's a mess...

Let me just add that there seems to be some truth to what P.E. is saying.

I'm not sure it's sexual state that matters though -- it may be confidence.

Girls can't read minds, but they can and do read physical signals and they do process what you say to them.

Whatever attraction is, it has to be communicated through what the girl is picking up from you.

The list of behaviors and tactics that we preach all convey confidence. Or, rather, you typically have confidence if you use those tactics and effect those behaviors.

And the reason why girls are attracted to confidence?

Because there's probably a correlation between having confidence and having the resources, abilities, and health that all research to date suggests a woman wants a man to have. And when I say "wants" I mean is biologically-driven to seek in a mate.

So that's ******d signs, behaviors, words, cues

And girls go for confidence because when you're confident, you've had success. If you've had success, you're capable and you're healthy.

Just correlations.

Many species pick up on and respond to seemingly trivial signals in mates because those signals are, or at one time were, present in mates with good genes.
Think of vibrant colors in birds. Vibrance indicates health. Persistent health indicates good genes.

I know this is dry and biologically-based.

US$100 says it's dead on.


PS - The starred word is 'ovtward'! WTF?


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score

belividere wrote:

"If you cannot take the heat than do not bother stepping into the kitchen. On numerous times I have offered advice on your "this is the final answers to everyones problems" threads that countered yours. Rarely if ever have you replied with a logical, field tested, truthful response. Most of the time you have continued on with another thread disregarding all negative criticisms or thought provoking content that was part of your original thread."

---I am in complete agreement with the statement above. Besides, PE is ripping off Gunwitch. At least attribute your sources. And GunW at least offers anecdotes as well as suggestions based upon real, concrete experiences.

Human relationships are not simple at all. A Pyssy Eater supposedly understands the essence of humanity? LMFAO. As long as Eater is posting, we have definite proof positive that patients in mental asylums have access to the internet.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
All i can say is... You guys have WAY too much time on your hands.


Get out there and do something instead of arguing on an internet forum about how much e-game you have.
There is something outside of analyzing life, it's called enjoyment.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
You CAN trigger attraction with C&F. I have done it, seen it done, and David D notes many examples of this in his personal experiences.

In fact, I remember this one girl, like I was maybe 14, this is before I had any "game" to speak of. OK, this girl at a party was acting all b!tchy to some other girls and guys, and I had had enough, so I tell her to shut her mouth because no one wants to hear it. You know what happened after that? She told some of her friends that she was "in love" with me. Until then she barely knew I existed. (I later ****ed that whole prospect up, but that's another story which I won't tell because it is the classic AFC story which you've all heard from thousands on this site)

The point is, taking charge, being a man, grooming, bodybuilding, C&F, NLP, all these things can help your game immensely and should NEVER be minimized or scoffed away.

To put it in better perspective:

Women use, lotions, cremes, makeup, hairstyles, tanning, perfume, and yes WORKING OUT and STAYING IN SHAPE to attract men.

But you know what attracts men also? A sexual state. A woman in a constant sexual state will get laid more than the Beatles in concert, all of them.

The point is the "sexual state" ITSELF will only work on BIG sluts, desperate women, and fatties. UNLESS your sexual state is accompanied by demonstrating and actually HAVING VALUE, GAINING RAPPORT, DEVELOPING COMFORT, TRUST!

The FIRST criteria is ALWAYS VALUE! ****, you can even FAKE value, but without her perceiving you as having value (no, a sexual state itself is not value, except to a prostitute, fat, or desperate woman), she will NOT allow any further interactions until you demonstrate VALUE.
HKSlinger, the girl it worked on was 14! She was attracted to you before said a word, and you could of done a number of things and still has her in 'love' with because she liked you.

David D's personal experiences? How much of this is really true? Even so, it isn't so much of him doing C&F as it is just talking to a girl that finds him marginally attractive (or maybe alot), but he often says he's ugly (guess it just helps his marketing 'game').

That 'sexual state' stuff is garbage. She likes you for reasons that only she knows (or doesn't know). It's not just one thing or state, but several things, and if it isn't then she is shallow!


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score

While this has been discussed before on many threads, that only the SEXUAL ONES get girls. Yes by expressing your sexuality, BUT that's not the only thing that attract girls.

YOU even said yourself that girls are just like us, which is true. They want hot looking guys that express sexuality, while being able to hold up conversation (which comes with the rest of the **** talked about on this site.) You see the Gunwitch Method and all that don't work unless you have some sort of personality rather than just being some horny *******. Yeah, you maybe able to get laid acouple times but in the long run? 'Comon. Would YOU **** a fat chick? Then what makes you think she'll **** a fat guy? Get in shape.

On this site, it's all about improving YOURSELF. The only way you'll ever be able to get the hot chicks is by putting the same standards on women that you have on yourself. You say we copy some kind of idea? You're suppose to take the ideas from this site to make a better SELF-IMAGE

Hope I cleared this up...



Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
this is sad, you guys are lost. MoM i know he knows what he's talking about because i've seen his threads, pics, etc. On top of that you seem to think you guys can't change yourself into what you want to be.

I don't need to prove to you why you should instead of *****ing about it on here like little girls, why not just go try? I'm going to the gym almost every ****ing day, running, eating healthier, have a tan now, finally liking my appearance. BECAUSE I CHOOSE SO.

Go watch fight club pussies. (my favorite movie :D )