This thread's a mess...
Let me just add that there seems to be some truth to what P.E. is saying.
I'm not sure it's sexual state that matters though -- it may be confidence.
Girls can't read minds, but they can and do read physical signals and they do process what you say to them.
Whatever attraction is, it has to be communicated through what the girl is picking up from you.
The list of behaviors and tactics that we preach all convey confidence. Or, rather, you typically have confidence if you use those tactics and effect those behaviors.
And the reason why girls are attracted to confidence?
Because there's probably a correlation between having confidence and having the resources, abilities, and health that all research to date suggests a woman wants a man to have. And when I say "wants" I mean is biologically-driven to seek in a mate.
So that's ******d signs, behaviors, words, cues
And girls go for confidence because when you're confident, you've had success. If you've had success, you're capable and you're healthy.
Just correlations.
Many species pick up on and respond to seemingly trivial signals in mates because those signals are, or at one time were, present in mates with good genes.
Think of vibrant colors in birds. Vibrance indicates health. Persistent health indicates good genes.
I know this is dry and biologically-based.
US$100 says it's dead on.
PS - The starred word is 'ovtward'! WTF?
Let me just add that there seems to be some truth to what P.E. is saying.
I'm not sure it's sexual state that matters though -- it may be confidence.
Girls can't read minds, but they can and do read physical signals and they do process what you say to them.
Whatever attraction is, it has to be communicated through what the girl is picking up from you.
The list of behaviors and tactics that we preach all convey confidence. Or, rather, you typically have confidence if you use those tactics and effect those behaviors.
And the reason why girls are attracted to confidence?
Because there's probably a correlation between having confidence and having the resources, abilities, and health that all research to date suggests a woman wants a man to have. And when I say "wants" I mean is biologically-driven to seek in a mate.
So that's ******d signs, behaviors, words, cues
And girls go for confidence because when you're confident, you've had success. If you've had success, you're capable and you're healthy.
Just correlations.
Many species pick up on and respond to seemingly trivial signals in mates because those signals are, or at one time were, present in mates with good genes.
Think of vibrant colors in birds. Vibrance indicates health. Persistent health indicates good genes.
I know this is dry and biologically-based.
US$100 says it's dead on.
PS - The starred word is 'ovtward'! WTF?