It's all semantics anyways.
Some guys don't want to succeed.
Some guys will succeed.
You don't know anything until you've done. Reading it, memorizing it, even testing yourself on it doesn't work. The only time you know it is if you've gone through it.
You can't know sex by reading about it.
You can't know death until you lose someone.
You can't know a relationship until you actually engage in one.
You don't know driving until you sit behind a car and go from 0 to 80 and drive all types of scenarios.
Guys here know little if anything simply because its theory, and 99% of it is regurgitated crap from guru's summarized into a guy's own words.
I've read enough of the junk out there to know there's better things to be doing with my time than TRYING to get top ranked pvssy by sacrificing my time, my money, or my soul. And eventually, that pvssy gets old and stale anyways.
Quite honestly...I do not believe SS.Com is going anywhere or that the dating community will stumble upon 1 elite secret that knocks home-runs with women. Guys will come here, find good knowledge or not, and leave. Some will make some of it, some HAVE to struggle and get to the lowest point so they fight to get beyond where they were.
Any guy who's been social with girls knows looks matter; every girl has a type, but typically it's NOT the type you see on TV. And again, no it's not. The normal women, you see day in-day out everywhere, 95% of the time, don't want what's on TV, they want what's considered ABOVE AVERAGE in the real world. Unless you have some Social-Hor with a big head or aspirations of being a HOLLYWOOD HOR, being Brad Pitt is useless unless it's a goal of your's.
What you really learn coming to is that you're given some system to go out there and learn and fail, and realize, "we're making this too complex."
MTV had an episode of Made, the only 1 or 2 I watched of Tony Brown, the 19 yo virgin who wanted to be a college pimp. Without SUS, WIN, and DBOL, it wasn't going to happen. They aligned him with a "guru" named David who "gives seminars on dating" and set him free. In 3 days, the "guru" wanted him to be laying chicks. However, and I quote,:
"this guy really only wants a girlfriend. he was never made to be a player, to have multiple women, but sometimes you have to show them this and not just tell them it."
DAVID purposefully set it up so he'd get a taste of what he probably didn't want but THOUGHT he did. Finally, Tony Brown or "TB" as his DJ name was, did it and didn't like it. Sure, they upgraded his style somewhat and he learned to be outgoing, but trying to change who he was, was like taking the stripes off a zebra and calling it a horse. IT is still a zebra.
Maybe I speak casually because I'm mid-20's (not old, but I've had my fun now and then) and don't really care about this as much anymore. The girls I knew only 1 year ago are gone. I moved on or they did. As I go to know them, very few were worthy of a friendship and even less were worthy of GF status, just because that's how it goes. And when it comes time to make plans and use my time, all those ACQUAINTANCES are a drain on time, or will try to.
The tips I truly picked up were to go for girls I REALLY Liked genuinely AND would confidently go for. Many times I went out and thought a girl was hot, but didn't like her. That was just my d!ck talking. Other times girls liked me, but I didn't like them ENOUGH back to warrant time with them. I always felt I had to like a girl MORE than the things I truly enjoyed, like golf, work, lifting, friends, family, poker, etc. And for me, that worked. I have a girl I've been seeing steady that loves sex, multiple times a day, plays golf with me, wants to learn poker, is very open minded, comes from a great family, and wants me to take the lead role. But someone like that doesn't usually happen at clubs, not bar/clubs anyways. They happen at golf clubs, or through friends, or at social events.
I compare all this to my golfing experiences. When I was younger, I always wanted to be better than the skills I had at the moment and I'd beat myself up for not being good enough. Yet, I was still good enough to beat the club I played at, all my family, friends and be a high school captain who competed locally. I'd squeeze every last drop out of my time getting better, to the point I'd get frustrated at the VERY THING I loved. So, for a few days I walked away. I let my mind dissolve the mental blocks. I stopped thinking about it so much and JUST ENJOYED it. And that was the problem, with any of it, don't do it if you don't enjoy it. You ruin the purity of it.
Some tips...and some I share with Tucker Max, READ ALOT, READ EVERYTHING.
Some girls may find your book collection dorky, or boring, or even weird, but being knowledgable broadens your horizons and gives you ample ammunition to talk about. Not to mention, it makes you unique. All the girls love the fact I'm well read, not just about business and golf, but about sex, relationships, and psychology. You'd be shocked at how easy it is to become a master in a year at something relative to everybody else. All it takes is 1% over your competitor to win.
Fvck the good body shyt. Do it for yourself. Be motivated for the looks, but deep down, do it for you. Do it so lifting random things is easier. Do it so the girl feels safe around you. Do it because we have soldiers fighting in foreign lands who do much SHYTTIER stuff than you, and the least you can do is WALK, RUN, and LIFT. Do it for the old folks who can't do it anymore. Do it, because some day you won't be able to enjoy the body you have in the shape you have it in.
Stop believing life is what's shown you, and believe life is what you show others. Many people way for life to ACT toward them, rather than, ACTING toward life. Get away from the TV. Get up and make your own NEWS for that day.
Friends are a CHOICE, family is not. That's right. If you got friends who don't support you for you, ditch 'em. If they drag on time you don't want to waste, move on. Seriously, these aren't the days where you're stuck in class and only hang with kids who's parents are cool with your parent's. These are the days of life, that tick by, minute by minute, wasted it not appreciated.
**Some girls will find approaching weird, some won't. The same with guys. Some guys find being approached weird, like some intrusion on their privacy, that's why they don't. Well, that's poor beliefs. How can you meet anyone new if you don't hold yourself out there?
Chill out. Make measurable progress in whatever it is you desire. Stepping forward 1 day at a time is the best medicine. Many people try to sprint, then fail. Some people are sprinters, they like to burn up tons of energy and do it right away, and they keep the momentum going. Others, need to form the habit and start small so they creap into new routines. Do what fits.
You want a unified theory on man vs woman?
Man and woman are meant to be together and will be together in a RELATIONSHIP based on wants. Yes, wants. If you got a girl who does nothing but nag and brings nothing to the relationship, what do you care? Fact of the matter is...a girl won't go to a guy unless she wants something. Love, sex, companionship, kids, etc.
If you're not the guy she wants, move on. You're not supposed to know this, she is. You be the best you, you can be. That means sitting down, piling up a list of where you and where you think it would be cool to be and DOING it. Yes, doing it. Don't ever compare or compete with someone else, that's too limiting. If you're overweight and think being lean and muscular like a model is cool, go for it. If you think investing in stock is cool but you have no money, get a job and learn in the meantime.
If we broke apart a person into who they are, it wouldn't work. A person's attraction to another is something indescribable. All pieces ONLY work together. If you say you like her sex appeal, that's a piece, and it may go away. You hope it won't, but it could. A person's attraction to something is an ******D display of their INNER FEELINGS. Meaning, if you like sluts, you like what you like about them. It is a response to something, generally, we don't have a choice because it's ALREADY BEEN MADE IN OUR MINDS. We have a deep knowing of what we like and don't like, yet some guys go for what they don't like (i.e. short-term thinking or limited thinking).
Any guy here knows his ideal girl, and if she walked by, he'd stop time for her and marry her RIGHT THERE. HE wouldn't game her, neg her, or anything else, he'd be straight up genuine, as 2 people deal like that. But you game them when they're not your type, because you feel you have to be fake to get people you're not comfortable with in knowing who you are truly. Otherwise, the girl that is your type will fall HARD for who you are STRAIGHT up. Just as you would her.
A geeky girl who some might like, could act slutty, flash herself everywhere and try to catch your eye, and even ACT like the person you might like, and temporarily she'd win, and you'd respond accordingly. BUT, in the long-run, her lack of congruency would make her unhappy and YOUR understanding of who she truly is would set you 2 apart. A girl can't ACT like what you want anymore than you can ACT like what she wants. A girl who wants a guy rough on the edges, with a loose clothing style and a party demeanor isn't going for mr. professional, UNLESS, he's THAT guy in different clothing.