Master Don Juan
- YouTube
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My thoughts
I think that there is a lot of factors as discussed on the forum, but I want to to bring up something that the RP seldom addresses.
The Men that she is complaining about are men that don't have to put in forth a lot of effort. This chick is in LA(she mentioned this in another video) and yes I'm speculating but most likely she is chasing after a certain type of dude with status and looks. The reality is the men she is going after she doesn't qualify for because she is not attractive enough and the men she is attracted too don't have to put forth the effort because they are out of her league. There are a lot of men who would gladly take her medicore ass out on a date but those are not the men she is attracted too Women go through it too chasing after men that are out of their league whereas with men the chicks tend to be flaky, demanding, etc on the flipside for women it's men who are not taking them out, inviting them over to get the D not taking them on dates etc. Most men tend to never be on the other side of it cause most men are doing the chasing and not being chased.
2nd "Back in the day" is something these women have no clue about and love to romanticize. Men were "broke" back in the day as well but back in the 40s-early 2000s women had realistic dating expectations and didn't expect you to take them to Ruth Chris on a first date. I remember in 2010 it was perfectly cool to take a girl to Applebee's Nowadays, if you take a girl to Applebee's you're considered a cheapskate. A lot of people and men are being affected by inflation we are technically in a recession and I believe 2024 is going to get worse. Disposable income is being rerouted to things that matter and not frivolous tinder dates
3rd she contradicted herself stating men can't afford to spend $40/$50 unless men know it's going to work out 200%. This negates her whole argument. Why would men put effort into paying for various dates with no guarantee of a relationship, or even a 2nd date? Men have figured out the juice isn't worth the squeeze this is why men now are opting for low-effort first dates like walks in the park, coffee dates, hiking etc. because now a days putting in fulll effort doesn't guarantee shyt. Also, men have figured out long ago that spending a lot of money doesn't dictate if a woman will see you again for a 2nd or 3rd date etc. In 2011 I kept a "Date Spending journal" and I found that the women I tend to see more often were the ones I spend less money on, and nearly 13 years later this still remains to be true. Men are also aware of women's duplicitous mating strategy and hence most men have opted to not date i.e. Monk Mode, Mgtow or passport bros who opt to date outside of America
4th. Notice she makes everything about money, this woman's problem is obvious she doesn't care about getting to know the man, she just cares about getting a free meal that she can snap on snapchat or post on Instagram and brag to her friends about. A lot of women like her do not care to get to know a man and if they do it's a man that she can "Plug N Play" into her life that will provide the lifestyle and aesthetic that she wants as a trophy boyfriend (or potential "Trophy husband") that she can show of to her friends. These women are insufferable because everything they do is to curate their shallow vapid image. These are the type of women that men who see a mile away pump and dump cause you can see them a mile away while the men who can't have to simp on her a$$ in hopes of sniffing her crusty panties