In order to understand what is going on, one has to start looking at religion.
(Rob ducks as the rain of beer bottles and raspberries sails over his head - "Nyah, nyah, ya missed me!").
Please do not equate me with a Bible thumper, for I am anything but. I am merely discussing the role that a book like the Bible plays in tempering our "rational brain."
All humans have the ability to rationalize any behaviour they wish.
Jail is full of innocent people.
Al Capone was furious that he was put in prison. He believed he was a humanitarian of the highest order. He "rationalized" to himself that his crimes of murdering thousands of people was completely justifiable because when the Depression came, he used his power and wealth to start up soup kitchens for the hungry and to provide housing for the homeless. And, he really did do this. He was popular with the people because of it. However, he also murdered thousands of people to attain the power to be able to do so.
His rational brain moved so far away from reality that he began living in a self created la-la land.
In South America, human sacrifice was common. The people that thought nothing strange of seeing a fresh 16 year old virgin, strapped to a stone tablet, and having a sharp knife plunged into her belly.
My point is that we can, and do, rationalize anything we wish.
This is highly problematic, because we can get so far off the path of reality that we eventually end up snuffing ourselves out.
There is a universal morality that exists in all successful religions, and in fact, there is not one society that has ever prospered which was not attached to religion. Of course, the most successful religions are not "correct" because of what they preach. They are successful because they create a society which prospers and dominates the societies around them. Us guys on this board could create a philosophy to live by and it wouldn't be but a fart in a hurricane... however, if our philosophy causes us to breed more than others, and to become more prosperous than others, in a few hundred years, our philosophy will begin to dominate others... (like, the feminists who insist on having only one child at 40 years old when their wombs are rusty and filled with cob webs, will have no chance of competing if everyone around them had 8 kids who grow up believing an opposite philosophy. Feminists are preaching a death culture. Christians who "go forth and multiply," are preaching a life culture.)
Now, back to this "universal morality" which exists in all successful religions/societies.
It is the 10 commandments.
The 10 commandments are not specific to Christianity, but are universal to all successful societies.
I request you stop for a moment, and contemplate what the 10 commandments are telling us.
They are instructing us not to live as animals.
The 10 commandments are the anti-thesis to animal existence.
You are to subscribe to "one true god." This is absolutism. This is what takes away Capone's ability to rationalize murderous behaviour. God, in the Bible, mostly describes himself with riddles. I am who I am. I am the beginning and the end. I am the alpha and the omega... and so on. Always in riddles. The only time he actually does define himself is when he tells us that he IS the truth... the "one true way"... and so on - God is an absolute, he never changes, just like the absolute truth - read the story about the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. It is about mankind using his cognitive ability to create a "relative truth" which he places over the "absolute truth." Our brain has the ability to convince ourselves that jumping off a cliff won't harm us, but the absolute truth always kicks our ass in the end. (Btw, this is why there is such a debate over Creationism & Evolution - Evolution allows for an ever changing truth, which gives Humanists - the religion we now live under - the rational for socially engineering humans to their will - I don't really care to debate evolution, but I am only saying this is why all leftists subscribe to evolution, like in the USSR - because it gives them the right to alter the future condition of mankind, whereas the Bible does not give you that right).
Animals do not take care of their parents. They abandon them completely. This is still ingrained within us. Parents love their children and sacrifice for them to ensure their genes pass on through the ages, but, it is not biological for animals to care for their parents, nor to give up resources to them. However, being "anti-animals" and caring for our parents has enabled humans to live longer and longer. (We should be dying at around mid-life crisis - which is where most "savages" died in the past, like the American Indians, Polynesians, and so on - all following unsuccessful religions which became dominated by successful ones).
It is animal like to kill and steal. Animals do this daily. We do not. But, we still have those instincts within us and we actively suppress them. After all, survival of the fittest does not lead to a successful society. Why would you bother to grow a crop of corn if I would just show up in the fall with a gun and steal your corn from you? Survival of the fittest. I would eat and live and you would die. And no-one would bother growing corn.
Animals covet their neighbour's wives. But doing so destroys the family unit.
Even when we get outside of the 10 Commandments, we find things that are obviously condemning animal behaviour. Look at sexuality. I don't care if you want to hump everything that moves - that is natural. However, what we are finding is that it is kinda like drunk driving. Just because one person drinks and drives, doesn't make the roads inherently dangerous. But, if EVERYONE drinks and drives, there is going to be mass chaos. And so it is that with the entirety of our society screwing everything that moves, STD's are infecting us at a stupendous rate (30% of caucasion women and nearly 50% of black women, have either HPV or herpes). And the result? Well, this is not talked about AT ALL, but not only are we not having enough children, but we are losing our ability to reproduce. STD's lead to mass infertility... and that will eventually snuff us out as a civilization. Maybe sexual morality and monogamy has purposes that we do not recognize until it is far too late to do anything about it? We will indeed soon be "wiped from the face of the earth" just like those people in Sodom and Gomorrah.
Following our animal desires leads to "anti-civilization," and cultural death. Humans will go on, like animals will, but civilization will not.
The "universal morality" instructs us NOT to be animals.
The US Founding Fathers recognized much the same thing in humans, which is why they created a Constitution - something which cannot be changed easily. The Constitution is simply a smaller version of the Biblical function, which is to create absolute truths. They fully recognized that human society has a natural tendency to simply rationalize away the things they do not wish to be true. "Natural" humanity has the ability to eternally change the truth to be whatever is most convenient at the time. But, no matter how much we convince ourselves that we can fly by flapping our arms, the ground at the bottom of the cliff will trump our "rational" brain every time. We must have certain absolutes, and we can live freely within those absolute goalposts, but without those immoveable goalposts, we will kill ourselves... everytime... eventually.
The ability of humans to "reason" is obviously our greatest tool - but, without properly tempering that ability, the ability to reason can also be extremely deadly and "anti-human."
It is certainly possible to find absolutes without the use of religion. We are, in fact, doing it right now.
But, in order for society to be successful, we must have most of the people adhering to a similar system, otherwise known as cultural hegemony.
Most people are simply too busy living, or too busy being idiots to explore and discover absolutes. Most philosophers are, in fact, seeking absolutes without the use of religion... but, I don't meet too many modern versions of Socrates when I step out the door. I meet mostly idiots. You cannot expect millions of people to subscribe to a particular philosophy "just because." Therefore, we have religion so we don't have to explain all of these intricacies to the masses of idiots. "Just do it, you dopes! Before we die!" That is the function of religion.
As per, the specific topic of this thread, which is why women disrespect men so much... think of it as an animal like function.
It is in a woman's best interests to disrespect men, take their resources, and then discard the male and get knocked up by the next guy. Women have only 400 eggs, and to have all of your eggs fertilized by one male is "anti-animal." Nature would dictate that each time she gets knocked up, it is by a different male, so as to ensure some genetic diversity. This is the only real difference between male and female "mate choosing." It is in both genders "best animal interests" to have sex with multiple partners. The only difference is that a woman's best interest is to slow the process down, so she can leech resources off the male while she has young children, or is pregnant and vulnerable. As soon as that is over, her biological best interest is to find another male. It is not called "serial monogamy." That is an oxymorn created by dopes. It is "rotating polyandry." (Rotation of the "important male" in a woman's life). It is also anti-civilization, because it removes men from children, and thus, removes male's desire to create a structured and coherent society.
Women did not "become like this" by some magic.
Woman have ALWAYS been *****y and hostile to males. And they always will be.