Hi guys, I hope you don't mind me butting in, but I am the guy who wrote the articles at "No Ma'am" linked further up the page. I seen your link and have been following along.
As per the "Nature vs. Nurture" debate... yes, yes, there are half truths in both arguments, which keeps all of us effectively neutered as we discuss which is real and which isn't.
Here is a well hidden argument though, that I would like to bring to your attention.
Back before the days of PETA, scientists used to do all kinds of wonky studies on mammals, in the hopes of explaining humanity.
Back in the day, one of the experiments was to take a mammal (a cat) and suck out its cortex, and observe the subsequent behaviours.
Now, all mammals have "two brains." We have a cortex (the frontal, or "new brain" - you know, where they aimed the drill when they were giving you a lobotomy!) and we have a "reptillian brain" which is our "instinctual brain" and it exists at the top or our spine.
What these dastardly scientists discovered was, that you could stick a tube into the cortex (new brain) and suck out all of the contents (and still keep the animal - cats, in this case) and still keep the animal alive and functioning.
In humans, our "cortex" manages our ability of rational thought.
Our "reptillian brain" based near our spine, is our "instinctual brain."
The Dr Mengele'as discovered that one could strap a cat down, suck out its entire cortex (rational brain - cats are social creatures, like humans), and the reptillian brain was not affected one bit! As in, a cat who had somehow rationalized to itself to certain behaviours to exist in a society (of other cats), would lose ALL control of its social skills, BUT, if the reptillian brain remained intact, it would still act out its "sexual parade" and the cats of the opposite sex would respond to in the EXACT same manner as before - as in, the 'reptillian brain' has ENORMOUS powers over our cognitave brain.
There are two brains. The "cortex" (or, your rational brain - the one you think with) and the "reptillian brain" or, old brain (The one that makes you get an erection when your sister in law strips naked in front of you and asks you to screw her, despite all the ramifications).
Despite people's insistence that it is so, the reptillian, or instictual brain, still rules the cortex - or the rational brain.
This shows itself over and over in society!
We always justify our behaviours, don't we?
Yeah, yeah - blow it our your ass! We all operate on our own best interests. I don't care what kind of saint you make yourself out to be.
And so, while we do have the ability to "reason," our ability to reason is artificially manufactured by our sexual desires.
You don't REALLY like that hot chick because of her brain, do you? Certainly YOU are different from the other 300 guys showing up to court her nightly.
Lol! Screw you, liar!
You like her because she is hot! And then, you found reasons with your "rational brain" to justify why you should dedicate yourself to her... a really STUPID MOVE!
If you were thinking with your REAL rational brain, you would pick the 20lbs too heavy (but with nice tits) girl who really WOULD dedicate herself to YOUR vision of the future... but, such a girl doesn't intrigue you... you silly cat with no cortex!
No, you dedicate yourself to, who?
Yeah, nature vs. nurture.
Anyone who even uses the term "nature vs. nurture" is an idiot.
The evidence that the two are intricately intermeshed because of our biology is OVERWHELMING! Sadly, all of this info has been deemed "misogynist" and ignored. Yet, all of these predictions of these heretics are coming true at an alarming rate.
Nature vs. Nurture arguments make me just want to punch people.
Thanks for your time.