So things have happened. God this chick has game, and here I am newly back in the field.
So I sent out a mass invite to a house party I was throwing, and decided why not include her? She showed up, we hung out for about a half hour alone just making small talk, she seemed kind of distant and uncomfortable (even though she went out of her way to come). She made a comment about me not calling her back before, and seemed upset. She was kind of clumsy, ran into someone and everything. Then BOOM, leaves. I erased her contact info to keep from calling her again thinking she's just not as interested, thought about it later, and realized from the fact she came and her clumsiness was probaly a sign of nervousness, because she does in fact dig me. But oh well.
A week later I see her again at a bar, and she is wasted. She says she lost her phone and I give her my number again, but can't help but wonder if she "lost" my # the same way I "lost" hers... She makes the biggest fool out of herself. I was there on a "date", and she pretended that chick wasn't even there as she proceeded to tell me that I was the uncomfortable one(age), avoiding her, ect. She mentioned that she met my recent ex, and they hung out even, which totally pissed me off. and at one point she even tripped over a chair while talking to me, and fell on her ass in front of everyone. (I totally let her). This went on for an hour atleast, with her continuously coming back to me and the girl I was with. She had to be humiliated the next morning.
I texted her a day or two later with some c+f to keep it ok, i know now she is pretty sensitive and that she had to be embarrassed. We c+f a little, and it is short and sweet.
I saw her this past Thursday at the bar we always run into each other at, and she was not drinking at all, looked fantastic, and I got the feeling that she was doing it on purpose to make up for the previous "impression." She came over to my table, sat with me. She mentioned hanging out with my ex again (knowing that upsets me). She totally one upped me on all the C+F, then left me in mid conversation, and spent the rest of the night chatting up some bald guy (albeit no competition). I mistakenly texted her that night at 3am with a silly
message that let her know I was unhappy with her disappearing act (I was drunk at the time and saw no harm in it of course). She immediately responded with a cute smooch and wink.
And that is where I am at now.
I feel like she is running circles around me! I am the goddamned cat, and she is the one with the string!