Girls are the price. Life doesn't depend on them but it sure as hell feels good to have one.
With girls having so many options, they control the seduction community (some of them know it, some of them dont) (some of us accept it, some of us dont). They indirectly control us right from the jump. DJs just try to flip it or at least balance it.
With men having the sole responsibility of initiating a form of sexual relationship, a man would attempt his idea and adjust accordingly with her responses (indirect control).
Girls like bad boys guess what a lot of dudes turn jerks
Girls like coke guess what betas turn coke head
Girls like tattoos guess what dudes get tatted up
Girls are on tinder guess what it gets flooded by dudes
Girls like anal guess what straight dudes start to fancy butthole
Girls like weed. . . you get the picture
We align our actions in the best way to make her panties wet. Key words being we align. (That's a response move not the initial move.)
A man being a hunter seeks the price. A hunter would go wherever the deer is. A deer WOULD NOT come knock on your door, not really.
Hunters put in serious WORK to catch a deer however as DJs we are to remind ourselves not to forget ourselves while getting a deer because the only way to keep her or progress is if you know who you are and she gets to know who you are upfront deciding if you're worth her taking herself off the market.
Your post is spot on. Men do take all the blame but guess what so does every leader in every situation. Uhm Obama? If a team loses, the coach/captain really takes all the blame, if the team wins, everyone won.
The wait/search isnt easy, some people get bitter, some get tired, some give up, some stop searching and let fate take its course or have her find him, we align our mindset to whatever suits us.
Not everyone wants to live life rotating plate all their days, there's the one girl each of us would settle for (no matter how much we argue), we just have to find her. That doesn't mean she has no BS but she has just the amount of BS we can tolerate and you both being compatible in a way you would not mind seeing another day with her.
That doesn't make a man (in the general sense) stupid, it makes a man, a man. A DJ a DJ and a beta, well you could say clueless.
I do not believe we are supposed to go through life fcuking every single girl alive, its not realistic. Neither do I believe we are supposed to go through life avoiding commitment or a sensible relationship.