This post is f*cking gold. Looking for a relationship is one of the most, if not the most inane and stupid ways for a quality man to spend his time. A man could be following his passions, exploring new hobbies, or furthering his career, but often what I see is a wimp at the bars or the clubs who thinks women are the end all be all of his entire existence.
Life is too great to squander by chasing tail. I know men who get laid maybe once or twice a year, who brag incessantly about the few moments of their life when they were able to have some glory, while being a drug induced dipsh*t. Then, they will shame those who didn't get laid that night or recently or whatever (and yes, a lot of the time they attempt to shame me, when I obviously DGAF about their little moment of glory). These guys will get ridiculously drunk, do drugs and spend almost every waking hour discussing girls they want to ****, looking at porn, or watching tv. There is no substance to these type of men and no real ambition.
For me personally, I moved on from needing a woman in my life a while ago. I used to post here quite a bit when I thought women were important to my well being and forgot my password. I'm glad a thread like this was posted because it is so true. Happiness is internal and can never be brought upon you by a woman. I became happy when I invested in myself. I am now making lots of money, have no debt, drive a fancy car, and love my passions of yoga and meditation, while being quite excellent looking since I take fantastic care of my mind and body. I am frankly terrible with women still, and you know what, I don't give a flying f*ck. I don't seek them, and I don't meet them if they interfere with my schedule. What is more important? Me f*cking some girl in a fleeting moment in time...or furthering my goals and dreams. I take #2 every damn day.
Now let me say, criticism is everywhere. People will try to f*ck with you and ask what's wrong with you, especially the more successful you become. People will disrespect you and will believe they are superior to you when in reality they have no right, and no one is truly superior or inferior to anyone else. Honestly, there is really no reason I shouldn't have some chicka by societies standards, and my family thinks I'm nuts for continuing to hold out on relationships. There are things that matter more in life...a legacy, truth, honesty, and personal character. When a girl comes along, I will bang her brains out and forget about it unless she wants to do it again. Emotionally holding onto people and things is destructive towards my time and goals. Incessantly thinking 'does she like me? What's she doing...etc. is pointless because it will never, ever, change the actual situation.
F*ck society, f*ck the matrix and the games that are played. Live life for you, and you will reap the benefits of happiness and joy abound.