I suppose in 2022 it should be known that all forms of Traditionalism ie Monogamy, Nuclear Family, Marriage etc are fundementally immoral and degenerative. In the Manosphere and Red Pill spheres forms of Liberalism and Socialism are seen as immoral while Traditionalism is held up as a type of Gold Standard of Morality. This the opposite of reality and I will give a quick explanation why.
Human Morality is related to outcomes and consequences. Humans are extremely social beings, more so than any other animal. The Natural Social Unit of Humans is a Community.
The Community, this is an abstract concept for now, for instance even a Nation can be considered a Community. All people live in this unit and everyone works together to get things done. Everyone has their place and does their job.
In a real Community or Social group those men with the highest social status will have most access to the women. Womens role is to select the right guys to be the leaders of the community. In this regard, women play a very important role because truly women are exceptionally capable of choosing the best men to be leaders. In my experience real Alpha qualites are better recognised by women than most men. This is because the leadership qualities of men transcend technical skills and abilities ie all of those things that men are traditionally better at than women are not so useful in being a leader so progamming, maths, lifting heavy rocks, etc. Rather it is 'higher level' qualities that make a guy a better leader or Alpha Male. This includes things like strength but mental and emotional strength is more important than physical strength.
What is happening with Attraction (not seduction, that is not a real thing) is that Attraction converges with the concept of Alpha Male or Community Leader. So, essentially, the same qualities and skills, almost exactly, that we refer to as Game, are the same as those relating to the Alpha Male. For instance, many men value physical strength more in other men, but women tend to value emotional and mental strength more, and for the Alpha Male of the group generally the latter is more important because physical power is easy to get.
My point is Attraction is something we in the Manosphere have been studying, as we experiment with Game and our interactions with women. Attraction or Game has been discovered, not prescribed, yet everything we discover we find it is the qualtiies that make a guy the best leader or Alpha Male of a group.
(I suppose a group can have more than one leader or alpha male, I dont see that being a problem, they will simply work together for the greater success, sharing the rewards between them.)
So, concepts of Attraction, Alpha Male, Morality etc are all somehow related to humans existing in groups and working within those groups.
Human Morality is related to outcomes and consequences. Humans are extremely social beings, more so than any other animal. The Natural Social Unit of Humans is a Community.
The Community, this is an abstract concept for now, for instance even a Nation can be considered a Community. All people live in this unit and everyone works together to get things done. Everyone has their place and does their job.
In a real Community or Social group those men with the highest social status will have most access to the women. Womens role is to select the right guys to be the leaders of the community. In this regard, women play a very important role because truly women are exceptionally capable of choosing the best men to be leaders. In my experience real Alpha qualites are better recognised by women than most men. This is because the leadership qualities of men transcend technical skills and abilities ie all of those things that men are traditionally better at than women are not so useful in being a leader so progamming, maths, lifting heavy rocks, etc. Rather it is 'higher level' qualities that make a guy a better leader or Alpha Male. This includes things like strength but mental and emotional strength is more important than physical strength.
What is happening with Attraction (not seduction, that is not a real thing) is that Attraction converges with the concept of Alpha Male or Community Leader. So, essentially, the same qualities and skills, almost exactly, that we refer to as Game, are the same as those relating to the Alpha Male. For instance, many men value physical strength more in other men, but women tend to value emotional and mental strength more, and for the Alpha Male of the group generally the latter is more important because physical power is easy to get.
My point is Attraction is something we in the Manosphere have been studying, as we experiment with Game and our interactions with women. Attraction or Game has been discovered, not prescribed, yet everything we discover we find it is the qualtiies that make a guy the best leader or Alpha Male of a group.
(I suppose a group can have more than one leader or alpha male, I dont see that being a problem, they will simply work together for the greater success, sharing the rewards between them.)
So, concepts of Attraction, Alpha Male, Morality etc are all somehow related to humans existing in groups and working within those groups.