Why most sh!t test are a bad sign.


Feb 10, 2005
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I believe sh!t tests are both a good and bad sign, mostly bad. Like any test it is pass or fail and most tests are made to fail a certain number of tests takers. a test giver is assuming the role of higher value. Anyway the good part of testing is a woman wouldn't generally bother to test a guy unless she has some interest. However, she wouldn't test if she didn't have some serious doubt and wasn't trying to see if you fail and therefore confirm her doubt.

I think women test on different things, but primarily two things. First on your strength and resolve, in other words baiting you to see how much you will supplicate or not. And second, on your interest level in her, such as trying to bait you into validating her, or to see if she can make you jealous.

Her testing on your strength, especially early on, is somewhat valid because you can easily pass this test by standing your ground without getting angry, and her attraction usually rises. However too much testing unprovoked by you(You weren't really being indecisive or weak, actually any unprovoked testing I think is bad) on strength is indicative of a bad sign because a decent female with high interest in you will naturally be submissive and pleased with you. But testing you on your interest and jealousy level seems to always be a bad sign even if provoked by you (You were witholding validation) because you can rarely pass or win. If you validate her or show jealousy, then she got what she really wanted out of you, validation, and will lose "interest" and fail you. And If you ignore the interest level sh!t test she'll probably keep doing testing, likewise if you ignore it and give her a partial reward with replying with attention and interest she continue until she see signs of you "giving in".A woman who was interested in you for reasons deeper than primarily chasing your validation would be happy with continuing to chase your validation basically.

Bottom line is I think a woman testing you is only slightly better than a woman who has no interest in you or has LJBF you. And a sign of a woman who either doesn't have her interest level in you where it should be or is not a decent female and is one that likes to continually manipulate to gain control or to entertain herself.
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Feb 10, 2005
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John-467 said:

I know I'm not responding to your post dude....but read this

The other thread got closed, read my reply in this thread. But listen, you have to actually READ IT THOUGH, OKAY?


P.S. Ain't I'm da shyt?
I read it and replied. You strike me as either a woman or more likely a ghetto black guy from the hood. I do't want to make race an issue, but fact is many women do and the truth is a lot of women hold black guys to a different standard. How a lot of girls would respond to a black guy and that type of woman wouldn't be my type and I wouldn't be hers. I don't know what your message here had to do with this thread though.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
ketostix said:
You strike me as either a woman or more likely a ghetto black guy from the hood. I do't want to make race an issue, but fact is many women do and the truth is a lot of women hold black guys to a different standard. How a lot of girls would respond to a black guy and that type of woman wouldn't be my type and I wouldn't be hers. I don't know what your message here had to do with this thread though.



Feb 10, 2005
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What is your question VU? Is it your contention that women do not respond differently positively or negatively based on the guy's race? Don't you have any black friends or wingman and noticed any trends? I'm not sure what the question is. I'm kind of disappointed my thread got so derailed though, I was actually interested in it being discussed.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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$hit tests that serve a purpose (to ensure a woman is making a wise mate choice) are a necessary evil. It's when they go overboard that it becomes a problem.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
The conventional wisdom says that "testing" is a filtering or evaluating process by women to ensure that she is selecting the best mate for making ruggies..
So far so good -for the twenty somethings .

However, this so called testing never seems to stop. I date women in their
40s and older, They continue to "test" .

IMO what we men see as "TESTS" are nothing more than cheap provocations designed to create drama for its own sake. They are precisely attention seeking and emotional power plays.
These trumped up dramatics need to be treated with the contempt and indifference that you would use to 'train' an hysterical child out of its tantrums.


Feb 10, 2005
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STR8UP said:
$hit tests that serve a purpose (to ensure a woman is making a wise mate choice) are a necessary evil. It's when they go overboard that it becomes a problem.
I agree that sh!t tests are a screening tool and a woman would have no need to screen a guy she knows she isn't interested in, but like wise she wouldn't need to screen a guy she knows she is interested in fully.

I guess what I'm saying is sh!t tests are a bad sign because most of the time they're set up for you to fail them in the first place and due to women's subjective, emotional reality usually impossible for a man to give the "right" response.

But you're right if they go overboard then you're probably "passing" her test and there's something else afoot and you should walk away.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Let us not forget the option of flunking her.

I've never had problems with tests in good relationships.


May 11, 2007
Reaction score
Bon said,

"I've never had problems with tests in good relationships."

Thank you, lol these motafvckas and their "theories" wtf is a shyt test? Man what is dis shyt....none of this bullshyt you guys keep talking about even holds up in reality.

Do you motafvckas go and even SIT NEXT to bytches?


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2007
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John-467 said:
Thank you, lol these motafvckas and their "theories" wtf is a shyt test? Man what is dis shyt....none of this bullshyt you guys keep talking about even holds up in reality.

Do you motafvckas go and even SIT NEXT to bytches?
White. 17. Troll. Ignore.


May 11, 2007
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^^ Hhaah dis guy is a Lame, why if you want to IGNORE someone don't u just IGNORE them, why write a reply saying you are about to IGNORE someone lol. :crackup:

And LOOK...he's 40 YEARS OLD on a "How To Attract Women" website.......

(rolling on the floor) :crackup:

Are you one of those perverts, you're probably watching porn right now and reading a Pook post aren't you?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Eddie, you'll soon find out (you're new so it'll slide), we check "I'm better than you" attitudes on a post-basis. You have the makings of a troll in training. You're 50, right? Grow up.


Feb 10, 2005
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ThunderMaverick said:
Eddie, you'll soon find out (you're new so it'll slide), we check "I'm better than you" attitudes on a post-basis. You have the makings of a troll in training. You're 50, right? Grow up.
Well pvssy-eater's not even 25 I'm pretty sure and he's been trolling and flaming in the MM all night. Is this the type of posters you agree with?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I don't agree with you when you say John is a troll. He's not personally attacking anyone, and when he has (which is rarely) it's usually out of defense when people flame him and his ideals.

And yeah, I agree with a lot of what John says. Not all, but a lot.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
He's not personally attacking anyone
Are you fricking kidding me. Go read his recent posts he personally attacked just about everyone on here, most of them weren't even currently online or even replied to him yet. Whatever dude.


Feb 10, 2005
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potato said:
If a woman is really into a guy she never gives him sh!t tests. Sh!t test are for the purpose of provoking a guy into doing something so that she can justify excluding him. Failure is almost certain.

Here is a scenario that is often played out in some of the forums with mostly women.

The guy begins the thread. The guy will be thinking that every thing is doing fine. But the girl will be making little complaints, like him being too controlling, angry or whatever. So the guy reacts by trying to be less controlling or angry. Once he makes his changes, she provokes him, often by not returning his call as promised or something like that. But because the guy does have controlling/anger issues he feels as if he has been done wrong and reacts by calling up the girl and yelling at her or leaving mean spirited messages on her phone/text/email. Well then her response is that she can’t date a guy who would talk to her in such a way, who would get so mad at her over something so trivial.

On these other sites the women begin to condemn the man. He defends himself but to no avail. It’s like once he admits to this kind of behavior, there is nothing he can say to improve himself in the eyes of the women. All along the guy is hapless, unable to see what had happened to him.

He will ask for advice, “how could I have countered her trap?” He couldn’t. The test was just to confirm what she already knew.

So, yes, sh!t tests are a bad sign.
Yes good point. Sh!t tests are also a tool women use to provoke a man who's done nothing particular wrong previously to give her a good excuse to blame the guy for her breaking it off with him. And even if he doesn't fall for the bait and lose his temper, she'll keep up the testing until he's had enough, or she'll find some other "reason" to break it off anyway.

See potato, this is one of your more insightful posts that I agree with. That's why I can't for the life of me figure out where you're coming from in some of your posts in the other threads.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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potato said:
If a woman is really into a guy she never gives him sh!t tests. Sh!t test are for the purpose of provoking a guy into doing something so that she can justify excluding him. Failure is almost certain.

Yes, this is my opinion as well, but many here would disagree.

I remember reading here about girlfriends who test a guy by ignoring him to talk to other guys at a bar. Supposedly, she wants to see what you can get away with, and you show her what's up by walking away.

Well, that same situation has happened to me. I told her I was leaving, she shrugged and said, "okay", and went back to ignoring me. Never heard from her again. It was a 6 month relationship, and that was the end. You see, by the time she tests you by flagrantly disrespecting you, she's already made up her mind: it's over.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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In a relationship, shi* tests may be observed by the clued up, but all respects a MAN would not ever be 'concerned' with a shi* test.

Not when meeting her for the first time.

And not in a relationship.

I am not saying they dont happen, because i know they do, but all i am saying if you have the frame of self actualization, **** tests are a none issue.

Also read what i said 'concerned' not 'shi* tests dont happen', guys who are succesful with women, knock right through em like a knife through butter and most dont even know it.

In a relationship, women will test you, just like i would test women in a relationship, this is also a no brainer.

But if you attribute 'dis-respect' has a shi* test, you have a hell of a long way to go.

Also, its good to see VU is still about, i miss your wisdom on here dude.

Also i would not be too concerned with the racial slurs from Keto (he has an habit of attacking peoples, race, colour, gender, age, social disposition, e.t.c on virtually all of his posts at some stage), even though i cant see that sort of post having any place on ANY FORUM< tbh about it.

Keto' said:
Sh!t tests are also a tool women use to provoke a man who's done nothing particular wrong previously to give her a good excuse to blame the guy for her breaking it off with him.

You have a morbid idea of a shi* test Keto, this is not a shi* test my friend this is a clear indication of a lack of respect from her AND FROM YOURSELF.

You have been here 3 years and your still on the basics.

But i am not sure why anyone would reply after that second post, that was unwarrented.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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potato said:
Sh!t test are for the purpose of provoking a guy into doing something so that she can justify excluding him. Failure is almost certain.
Well, I don't agree with this at all, because of my personal experience. Sh-t test is not necessarily a forecast of a fast approaching doom. If you pass it, you'll be fine.

To comment on that familiar scenario, a guy made two mistakes; first, her complaint itself was a test - he reacted by doing what she wanted him to do a.k.a. supplicate. Second, he reacted wrong when she didn't return his call. Of course he should call her on it, but not get ballistic over a thing like that, which really IS trivial. So, if he handled situation differently, he'd be ok.

Look, the only solution I see for tests is the willingness to walk away. Women behave b-tchy and demanding because they're used to get away with it. They are throwing all kinds of sh-t in guy's direction and there are no consequences for her, he's still around & crazy about her.

I can't even comprehend what kind of sh-t are guys willing to swallow. For example, one guy had an accident and while he was struggling to get well, his girlfriend of 3 years was starting to f-ck another guy. If a girl does that to me, as far as I'm concerned, she doesn't exist anymore. But that guy, he still "loves" her.

When you're willing to walk away, you're immediately different than 75% of guys out there, or maybe I should say 90%. So, you have to let her know, one way or another, that your affection is not unconditional.

Also, potato I'm curious about those forums you mentioned. I'd like to check 'em out. Could you post links?