If y’all have the time and money to invest in all of these expensive escorts then y’all have the time and money to invest in bettering yourself. Idk how much they are, but $500 can get you 2-3 months at least at a nice gym with decent equipment and programs or a PT. $500 can get you some relatively nice clothes or a shoes. If you can’t take a year off pvssy to get your shvt together for the better then you are a weak man period.
I honestly agree with you but you are missing a bit of context in regards to what this thread was originally discussing.
IF your goal was to have sex within a short span of time, later that night or tomorrow, paying for an escort is the most efficient means of doing so. Sure, you could go hit up the club and spam approach women, but you still have to go OUT of your way for something that has no guaranteed chance of success. You also are still paying cover charges, buying drinks, etc.
Age is another factor here as well. The OP that made this post was in his 50s, hate to break it to the posters on here but a man in this age range is not going to show up to a club, filled with women in their early to mid 20s, and be pulling left and right lol. If I was in this age range AND wanted to just go clap some cheeks paying for an escort is the best option.
Most guys that do not have the sex lives they desire are not some monstrosities that are obese, have poor hygiene, etc. Most of the men in this category are otherwise normal men that are just in a set of circumstances that have resulted in them having a poor sex life. Most guys that are closing in on 40 or past this that are single are not going out slaying. This is not necessarily due to them having bad game but due to circumstances they can't control. Most women in their realistic dating age range are going to be married or in serious relationships. Those that are still single may not even be what these men are looking for at all. A large number of single women in this realistic dating age range will be single mothers, which comes with a huge array of dating issues.
For younger guys, a lot of this is related to just not having access to women that are potentially available. A lot of this is heavily related to having a social life that does not expose them to women at all and perhaps working in male dominated environments. Dating apps and online dating are trash and have also made the broader dating market problematic for young men. Most of these guys that are struggling in the dating market are not going to find that things magically improve because they invested in a new wardrobe or started going to the gym. Most of these guys are otherwise normal individuals who dress decently and are of a normal/healthy weight, they aren't wearing soiled clothes, have poor hygiene or incredibly overweight lol.
Way too many that assume there is something wrong with men who aren't experiencing success when a lot of is related to external factors beyond their control.