I did this in my first marriage. I do not recommend it. It was a disaster.I would recommend any man get married to a woman who makes/has more money than he does so that he can benefit from the laws surrounding marriage.
Imagine getting paid alimony for cheating on your wife lmao.
I brought in 40% of the pay and I made what most here would consider good money.
Wives resent their husbands when the husband makes less than them. Impossible to lead your wife when you make less than her.
The more money we made, the more my first wife spent. No financial plan, just always carrying tens of thousands on credit card balances. My financial future was dependent on the whims of first wife’s emotions.
I did get $40K in the divorce though, which is over $100K today due to compound interest. Small consolidation for the h*ll I lived through.
Current and forever wife makes about 25% of what I make. She follows the budget, she lets me lead the financial plan and most other things.
She makes me laugh and smile every day.
She keeps the house incredibly clean despite my inherent messiness.
Always go for women who are younger, shorter, and make less than you. Otherwise, the relationship is doomed from the start. This is biology.