Why is girls are naturally better than guys at seduction?

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
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Interceptor said:
Simply put. women evolved with a higher degree of understanding social dynamics, and emotions. They created emotional bonds and intimacy, and look for those things in mates.
Realizing that the majority of men are very socially naive, and easily manipulated, especially those who are desperate for sex, and a woman has a playground for seduction.
This guy's speakin' the truth. I assume you're talking about top tier women (HB8s-10s), basically any woman that dates a lot. There are lots of women who don't know what the hell they're doing, cause they don't know how to make their appearance stand out to the male gender. The girls who are hit on all the time, though, usually know how to read men really well.


Mar 3, 2008
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Yep interceptor is always right, this guy is somethin special i tell ya.. :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Faded Image said:
Because they have something between their legs that all straight men love.

And us straight men have something between our legs that straight women love too.

Always keep that in mind.

Women can get as horny as you do.
But because of various reasons, some feel repressed in expressing it to you.

Women are often under the assumoption that men cannot control their impulse and desires.

So they grow up with that kind of paradigm, and they operate in a certain manner because of that.

After a while though, they begin to see that many men DO NOT "SEE" the WOMEN they are interacting with.
And many women then begin to feel 'invisible' and looked on as simpley a sexual plaything, nothing more.

This is part of the reasoning for those inital sh*t tests women throw out at you.
Because they assume you're a 'dog'.

Now, women DO like and appreciate Masculine Sexuality, they don't really appreciate obsessive , drooling, out of control sexuality...especially when youre still a stranger to her.

Women want the men they desire to pay attention to them.
To notice the little details.
This makes them feel that you are different.
You 'niotice' HER. Not just her tits and ass.

This way she feels that you will be a considerate Lover in bed.

This turns her on.

She also will feel that she can be herself with you.
n that she knows that she is showing a 'persona' to the world, buit wants to be herself with a Man.

She doesnt want you to judge her.
She wants to be able to confide in you, and trust you.
And deep down,she wants you to make her a Better Woman.
There are so many things going on at once...

This is why I stress to pursue HIGH CHARACTER.
And pursue the demonstration of POSITIVE MASCULINITY.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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Really good

Interceptor said:
And us straight men have something between our legs that straight women love too.

Always keep that in mind.

Women can get as horny as you do.
But because of various reasons, some feel repressed in expressing it to you.

Women are often under the assumoption that men cannot control their impulse and desires.

So they grow up with that kind of paradigm, and they operate in a certain manner because of that.

After a while though, they begin to see that many men DO NOT "SEE" the WOMEN they are interacting with.
And many women then begin to feel 'invisible' and looked on as simpley a sexual plaything, nothing more.

This is part of the reasoning for those inital sh*t tests women throw out at you.
Because they assume you're a 'dog'.

Now, women DO like and appreciate Masculine Sexuality, they don't really appreciate obsessive , drooling, out of control sexuality...especially when youre still a stranger to her.

Women want the men they desire to pay attention to them.
To notice the little details.
This makes them feel that you are different.
You 'niotice' HER. Not just her tits and ass.

This way she feels that you will be a considerate Lover in bed.

This turns her on.

She also will feel that she can be herself with you.
n that she knows that she is showing a 'persona' to the world, buit wants to be herself with a Man.

She doesnt want you to judge her.
She wants to be able to confide in you, and trust you.
And deep down,she wants you to make her a Better Woman.
There are so many things going on at once...

This is why I stress to pursue HIGH CHARACTER.
And pursue the demonstration of POSITIVE MASCULINITY.
Good read. Also they have a sixth sense, basically the ability to be able to control a majority of men's minds, that would even be able sense if you are a dog. It this point, she get him(the AFC) to whatever, he wants to do for her pleasure. Including being her personal slave, (In which he would get no sex in return...just do what she says to win her over, but will never work!). If she senses a dog she tells him(the slave) to always carry a knife and a bat, to first a bat knock him out...a knife to cut off any pontential dog's penis, stick it up his ass. Then ...leave him out in the open on purpose naked with a note saying "Basically I am so gay...I had to cut off my penis and stick it up my ass for pleasure. Basically, I decided to (Fvck Myself Over)."

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
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Fort Bragg, NC
Interceptor said:
And us straight men have something between our legs that straight women love too.

Always keep that in mind.

Women can get as horny as you do.
But because of various reasons, some feel repressed in expressing it to you.

Women are often under the assumoption that men cannot control their impulse and desires.

So they grow up with that kind of paradigm, and they operate in a certain manner because of that.

After a while though, they begin to see that many men DO NOT "SEE" the WOMEN they are interacting with.
And many women then begin to feel 'invisible' and looked on as simpley a sexual plaything, nothing more.

This is part of the reasoning for those inital sh*t tests women throw out at you.
Because they assume you're a 'dog'.

Now, women DO like and appreciate Masculine Sexuality, they don't really appreciate obsessive , drooling, out of control sexuality...especially when youre still a stranger to her.

Women want the men they desire to pay attention to them.
To notice the little details.
This makes them feel that you are different.
You 'niotice' HER. Not just her tits and ass.

This way she feels that you will be a considerate Lover in bed.

This turns her on.

She also will feel that she can be herself with you.
n that she knows that she is showing a 'persona' to the world, buit wants to be herself with a Man.

She doesnt want you to judge her.
She wants to be able to confide in you, and trust you.
And deep down,she wants you to make her a Better Woman.
There are so many things going on at once...

This is why I stress to pursue HIGH CHARACTER.
And pursue the demonstration of POSITIVE MASCULINITY.
Well put and excellent read.

I'm just keeping it simple though.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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East Chicago
crossboss said:
It is obvious that men are in general better at things like strength and brains. So I am guessing females, knowing that obviously can't beat guys in those areas they focus on people, and emotions...Where if they put in the effort can get people better than guys. Guys put their efforts in the other two.

But, I don't really know for sure?
What do you think?
What is your opinion?
It's simple. Seduction was invented by women.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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Possibly too

Women do absolutely nothing. It is that easy for a female to get laid. Men are naturally hornier...women aren't better in seduction. It is just that men have the desire to procreate. While females, are seduced.

For this reason, it will the alpha female with always have an easier time than the alpha male, because there will always be some horny guy.

I always wondered by women with extreme emotional problems, not even that good looking can get laid.

While a good looking guy like me took years before I got any action.

Basically the only reason why Brad Pitt has it easy is he is a celeb. Before then, he couldn't get laid because he didn't have inner confidence.

Basically there is no way for men to make it, even if all of the men in the world became less horny than women, then human civilazation would dye. Since females aren't horny enough to keep the planet going...


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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And because

There is a higher degree of men being horny than females... Females put up this 'bytch shield' against dogs. Develop the 'challenge' idea.

While on the other hand most men don't mind a horny woman approaching them

Haven't you heard the famous saying by a female "Even if you are last person on the earth and the survival of the human race depended on us having sex...I still would have sex with you!" Funny if it wern't for males...
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Black Minx

Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
Women have evolved higher skill at communication and understanding.
They are much better at body language, social dynamics, and are geared to creating a 'nesting' environment.
Simply put. women evolved with a higher degree of understanding social dynamics, and emotions. They created emotional bonds and intimacy, and look for those things in mates.
Realizing that the majority of men are very socially naive, and easily manipulated, especially those who are desperate for sex, and a woman has a playground for seduction.
Women believe that every man is a slave to sex.
They also know how to appeal to your Ego.
In addition, men lacking social skills and low skills in communication, are easily awed by a woman's command of the social language, environment, and interaction.
Another angle to add to it is that society expects and has programed women to be better at social dynamics from an early age, so for most women they have a lifetime of expectations to live up to as well as experience in trying to live up to those expectations. This programing happens from an extremely early age, where guys are encouraged to participate in sports than make-shift tea parties.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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I have several women wrapped around my finger because I tell them no to sex regularly. I have a regular fvck buddy i turn down all the time and she'll txt me and be like "i'm so pathetic when i beg you."

Last night I had a girl here on my couch doing her best to turn me on (rubbing me through my shorts and stuff) and I just ignored it and kept watching the tv. Eventually after like 2 hours she got mad and started to storm out "WHY WON'T YOU KISS ME?" I told her I don't kiss girls at first (lol) and didn't say anything else while she collected all her stuff and walked out the door. Then she opened the door back up (i guess i was supposed to follow her? haha), and started to apologize that she was just frustrated because "you're so hot" and that I should call her again.

My point is to control your damn self. It flips sh1t on them and they are not used to it and aren't sure how to react at all.

And naturally better at seduction? ehhh... there are a HELL of a lot ugly girls. And the pretty ones.. are they doing any seduction? They just show up and guys volunteer to sex them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Good point

mrRuckus said:
I have several women wrapped around my finger because I tell them no to sex regularly. I have a regular fvck buddy i turn down all the time and she'll txt me and be like "i'm so pathetic when i beg you."

Last night I had a girl here on my couch doing her best to turn me on (rubbing me through my shorts and stuff) and I just ignored it and kept watching the tv. Eventually after like 2 hours she got mad and started to storm out "WHY WON'T YOU KISS ME?" I told her I don't kiss girls at first (lol) and didn't say anything else while she collected all her stuff and walked out the door. Then she opened the door back up (i guess i was supposed to follow her? haha), and started to apologize that she was just frustrated because "you're so hot" and that I should call her again.

My point is to control your damn self. It flips sh1t on them and they are not used to it and aren't sure how to react at all.

And naturally better at seduction? ehhh... there are a HELL of a lot ugly girls. And the pretty ones.. are they doing any seduction? They just show up and guys volunteer to sex them.
If you show you aren't horny all the time, like a female does, it works..


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Most women don't even need or want a man in their life. They wait for Mr. right and often times won't settle for less. The way I also see it is that women choose, not men.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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nismo-4 said:
Most women don't even need or want a man in their life. They wait for Mr. right and often times won't settle for less. The way I also see it is that women choose, not men.

You don't choose what women you see?

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
mrRuckus said:
I have several women wrapped around my finger because I tell them no to sex regularly. I have a regular fvck buddy i turn down all the time and she'll txt me and be like "i'm so pathetic when i beg you."

Last night I had a girl here on my couch doing her best to turn me on (rubbing me through my shorts and stuff) and I just ignored it and kept watching the tv. Eventually after like 2 hours she got mad and started to storm out "WHY WON'T YOU KISS ME?" I told her I don't kiss girls at first (lol) and didn't say anything else while she collected all her stuff and walked out the door. Then she opened the door back up (i guess i was supposed to follow her? haha), and started to apologize that she was just frustrated because "you're so hot" and that I should call her again.

My point is to control your damn self. It flips sh1t on them and they are not used to it and aren't sure how to react at all.

And naturally better at seduction? ehhh... there are a HELL of a lot ugly girls. And the pretty ones.. are they doing any seduction? They just show up and guys volunteer to sex them.
Lol. This is funny man. We have to put the hoes in their place! :cheer:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
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It's because men have distorted desires. We think with our d1cks instead of their minds. Women don't think with their puss y. They think more rationally and not by what turns them on. We go for what gives us a hardon.

Don't you think that if you didn't attach so much importance on beauty, that you would probably have as many women as you wanted? Probably!


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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tick37 said:
It's because men have distorted desires. We think with our d1cks instead of their minds. Women don't think with their puss y. They think more rationally and not by what turns them on. We go for what gives us a hardon.

Don't you think that if you didn't attach so much importance on beauty, that you would probably have as many women as you wanted? Probably!

Good point


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
Think about basic biological roles in nature.

Men try to mate as much as possible to spread their gene pool and will hook up with anything.

Women select the mate that has the best chances of creating and raising offspring that can mate further down the line. Since raising children is a long process that takes a lot of energy she has to be very selective.

It's pretty straight forward when I think of it like that. Women seducing men is like driving down to the unemployment office and asking if anyone there wants free money... most men are enslaved to pvssy

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
alotta guys have been conditioned to put pvssy on the pedastole. They think it is the reason of their existance. my opinion suggests quite the opposite, i know that there is sooo much pvssy that I realise that its the most expanible natural resource we got lol.

I don't think girls are betta its just guys make it way too easy for em. If all guys world wide made a pack to pursue life and not nessarly girls-women would have to evolve and step their game up! They would have put more effort in chasing us and even out the playing field.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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I think it's because women have higher standards then women do. As dopexile basically said men only want to spread their seeds and they will have sex with almost anything.

Women have more on the line. They are looking for the men they think have the best genes and will make the best kids. Women aren't really concerned with looking who will make the best father to raise their kids though. If they were looking for the best person to help raise her children she would stick with the boring but stable nice guys.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Master Bates said:
I thought something like 52% of the population is female.
LOL.. yeh the Govt. tells you that so you will keep working hard and making money in homes of finding a mate.... If they tell the real story male depression will sky rocket and so will the crime rate...