Master Don Juan
Contrary to popular belief Humans are generally not satisfied with perfection because it is boring
There always has to be some struggle or pain we strive for its why people are addicted to gambling / alcohol / drugs etc
Theres excitement and thrill in something we do not fully understand ..... see crypto as a great example
Its effectively nothing yet people on scale are fascinated by it as they can project all their strange ideas and fantasies onto it
Personally when it comes to women I am not particularly interested in the psychotic types as I know they will bring too much chaos into my life
I dated one for 6 months in 2023 - never again
There always has to be some struggle or pain we strive for its why people are addicted to gambling / alcohol / drugs etc
Theres excitement and thrill in something we do not fully understand ..... see crypto as a great example
Its effectively nothing yet people on scale are fascinated by it as they can project all their strange ideas and fantasies onto it
Personally when it comes to women I am not particularly interested in the psychotic types as I know they will bring too much chaos into my life
I dated one for 6 months in 2023 - never again