It is in your very statement that an incel is often stuck within the belief that it is all involuntary to begin with.
No incel on the planet has merely one small issue that can easily be turned around in a week. All have a significant number of issues, some psychological and some physical, each issue having varying degrees of severity depending on the individual, with each issue often requiring months and in many cases even years to correct. And all of these issues must be worked on simultaneously.
This is where the involuntary belief comes from. To do such a thing without extreme guidance is virtually impossible to do.
And herin lies another part of the problem. Even in cases where an incel is willing to follow the advice of a "guru", no single piece of advice, even if it is 100% accurate and indisputable, will work for an incel. This is because there is no single effort such a man can make that will overcome all of the other issues single handedly.
This creates another very significant problem: In every instance where an incel willingly listens to a "guru", he will fail because the other issues are too much to overcome with a single handed effort. And it will be in that failure that the incel will reinforce his belief that the guru is full of sh*t; that his advice is wrong, does not and never will apply to the incel, etc. hence....he rails and debates and argues against the very men (and women in some cases) who can actually help him.
Truth be told, the only way out for an incel is the same way he got in. He must continue to forge through failure and rejection, the only difference being, he must continue to endure this as he continues to make small, consistent changes for the better over a long period of time, for months and years; tiny victories that lead to no significant results by themselves, but will add up over time.
This is precisely what an incel DOESNT want to do, because he has already failed more than enough. He is too thirsty for victory to have such perseverance and patience.