It's OVER for MedianCels.
In the United States, men in the middle of the bell curve are more likely to be sexless/near sexless if they are in the younger generations (Millennials, Gen Z)
The older living generations middle of the bell curve men (Baby Boomers, Generation X) had more of a chance being in the middle of the bell curve. Right now, there are plenty of 40s/50s Generations X'ers in sexless marriages. That's a function of longer relationships. When the Millennials of today get to Gen X's age, they won't be in sexless marriages. They'll be unmarried and sexless.
This is due to the memes of the working woman (no, not THAT kind of working woman

) and the Welfare State, making it possible for women to have children without having to submit to a single non-high-tier husband so to guarantee his provisioning.
Second Wave Feminism (1960s-1980s feminism) changed the reality on this. By the end of the 1980s, the ideas of Second Wave Feminism had been ingrained in the United States and other Western nations. The 1960s-1980s was a transitional period from the old order into the new order.
Prior to the rise of Second Wave Feminism (I'll be describing the first 2/3rds of the 1900s), women were not a significant part of the USA's labor force. Women tended to work administrative assistant jobs, nursing and some medical/dental assisting jobs, K-12 teaching jobs, and some other lower wage, service sector jobs. A lot of women only held these jobs for short periods of their lives. They tended to hold these jobs until their first child was born or soon after that. Then, the next group of childless women would take their place. Thesce married women with children would leave their jobs and become economically dependent upon their white collar or blue collar worker husband.
In the first 2/3rds of the 1900s (and even in the 1800s before that), women were economically dependent on men. As a result, women valued the provider male for his economic capabilities. The provider male was typically a middle of the bell curve, beta male. Since the rise of Second Wave Feminism, women have not valued the provider male in any way. They've been able to handle their own economic needs if they are middle class +, usually through obtaining a bachelor's degree or higher and getting some white collar job. My generation (Millennials) came of age after Second Wave Feminism. White, middle class + Millennial women have rarely ever cared deeply about a man's economic provisioning capabilities early in romantic interactions. They judge attraction far more based on looks than anything. Millennial women have been seeking the vaginal tingles more than anything.
You mentioned the Welfare State earlier in this discussion. While provider males were eliminated for middle class + women by higher education and white collar work, provider males were eliminated for lower class women by robust government benefits. Marriage and two parent families are rare in Black/Hispanic communities in the USA. Lower economic class minorities and lower economic class Whites have government benefits to take care of them. They are less inclined for a provider male and marriage. They can also chase vaginal tingles too.
Woman now can "shoot for the stars" and intentionally get knocked up by a Chad, thinking full well that they are going to make it no matter what - and women of a certain level of means can simply pick out a Chad's donor sperm and not even have to accept the man's manhood.
I don't think part of what you describe is common. Women are seeking higher tier for sex but rarely getting knocked up by one. Most White women who are middle class + (bachelor's degree + women with white collar jobs) in the USA are on birth control. They are having sex with top tier men but not getting pregnant from this sex. Additionally, many of the top tier men also using condoms to prevent pregnancy. This is a part of why birth rates have fallen, though a lot of these middle class + women will get married to someone around 30 and pump out 1-2 "Last Call" type babies in their early to mid-30s (32-37). That tends to be trend in bougie social circles as I have documented in the thread below.
Yesterday, I was on my Instagram and saw a pregnancy announcement from an acquaintance's wife in my social circle. I don't particularly like her. I find it annoying to be around her the 1-2 times a year I ever randomly see her in person. Right now, there are 3 women from my local area social...
The women in lower economic classes are the ones not effectively using birth control and having babies in unstable situations.
Women in higher economic classes are doing the following....
- Locking down an alpha/sigma type and having a family with him (less common, but it happens)
- Being a Girl Boss careerist female with the bachelor's degree + and white collar, getting to their 30s/early 40s and being childless, and riding the penis carousel, often having sex with top tier men off of swipe apps who have essentially no intention of committing to them. These Girl Boss types are effectively using birth control in their sexual encounters.
- Marrying around age 30 (often with the nearest beta they can find) and having a boring marriage that produces 1-2 Last Call babies and plenty of photos/videos that can make them look good on social media platforms in the eyes of the social spheres.
The second two bullet points are far more common paths in life.